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ChatGPT empowers manufacturing We Media marketing

ChatGPT makes our media marketing in manufacturing industry easier, more efficient and more professional

ChatGPT is an AI model based on natural language processing. It can talk in real time and is almost omniscient. ChatGPT can be used in manufacturing We Media marketing solutions to solve the problems of market research and content production.

 ChatGPT empowers manufacturing We Media marketing

What is ChatGPT

ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence chat robot program developed by OpenAI. It can understand the text input by humans, and output answers and feedback in the form of text according to the questions and instructions of the text, so as to achieve human-computer dialogue with natural language. ChatGPT is a large language model (LLM) and is trained through reinforcement learning.


  • Quick understanding of the industry: ChatGPT can generate high-quality, relevant and insightful market research reports through in-depth study of a large number of relevant data and literature, which helps enterprises better understand the target audience, competitors and market trends.
  • Automated content authoring: ChatGPT can automatically generate articles, essays, product descriptions and other content, reduce the cost and time of content creation for enterprises, while maintaining the quality of content.
  • Marketing strategy analysis: Use ChatGPT to process a large amount of sales, customer and market data, provide enterprises with in-depth market insight and trend analysis, so as to better develop marketing strategies and improve market competitiveness.

What is We Media Marketing

We media marketing refers to a marketing model in which enterprises or individuals attract, retain, and transform target audiences by creating and distributing content independently on their own media platforms.


  • Low input cost: Compared with competitive advertising, we media marketing has lower input costs, which can reduce the marketing costs of enterprises.
  • Customizable content form: We media platform can publish various forms of content, such as pictures, short videos, long articles, etc.
  • Increase brand exposure and influence: Through we media marketing, enterprises can accumulate fans and attention on the platform, and improve brand exposure and influence.

How to use ChatGPT

  • Scientific Internet access
  • Google ChatGPT plug-in
  • Command prompt
  • Designated industry training

To use ChatGPT, scientific Internet access is required, commonly known as "climbing the wall". Stable scientific Internet access tools are the key to using ChatGPT.

It is recommended that red apricots go out of the way, Click to access , purchase subscription, and the mini 20G package can be used for general workload.

 Scientific Internet access
 Scientific Internet access

ChatHub is a chatbot aggregation client based on Google Chrome browser plug-in. You can use it to use multiple AI chat services in one application.

1. Open the scientific online tool (the apricot out of the wall) and log in to the account.

2. Open the Chrome browser, search for ChatHub in the "App Store", and click Install Plug in.

3. Configure the API of ChatGPT

The above three steps can run ChatGPT!

 Google chatgpt plugin
 Google chatgpt plugin
 Google chatgpt plugin

The most important thing to make good use of ChatGPT is to give it the most accurate tips, so that it can accurately find the content we need in the massive data, and then process it and send it back to us.


1. Write specific and clear instructions

2. Time for ChatGPT to think


1. Prompt formula: define role+background information+task target+output requirements

2. Let ChatGPT give the thinking process step by step


You are an automation engineer. If you want to use roller guide, please write a research report of about 500 words in terms of stability, reliability and cost.

Advantages of roller guide compared with linear guide. Elaborate step by step.

 Command prompt
 Command prompt

Skillfully master ChatGPT to solve problems and conduct training in designated industries

Simple questions: who, what, when, where

Complex problems: why/reasoning based on extensive facts, how/providing path tools based on goals

[Sorting out the sentence patterns of questions] (you don't know, GPT knows)

1. I want to know about xxxx. What questions should I ask you?

For example: What questions should I ask you if I want to know about the roller guide?

2. Please list the 50 most commonly used concepts related to xxx field/industry and give a brief explanation.

For example, please list the 50 most commonly used concepts related to the field/industry of roller guide and give a brief explanation.

