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label: plot battle hero Magic

 Heroes 3: Chinese Version of Abyss Horn

Heroes 3: Chinese Version of Abyss Horn

More adventurous and exciting battle
  • Type: business strategy
  • Language: Simplified Chinese
  • to update: 2014/01/13 15:36:13
  • size: 853.32 MB
  • System: WinXP/Win7/Win8/Vista
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Heroes are invincible 3: Abyss Horn 》It is a new mod of Heroes 3, similar to the previous WOG (follow miracles), and belongs to the unofficial expansion of Heroes 3. Compared with the original Heroes of the Magic III: Shadow of Death, this mod has added some new content, including a new race. It is expected that more races will be added in the updated version.

Game features

Heroes of Magic III: Abyss Horn 》The difference between the previous work Heroes of the Magic III: Following the Miracle (WOG) is that this new mod created an independent race, which is currently temporarily translated as "Port City". However, the commander system and arms experience system are cancelled, which is closer to the original version of Hero Invincible 3. The new mod also changes the image of some arms, and new races can be better integrated into the original.

At present, HOTA has a preliminary Chinese version. Except for the newly added "Port City", it is almost completely Chinese, with a rate of 90%. Of course, the production team will update again later. It is said that the "casting family" deleted in the version of "Blade of Doom" will also reappear in the abyss horn.

Version Introduction

1. It will include new port towns, new battles in the first part, some new materials, monsters, etc.

2. It will include new Kronverk town, new campaigns in the second part (and new missions in the main campaign will also include new towns), new materials, magic, monsters, etc.

3. The new Cathedral town, the new campaign and some new content in the third part.

4. In the future, we did not plan these in the design list, but it is likely to have Roman style towns.

one Kurkos

Power hero+captain

Speciality attack

Initial skill attack: sailing

Few people want to be the enemy of Kurkos. This irascible pirate is one of the most experienced and cruel old sailors. Many businessmen already know that if Kurkos decides to rob his own ship, it is better to hand over the goods in person, or it will lead to a life-threatening war. Because of the eye mask that never takes off, Kurkos is easy to recognize.

two jeremy

Extra long cannon (increase the attack and defense of cannon after Level 5)

Initial Skill Ballistics: Artillery

As the legendary brother of Peter Lee, Jeremy is not so serious and not so smooth. He likes to have fun, drink and beautiful women. In addition, he also has a hobby - he likes weapons, and he also likes collecting various latest designs. For Jeremy, the roar of artillery was more pleasant than any sounds of nature. Sailors rumored that Jeremy could use Cannon to shoot seagulls hundreds of yards away. (5000 pieces of cannons are sold at the blacksmith's shop in Port City, causing considerable damage)

three Ireul

Special sea sculpture

Initial Skill Attack: Tactics?

When his fellow townsmen could not bear his arrogant temper, Ilor ran away from ab'li (place name). This young man never likes others to be taller than him, but also always aspires to live in a higher place, even to the point of indulging in bird research. After wandering on the sea for a long time, he found that the pirates did not welcome him - he could not get the spoils, and his orders were not taken seriously. So he came alone to an island where giant birds built their nests earlier than ever before. Ilor stayed on the island for several years, training wild birds until they could complete their instructions. From then on, Ilor became an indispensable figure on the pirate ship.

four Derrick

Skilled thug

Initial skill attack: leader?

When Derek was a member of a large number of slaves, the iron chain locked him with the oars of the battle ship. But once he led a protest with other coolies, who killed the ship owner and occupied the ship. Since then, Derek and his associates have joined the pirate "Rigney". Derek is different from other captains in that he does not exclude working with other sailors and never uses corporal punishment. (The leader is a good leader, but the soldiers are a bit of soy sauce)

five Lena

Specialties+350 gold coins

Initial Skill Navigation: Financial Management?

Lina is a descendant of a famous family in the coastal city of "Erafia". Since she was very young, she has a very bold and unconstrained character. Because of this, when her father wanted to marry her to someone else, she ran away. She regards sailing as her home, and the most surprising thing is that she has the same language with the pirates of Rigny. Soon the pirates found that this young female pirate not only had a heart of stone, but also had a very broad access to smuggling black goods in the mainland. (350+wealth management is really rich)

six Annabel

Skilful sailor

Initial Skill Attack: Lucky?

