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Resolve the problem that the taskbar is stuck after Windows 11 wakes up

At noon, they will have a 20 minute break. Windows 11 on the computer has set a 5 minute start screen saver, and after 10 minutes, the monitor will automatically turn off.

However, every time the computer wakes up, the taskbar does not respond, and the desktop program can operate normally. After trying many online methods, the problem remains. After restarting Windows Explorer, the taskbar works normally.

Until a few days ago, I replaced the system's own music player White noise As usual, the computer wakes up after waking up, and everything is normal. The system is still normal after 2 days of continuous use. This makes me wonder if it is the player.

Previously used MusicPlayer2 As a local player, the music player is clean and fresh, without advertisements, pop ups and other messy things. It has all the functions it should have, and can also capture music covers, lyrics, etc., so it has been used for a long time. With the idea of the taskbar problem, I went to the option to find clues.

There are two options for the taskbar. I try to remove the check of "Play progress bar within the time limit of the taskbar".



The result was surprising. After waking up the computer, everything was finally normal.

In conclusion, if you try many online solutions to Windows jam, you may find out whether third-party software conflicts with the system.

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comment five

  1. #-19

    "The computer Windows 11 has set the screen saver to start in 5 minutes, and the monitor will automatically turn off after 10 minutes."
    Our office computer even has its settings turned off, so they can only say a few minutes or more.

    S̆̈ 5 months ago (01-31) reply
    • Write a script by yourself and press fn [Add nothing] every 1 minute

      roughly 5 months ago (02-01) reply
    • It doesn't matter if you don't have your own computer.

      Child mark 5 months ago (02-01) reply
  2. #-18

    Thanks for sharing

    Jiuling Network 2 months ago (04-08) reply

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