[Extended cognitive sorting] (you know, GPT also knows)

1. I want to innovate in the field of xxx. Can you provide some inspiration or ideas?

For example: I want to make innovations in the field of ultra-low temperature drug transportation in the laboratory, such as the use of roller guides on equipment. Can you provide some inspiration or ideas?

2. I know the concept of xxx. I want to know more about xxx.

For example: I know the concept of low-temperature cold chain, and I want to know more about the guide rail in low-temperature cold chain.

 Designated industry training
 Designated industry training

We media marketing in combination with ChatGPT

  • Selected from media platform
  • Baijia
  • Zhihu
  • Official website

We are usually familiar with 100 We Media platforms, including Toutiao, WeChat official account, Zhihu, Tiaoyin, Fasthand, Station B, video account, etc.

These are some of the mainstream We Media platforms, in addition to these, there are many others, such as Sohu, Netease, Big Fish, Penguin, Little Red Book, etc. Finally, I would like to remind you that it is very important to choose the right platform for our media platform.

How to select the right We Media platform

1. Search industry keywords for each of the above platforms to see if there are competitors

2. Search industry keywords on Baidu, check the search results page, and see if there is any platform above

 We Media Platform
 We Media Platform

Baijia is Baidu's We Media content creation and release management platform; The content types that can be published by Baijia are also relatively comprehensive, supporting images and texts, dynamic, short videos, images and texts to videos, live broadcast, collections, atlases, etc.

With the help of industry-leading Baidu search and information flow recommendation, Baijia can display accurate information, and the published content can easily get the ranking of search results.

Operation specification

Set the avatar, name and introduction. The brand name or main products should be reflected in all three places

Use ChatGPT to publish 5 pictures and texts every day, mainly about what, why and how

The title of the image and text content published every day should start with the brand name (Zhixinhang: what is the roller guide rail)


Zhihu is an online question and answer community, which is more required by search engines.

Questioning and answering are the most basic and core functions of Zhihu, the birthplace of content, and the platform users are highly active

Operation specification

Set the avatar, background image, name and introduction. The brand name or main products should be reflected in all four places

Use ChatGPT to answer 5 industry questions every day, and copy the question title to ask ChatGPT

Use ChatGPT to publish three pictures and texts every day, mainly about what, why and how

The title of the image and text content published every day should start with the brand name (Zhixinhang: what is the roller guide rail)


We use ChatGPT for content generation and content marketing on the We Media platform. In this process, users will come to the company's official website through these We Media platforms.

The official website serves as a display platform to undertake this part of traffic. At the same time, enterprises can also use ChatGPT in combination with enterprise industry content to form high-quality brand independent station content and improve user conversion rate.

Operation specification

Use ChatGPT to complete customer portraits

Make use of ChatGPT to complete product application scenarios and involved process links

Use ChatGPT to generate How, why type articles, and output the article template as (industry status, challenges, solutions)

 Official website
 Official website
 Official website

Customize your marketing plan with ChatGPT

There are many differences between different industries, which may be reflected in the consumption environment, competition status, customer demand, market size and other aspects. Therefore, it is also important to develop different marketing and promotion programs for different industries.


Industry market size: different industries have different market sizes, and some industries have relatively small market sizes, so they need more precise marketing strategies; However, some industries have large markets and need to maintain long-term marketing strategies in the market competition.

Different customer groups: different industries serve different customer groups, resulting in different customer needs and purchase decision-making methods. If there is no targeted marketing promotion plan, sales may not be promoted due to the lack of understanding of customer psychology and needs.

Product characteristics are different: the characteristics and functions of products in different industries may be different, and other details such as accessories, quality, and processes may also be different. Therefore, in order to obtain better differentiation advantages in the market, it is very important to develop product differentiation marketing strategies for different industries.


If you agree with our concept of obtaining customers through Internet marketing in the manufacturing industry and just have the demand related to obtaining customers through Internet marketing, you can talk with us.

NamNet looks forward to communicating with you: 189-0733-7671 (Same WeChat account)