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Cadres, teachers and students of our school earnestly study and understand the important guiding spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping on the construction of ideological and political courses in our school
Release time: 2024-05-14 16:50:16
A few days ago, General Secretary Xi Jinping gave important instructions on the construction of ideological and political courses in the school. The cadres and teachers of our school are in high spirits, and they immediately carry out special study, discussion and exchange.
On May 14, the school held the president's office meeting. President Wang Haohan, Secretary of the University Party Committee Wang Chunchao and other members of the school's leading group collectively learned the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping. The meeting stressed that it is necessary to effectively improve the political position, thoroughly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions, implement the requirements of the meeting for building a strong city through higher education and promoting high-quality development of colleges and universities in the city, focus on the collaborative innovation of "major ideological and political courses", and strive to build a team of ideological and political teachers with "strong politics, deep feelings, new thinking, broad vision, strict self-discipline, and positive personality", We will make every effort to promote the high-quality development of our Marxism Institute.
Relevant business lines and departments of the school also successively conveyed the important guiding spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping on the construction of ideological and political courses of the school through business line work meetings, departmental meetings and other forms. It is believed that we should further improve our ideological understanding, accurately grasp the requirements of soul building education and ideological and political construction of the curriculum, adhere to the same direction of ideological and political curriculum and professional curriculum, adhere to the complementarity between classroom teaching and social practice, actively build the educational work system of "five integration, five coverage and five linkage", and promote the formation of common concern Support and participate in the good situation of ideological and political course construction.
The College of Marxism organized teachers to carry out thematic study and discussion. The school's ideological and political course teacher said that General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on the construction of the school's ideological and political course encouraged morale and urged people to forge ahead. We should expand the new pattern of comprehensive education with "big ideological and political courses", combine small ideological and political classes with big social classes, promote students to better understand the national conditions and people's conditions, and strengthen their ideals and beliefs. We should follow the educational laws, deeply promote the integrated construction of ideological and political education in universities, middle schools and primary schools, design curriculum goals step by step and spirally, close to students' thinking, learning and life reality, and let students love to listen, learn and understand.

(Writer: Liu Wei, Publicity Department; Reviewed by: Ge Hongjun, Publicity Department)