To offend the daughter of "Deaf Niris" is to write her own death sentence. Any pirate knows that no woman is more cunning and dangerous than she. Annabel's father is one of the most cruel pirates, and she completely inherited her father's blood. Her superb skills and charming face always inspire her men to fight with all their strength. (The key point of this hero is that the child soldier has been upgraded twice, but she cannot increase the captain attribute of the third level soldier.)

seven Cassanbel

Special sea spirit

Initial skill attack: intelligence?

It is said that Cassanbel was once the mistress of a Rigney warlock, and she became a victim in a failed experiment (turning humans into sea elves). No one is sure whether human girls can become sea elves, nor does anyone know the truth of this history. However, it is well known that the sea elves are more receptive to Cassanbel than other commanders. Under her leadership, the sea elves willingly set foot on the battlefield.

eight Miria

Special investigation (investigation scope+3)

Initial skill attack: investigation?

The girl has a rather dark past. She used to be a ranger who could see the enemy and obstacles from a considerable distance. However, due to the dispute with her colleagues, she joined the pirates. Among the robbers, she got a nickname - Sharp Eye.

nine Kasmetra

Magic hero+navigator

Ocean Warlock

Initial skill wisdom: Water system (When the hero has advanced water system magic, the weakness of the sea warlock is all magic.)?

The head of the mysterious sea worshipping priestess appeared from the shadow not long ago. No one knows where she came from or what she did. However, everyone who has seen Kasmetra herself is full of praise for her beauty and magical power. Many people believe that Kasmetra joined the pirates to pursue his own interests. But year after year, those pirates and priestesses, who had been forced to do so, now voluntarily became the closest comrades in arms of Kasmetra.

ten Ewati

Special image magic (the first image magic cast in each battle can create 3 images, but the magic cost is doubled)

Initial skill intelligence: intelligence?

Evati has never trained magic skills, and all his magic talents are talents. Ewati grew up in a coastal city, and he used his skills to split himself in two to steal in the market. Over time, Ewati became a rich and powerful person until he offended the truly disgusting and powerful enemy - the local rulers. Since then, the self-taught magician Ewati abandoned his hometown and chose pirates for himself journey

eleven Spent

Special magic

Initial skill wisdom: magic?

Once upon a time, Spent was a talented novice warlock who trained in the Academy of Brakada. However, the bandits of Krylord captured him and sold him to the ship as a slave. The captain soon noticed Spent's magic ability and was willing to let him be the boatswain. Now, Spent became the captain himself. He burned all the ships near the coast of Krylord and began to enjoy a new life.

twelve Andel

Specialty+1 crystal

Initial skill wisdom: pathfinding (this is a bit interesting. People who mine crystal mines in the mountains should know pathfinding)?

Andy Andel, a veteran pirate, never thought of himself as a warlock at first, let alone a pirate. He used to be an ordinary businessman until one time he was heavily in debt. So Andel began to look for ways to make money quickly. After long disappearance from his hometown, Andel made a comeback as a famous smuggler. Generally speaking, Andel is engaged in the trade of jewels, jades and crystal minerals. Where these things come from has always been a mystery.

thirteen Manfred

Superb fireball

Initial skill wisdom: fire system?

Even the most senseless hunter among pirates would try to avoid this stranger. No one knows the origin of Manfred, but everyone knows that as long as he waves his hand, he can burn a whole yacht.

fourteen Sheila

Special amnesia method (duration doubled)

Initial skill wisdom: water system?

Sheila used to be a librarian somewhere in Erafia. Just like a real librarian's lifestyle, his life was dedicated to books and knowledge. But Sheila can't remember all the knowledge in her mind. Sometimes he forgets more knowledge than he learns in a day. Once, Sheila was accused of stealing valuable books, so he had to run away. For a while, Sheila was a cook on a pirate ship, but later he became a famous warlock. It is said that thanks to the unremitting training of will and mind, Sheila, the old librarian, can control his own memory and that of his rivals. 15. Astra's special cold ice magic ring initial skill, wisdom learning ability, whether the harbor clan soldiers are good or not, at least the heroes are outstanding. In this place where there are so many experts, the specialty Binghuan has become a disadvantage, and she even has a magic skill. Binghuan sister can be called No.1 soy sauce hero of the port clan - I guess the author also thinks she is too soy sauce, so she doesn't do it seriously.

