• "Never let the people down"

    After the 18th CPC National Congress, General Secretary Xi Jinping insisted "Tigers" and "flies" fought together and launched an unprecedented anti-corruption struggle. reach two thousand and fourteen It has been investigated and dealt with eighty-three Manage cadres in the middle. The determination of General Secretary Xi Jinping to eliminate sickness and bring about chaos has won the people's praise.

    two thousand and fourteen year twelve In June, General Secretary Xi Jinping went to Jiangsu for an investigation. In Shiye Town, Dantu District, Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu Province, Cui Ronghai, an old party member, said to General Secretary, "You are the bane of corrupt elements and the blessing of the whole nation.". The General Secretary said that he would never let the people down.

    "I hope everyone has a good life"

    The life of the people has always been the concern of General Secretary Xi Jinping. two thousand and fourteen year twelve During his visit to Jiangsu in August, the General Secretary went into the home of Hong Jiayong, a villager, and sat around with them to talk about production and people's needs.

    Seeing the pot stewed with potatoes and meat, the general secretary said "Really fragrant"! Seeing the water chestnut and other food frozen in the refrigerator, the General Secretary said happily, "I hope everyone has a good life". Seeing turnips, cabbage and spinach growing in the courtyard, Xi Jinping also said humorously, "spinach in autumn is' autumn wave '.".

    Worry about the people, joy of the people. As the General Secretary once said: "The Communist Party of China is the party of the people. It is for the people to do these things. We are happy to see that the people's lives are better, richer, have money to spend, children receive good education, and the elderly have medical security."

  • At present, we should pay special attention to innovation drive

    General Secretary Xi Jinping has always been concerned about the development of manufacturing industry. He pointed out that we must always attach great importance to the development and expansion of the real economy, and we must focus on the manufacturing industry to grasp the real economy.

    two thousand and seventeen year twelve In April, after the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Xi Jinping came to Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province for his first domestic investigation, and the first stop was XCMG. In the workshop of the Chassis Branch of XCMG Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd., the General Secretary walked and looked, listened and asked two hundred and twenty The meter long intelligent production line for crane chassis goes from head to tail. At the end of the assembly line, the General Secretary also sat in the cab of an all terrain crane just off the line, had an interesting experience, and asked the technical personnel for details of technical innovation and operation process.

    General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that we must always attach great importance to the development and expansion of the real economy, and we cannot take the path of single development, breaking away from reality to emptiness. To develop the real economy, we must do a good job in the manufacturing industry. At present, we must pay special attention to the drive of innovation and master and apply key technologies.

    Develop characteristic industries and economy

    two thousand and seventeen year twelve In March, in Mazhuang Village, Pananhu Street, Xuzhou City, General Secretary Xi Jinping visited the sachet workshop of Wang Xiuying, a villager. Wang Xiuying has eighty Senior, she told the general secretary that her Chinese medicine sachets sell well, with annual net income twenty More than ten thousand yuan.

    General Secretary Xi Jinping repeatedly praised That's great ”“ Very delicate He also said he would buy one for the elderly Cheer up Wang Xiuying said no money and gave it to the General Secretary. The General Secretary still insisted on paying thirty Yuan.

    The General Secretary affirmed and encouraged the villagers to develop characteristic industries to become rich. He said to the villagers that the development of characteristic industries and economy is an important measure to accelerate the modernization of agriculture and rural areas. We should plan and implement it according to local conditions.

  • Happy life is built by you

    Nantong, Jiangsu, is located in the north wing of the Yangtze River estuary Jianghai Portal It is called. The riverside area in the south of the urban area has a wide river and vast expanses of smoke and waves. There are five mountains along the river, such as Huangni Mountain.

    two thousand and twenty year eleven In June, when General Secretary Xi Jinping was investigating in Jiangsu, he came to the riverside area of Wushan District, Nantong City, and walked along the river to check the riverside ecological environment protection. He spoke with deep emotion to the cadres and masses present forty Years ago.

    General Secretary Xi Jinping said: I am here one thousand nine hundred and seventy-eight Having been to Wushan area for years, I was particularly impressed by the magnificent Yangtze River. This time I came to investigate the integrated development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt and the Yangtze River Delta, and specifically to look at the environmental improvement here. The dirty and disorderly place in the past has become the green belt of the park now, which is really a great change!

