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Some problems with WordPress

The following settings are set under the Nginx server.

Deploy SSL Certificate

Use the TrustAsia certificate, enable SSL, and follow the explain Modify. conf and restart Nginx to report an error. The error is as follows:

 Stoping nginx... nginx: [emerg] invalid number of arguments in "ssl_certificate" directive in /usr/local/nginx/conf/vhost/ failed. Use force-quit Starting nginx... nginx (pid ***** *****) already running.

Finally, after a careful look at the configuration, we found that ";" was not added at the end of the lines ssl_certificate server.pem and ssl_certificate_key server.key.

Gmail SMTP plug-in

The purpose of using Gmail SMTP plug-in is to send e-mail through gmail, so as to avoid the risk of disclosing the server IP address and e-mail being easily mistaken for spam.
Fill in the client ID, client key and other information, and click Grant Permission to report an error. The error is as follows:

 Error: redirect_uri_mismatch The redirect URI in the request, -smtp-settings&action=oauth_grant,  does not match the ones authorized for the OAuth client. To update the authorized redirect URIs, visit: *****************

Attempts are invalid.

Later, directly in Enter in the "Authorized Redirect URI" text box of "Web App Client ID" -Smtp settings&action=oauth_grant, save. Click Authorize in the WordPress background and you will succeed.

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Do not reprint without permission: Zigen's blog » Some problems with WordPress

comment three

  1. #-19

    The process of tossing and turning is very painful, but it is full

    Brand upgrade Six years ago (2018-03-05) reply
  2. #-18

    The Gmail SMTP plug-in looks pretty good. At present, it is self built and sent with postfix. I will try it later.

    Lao Yang Six years ago (2018-03-05) reply
    • In fact, sendmail can be used to send emails, but this will expose the local IP address, and emails sent are easily mistaken for spam, so it is convenient to use Gmail SMTP.

      Child mark Six years ago (2018-03-07) reply

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