15. Dagham

Special atmospheric shield

Initial skill wisdom: air magic?

Dagham's identity is a legend. It is said that once he captured a fortress, and the arrows of the guardian could not cause him any damage. This is because Dagham used to live Dungeons ——Nigan is one of the young wizards, and Dagem would not mention this history too much. However, everyone knows that Dagem's knowledge of the magic of Nigan is his ace. Many people are convinced that it is totally futile to shoot Dagem's ships with arrows or artillery.

16. Hide Heroes


Captain with special skills (the ability of arms will not be increased, but the sailor and mate can be directly upgraded to captain)

Initial skill: intermediate attack?

Petri is one of the most successful pirates on the coast of Erafia. He challenges all kinds of problems and tries all kinds of adventures all day long. Many people hoped that he would die early, but their hopes were all dashed - because Petrie was not only an excellent soldier who was proficient in sabres and rifles, but also taught these skills to his elite troops.

17. Hide Heroes


Super Crocodile Man

Initial Skill Attack: Defense?

The Mermaid is a semi god race living in the sea, and people have long believed that they have become extinct. Tucker, the duke of the fish people, realized that the help of powerful allies was indispensable if he wanted to revive his own race. And this powerful ally is the pirate. Like all fish men, Tucker is a powerful soldier who can fight in the sea or on land. As the ruler of the fish people, the other fish people worship him very much and regard him as the direction of efforts.

Introduction to arms

Level 3 soldiers can be upgraded twice~. The final form is captain, long-range soldier,

The stunt is a fatal blow, which is a certain chance to kill the enemy. It is very similar to the eye of the god of death of a bull, but it is easy to produce special effects when there are about 100.

I think this branch is the highlight of the Port Clan.

Unlike the Crusaders, the special effect of Level 4 Sea Sculpture can only be double clicked after killing at least one unit, similar to the 5 generation homeopathic split.

Although the level 6 soldiers don't have much HP, their defense is high. Their special skills can reduce the enemy's attack power by 60%. It's hard to kill them. It's a good meat shield.

The revenge special skill of Lv7 soldiers simply means that the less HP you have, the more damage you will increase when attacking the enemy. There are specific formulas that are more complicated.

Nival Interactive

Issue Date
films for reference
Heroes are invincible
August 31, 1995
Heroes 2
April 30, 1997
Heroes of Magic 2: The Price of Loyalty (April 1997)
Heroes 3
February 28, 1999
Heroes of the Magic Gate 3: Doomsday Blade (September 30, 1999)
Heroes of Magic Gate 3: Shadow of Death (March 31, 2000)
Heroes 3: Abyss Horn (January 2012)
Chronicle of Heroes: Full Version (January 1, 2000)
Heroes Invincible: Ruins of God of War (2000)
Heroes Invincible Chronicles: Flying Dragon Battle (2000)
Heroes Invincible Chronicles: Conquering Hell (2012)
Hero Invincible: God of the Universe (2012)
History of Heroes: World Tree
History of Heroes: Hot Planet
History of Heroes: Sword of Ice
History of Heroes: Resistance of Animal Trainers
Chronicles of Heroes: The Final Chapter (2001)
Heroes 4
September 15, 2001
Heroes of Magic Gate 4: Rapid Storm (September 26, 2002)
Heroes of Magic Gate 4: Breeze Battlefield (February 23, 2003)
Heroes 5
February 28, 2006
Heroes of Magic Gate 5: Hammer of Destiny (November 17, 2006)
Heroes of Magic 5: Oriental Tribe (October 19, 2007)
Heroes 6
October 13, 2011
Heroes 6: Dark Shadow (May 2, 2013)
Heroes 6: Dance of Death (October 17, 2012)
Heroes 6: Barbarian Pirates (July 12, 2012)

Download instructions

1. When the game is installed and running, the dll is missing, the memory cannot be read, and the configuration is incorrect. Please download the corresponding Common plug-in runtime for stand-alone games

2. The game may be prompted by some anti-virus software. Some reports of virus are related to cracking Chinese characters. Please download carefully.

This website, Heroes 3: The Chinese Version of the Abyss Horn, is provided by the netizen "Sorrow as a Monologue" for display only, and the copyright belongs to the original author;
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