    The General Secretary said affectionately that such a happy life was built by you and worked together.

  • The key to Chinese modernization lies in the modernization of science and technology

    In the east of Suzhou, beside Jinji Lake, Suzhou is a new landmark Oriental Gate Soaring into the clouds, it witnessed the modern butterfly transformation of this ancient historic city.

    five In the afternoon of November, General Secretary Xi Jinping had just arrived in Suzhou, and then he went to Suzhou Industrial Park by bus. Out of the car window, as far as you can see, there are many high-rise buildings, which vividly interpret this City of Innovation, Extraordinary Park The surging vitality of.

    Last century ninety In the 1990s, an important cooperation project between the governments of China and Singapore —— Sino Singapore Suzhou Industrial Park is located in Suzhou.

    near thirty Over the past years, the paddy field fish pond outside Suzhou has undergone tremendous changes, becoming a modern high-tech park: two thousand and five hundred National high-tech enterprises sixty-two Listed enterprises, creating nearly one point five The total import and export value of trillion US dollars was achieved in the evaluation of the comprehensive development level of the national economic development zone by the Ministry of Commerce Seven consecutive crowns

    At thirty, there are also changes in the great changes.

    An exhibition board in the exhibition center of the industrial park attracted the attention of General Secretary Xi Jinping.

    There are three pictures printed on the display board: one is one thousand nine hundred and ninety-four The other two hand drawn plans of the park when it was established in two thousand and twelve Year and two thousand and twenty-two The real scene of the park in. Compared with the past, the real photos are strikingly similar to the planning map.

    In the process of urban construction and industrial development, we always adhere to a blueprint. The person in charge of the park said.

    one hundred and eighty Tonnage new energy electric drive system, foldable crimp flexible screen, silicon cube immersion liquid cooling computer, nano vacuum interconnection experimental station …… In the exhibition hall, Suzhou's Star products The general secretary looked at the scene as he walked.

    In a domestic artificial heart ——“ Implantable left ventricular assist system Before, the General Secretary stopped to examine the operation principle. When hearing the existing one hundred Several patients have used this device, and the first patient has already used it six For more than years, the General Secretary was very happy.

    During the National Two Sessions this year, General Secretary Xi Jinping sent a message to Jiangsu to Strive to build a globally influential industrial science and technology innovation center Now, Suzhou Industrial Park aims at this goal and has refined it to two thousand and twenty-five Action plan and specific targets for.

    The General Secretary encouraged: If our economy wants to develop upwards, achieve high-quality development and become an economic power, we must rely on science and technology. I once said that Suzhou Industrial Park should be built into a science and technology innovation center with international influence. You have undertaken such a historic mission, which is both significant and glorious.

    Suzhou Huaxing Yuanchuang Technology Co., Ltd., located in the park, is the first listed enterprise on China's science and technology innovation board. Focusing on semiconductor testing equipment, this enterprise has developed its core competitiveness on the track of subdivided fields.

    General Secretary Xi Jinping was very pleased with the young faces beside the cutting-edge instruments and equipment when he walked into the enterprise's research and development workshop and photoelectric laboratory: They are very energetic!

    What school did you graduate from? ”“ How many years have you worked? ”“ What's your major? The General Secretary inquired kindly.

    According to the person in charge of the enterprise, the average age of the company's employees is only thirty-two Years old. They also set up a Everest Business Department We will speed up tackling key problems in core technology and scale the peak of science and technology.

    What you are doing here is just climbing the peak, which is very meaningful. Young people can display your talents, good!

    Hearing the encouragement of the General Secretary, everyone applauded warmly.

    In the face of energetic employees, General Secretary Xi Jinping said: If the country wants to achieve self-reliance in science and technology, you should seize the historical opportunity when you are born. In the future, you will be proud of your contribution to national rejuvenation!

    seven On the morning of Sunday, when listening to the work report of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee and the Jiangsu Provincial Government, General Secretary Xi Jinping talked about his feelings on this trip, and believed that Suzhou Industrial Park was indeed at the forefront of scientific and technological innovation and high-quality development: It's worth seeing. It gives me confidence to achieve self-reliance and self-improvement in high-level science and technology.

