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Technical Notes

Code, programming, technology

How to use Nano under Linux in a terminal

Before LNMP, the VI editor was used by default. Now you can select Nano and vim.tiny, and note the simplest for Nano. So I tried to find out how to use it, so that I can set the automatic refresh file of FreshRSS to crontab after changing the server environment. The following is the collected content. Different editors

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 Remove DRM copyright protection of Kindle e-book - Zigen's blog

Remove DRM copyright protection from Kindle e-books

In the past, people used to look for books online, and many resources can be found online. However, with the protection of copyright, many people have improved their awareness of copyright, and free resources are disappearing. As they grow older, they don't want to spend too much time looking for these resources. Besides, many resources are mixed up, or even incomplete. Now they basically buy or borrow books. Recently, it happened that

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 There are too many redirects after WordPress configures https - sub trace blog

Too many redirects after WordPress configured https

After WordPress configures https, the home page cannot be opened, and there are too many redirections. After confirming that the WordPress address (URL) and site address (URL) are correct, and whether to switch to a www domain name or a non www domain name, there are two solutions. Solution 1: Install the plug-in Really Si

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 Excel number single quotation mark converted to text format (small green triangle) - Zigen's blog

Excel number single quotation mark converted to text format (small green triangle)

Sometimes an Excel table exported from a web page has a single quotation mark in front of the number, but it is not a common text format (a small green triangle in the upper left corner of the number). After excluding the option of "error checking" - "numbers are stored in text", there are two solutions. 1、 Double click the number cell manually. When there is less data, you can double click the number cell

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 Some problems encountered with WordPress - Zigen's blog

Some problems with WordPress

The following settings are set under the Nginx server. Deploy the SSL certificate to use the TrustAsia certificate, enable SSL, modify the. conf according to the instructions, restart Nginx and report an error as follows: Stopping nginx nginx: [emerg] invalid nu...

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