    The key to Chinese modernization lies in the modernization of science and technology. General Secretary Xi Jinping places high hopes on Jiangsu, hoping that Jiangsu will take the lead in making new breakthroughs in scientific and technological innovation, build an important industrial scientific and technological innovation highland in China, and make high-quality development more dependent on innovation driven connotative growth.

    Building the modern civilization of the Chinese nation is an inevitable requirement for promoting Chinese style modernization

    this year six In June, General Secretary Xi Jinping made the first explanation at the symposium on cultural inheritance and development Building the Modern Civilization of the Chinese Nation The major proposition of.

    More than a month later, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to the ancient city of Suzhou to investigate the protection and cultural heritage of the ancient city on the spot and profoundly pointed out that building the modern civilization of the Chinese nation is an inevitable requirement for promoting Chinese style modernization and an important part of the socialist spiritual civilization construction.

    A Suzhou city, half of Jiangnan poetry.

    Since Wu Zixu built Helu City in the Spring and Autumn Period, Suzhou has two thousand and five hundred Many years of city building history. As time goes by, the historical and cultural memory of this city can be preserved and continued.

    six On the morning of the next day, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Pingjiang Historical and Cultural Street, located in the northeast corner of the ancient city of Suzhou, for investigation and research.

    On the display board, a picture of Pingjiang River carved in the Southern Song Dynasty clearly shows the plane outline and street layout of ancient Suzhou.

    The General Secretary looked carefully before approaching.

    The city gate is arranged, streets and alleys are crisscrossed, and waterways are crisscrossed. After years of vicissitudes, the overall layout of Gusu Ancient City today is basically the same as that in the "Pingjiang Map". At one end is the highest point of the ancient city, the North Temple Tower, which was built in the Liang Dynasty of the Southern Dynasty, and at the other end is the skyscraper rising from the ground in Suzhou Industrial Park. The two echo each other through time and space.

    Along the flagstone road, the General Secretary walked into the ancient streets and alleys. Small bridges and flowing water, adjacent to rivers and streets, white walls and black tiles, changing scenery with each passing step, is a typical Jiangnan Water City style.

    In a shop on the street, the General Secretary met Lu Jianying, the representative successor of Suzhou embroidery. A frame of embroidery, a pair of glasses, a steel needle, a strand of silk thread, the mind is as calm as the water and the ground Taiping bird The pattern is lifelike.

    Lu Jianying Deeply Studied Embroidery Skills thirty many years. She showed the General Secretary two works of her cooperation with her mother and daughter: It has been passed on to the fourth generation. My daughter is a student of painting and design. She also loves this industry and can combine tradition with innovation.

    How long will it take for such a work? Asked the General Secretary.

    Some take one year. Lu Jianying said.

    The General Secretary sighed: The inheritance of Chinese culture can be seen from this Suzhou embroidery. Kung Fu like this fully reflects the tenacity, patience and perseverance of the Chinese people, which is part of the spirit of the Chinese nation.

    General Secretary Xi Jinping walked into the cultural and creative commodity store and asked the merchants about the popular commodities, prices and business.

    Qiao Lanrong, the inheritor of intangible cultural heritage, is making Taohuawu woodcut New Year pictures in his shop. When he sees the general secretary coming, he warmly invites the general secretary to experience it. Brush the paint evenly on the engraving plate, and then carefully overprint it on the painting …… "Harmony", a representative New Year picture in Suzhou, is on the paper. The General Secretary said: The implication of the New Year picture "Harmony" is very good. We should promote the formation of a social atmosphere of harmony!

    The local leader told the General Secretary that in addition to the two world cultural heritages of Suzhou gardens and Suzhou section of the Grand Canal, there are seven world intangible cultural heritages in Suzhou.

    Which seven? Asked the General Secretary with interest.

    Kunqu Opera, Guqin, Song Brocade, Kesi, Xiangshan Sect's traditional architectural techniques, Suzhou Dragon Boat Festival customs, Biluochun.

    It's very lucky to live here. It's antique. There are historic sites, places of interest and culture everywhere. Within a hundred paces, there must be grass , this sentence can be used here. The general secretary said.

    On the small square beside the street, under several big camphor trees, local residents and tourists enjoy Pingtan performance while drinking tea.

    There is paradise on the top, Suzhou and Hangzhou on the bottom, gardens in the city, and water villages outside the city ……” Wu Nong's soft words have a long lasting charm. The General Secretary took the lead in applauding after singing the song "Good Scenery of Suzhou".

    I came here to admire the reputation. Yesterday I saw Suzhou Industrial Park, and today I see Suzhou's excellent traditional culture. Suzhou has done a good job in combining tradition with modernity. It not only inherits historical culture, but also has high-tech innovation and high-quality development, representing the future development direction. Pingjiang historical and cultural street is a valuable asset for inheriting and carrying forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture and strengthening the construction of socialist spiritual civilization. To protect, excavate and use it well, we should not only inherit it in material form, but also in mind.

    Stick to the real economy and build a modern industrial system

    eighty Academician Liu Yunjie, aged 15, has grey hair, but when talking about the scientific and technological career he is engaged in, he is full of passion. He can't forget eight The meeting with the General Secretary years ago: two thousand and fourteen year twelve month thirteen On October 1, General Secretary Xi Jinping inspected Jiangsu Industrial Technology Research Institute in Nanjing and listened to the report of academician Liu Yunjie on research and development work.

    six On the afternoon of the th, at the Zijinshan Laboratory in Jiangning District, Nanjing, we saw General Secretary Xi Jinping again. Academician Liu Yunjie was very excited: We have preliminarily conquered a series of core technologies with the insistence of grinding a sword for ten years.

    General Secretary Xi Jinping listened carefully to the latest introduction and fully affirmed the progress made by the scientific research team.

    Zijinshan Laboratory also gathered earlier domestic research 6G Our research team.

    General Secretary Xi Jinping was very pleased to learn that the team has not only achieved a significant increase in transmission rate and system efficiency, but also achieved autonomous control of key technologies by promoting key technology research.

    The General Secretary told the local leaders: We should seize the opportunity, make new contributions, and do this matter wholeheartedly. The Party Central Committee will pay attention to and support you.

    To build a modern industrial system, the dominant position of enterprises is crucial.

    When listening to the work report of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee and the Jiangsu Provincial Government, General Secretary Xi Jinping further stressed that it is necessary to stick to the real economy and build a modern industrial system as the key to strengthening the province, and show new achievements in strengthening the chain, supplementing the chain and extending the chain.

    In recent years, Nanjing has been committed to building a smart grid national advanced manufacturing cluster, and has owned such enterprises as one thousand and two hundred Home, industry scale accounts for the national market 80%

    six In the afternoon of November, the General Secretary came to one of the representative enterprises —— Investigation of NARI Group Co., Ltd.

    In the enterprise exhibition hall, ultra-high voltage transmission technology, power grid dispatching automation system, power grid security and stability device and control system, monitoring system and equipment of giant hydropower station …… The person in charge of the enterprise introduced the core products and technologies as if they were familiar with each other.

    The person in charge told the General Secretary that the Wudongde Hydropower Station on the Jinsha River, the seventh largest in the world in terms of installed capacity, the Baihetan Hydropower Station, the second largest in the world in terms of installed capacity, and the Hebei Fengning Pumped Storage Power Station, the largest in the world, have all widely used their products.

    The General Secretary encourages the person in charge of the enterprise: Your enterprise has played a great role in the safety, efficiency and intelligence of the whole power grid system of the country. We should continue to do a good job.

    In the enterprise's intelligent manufacturing production area, enthusiastic employees gathered around and said hello to the General Secretary.

    Are you satisfied with your work here?


    Do you have the goal of striving for the next step?


    The words of General Secretary Xi Jinping are full of expectations when we see that everyone is energetic and energetic:

    When we say that great things come late, what is it? These are the best and the most exquisite things. They can't be made at once. They need a lot of effort, even a lifetime of energy. I hope you will be ambitious, down-to-earth, step by step, and forge a sword with the tenacity of ten years to Do one thing in a lifetime Our persistence will lead to a valuable life.
