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Updated on: July 3rd, 2024

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2024-06-19 08:54

June 18, China coal Belonging to Shaanxi West Company Middle coal Yulin coal charcoal The commencement ceremony of the main device was held for the deep processing base project. The estimated investment in the project feasibility study is 23.888 billion yuan. The main construction content is 2.2 million tons/year methanol, 0.9 million tons/year polyolefin, and the existing coal The chemical industry phase I project was optimized and upgraded, and the 250000 t/a LDPE/EVA chain extension and extension and supporting projects were constructed.

2024-06-07 15:25

according to Shaanxi The Western Provincial Party Committee and the People's Government of China have arranged the deployment of "double more than half" of economic and social development in the first half of the year to ensure the completion of the goal of double control of energy consumption, and strictly control the Guanzhong area coal charcoal Total consumption, promoting large-scale equipment renovation, May 24, Shaanxi The Development and Reform Commission of Western Province organized and held a symposium on the environmental protection and capital work of each city (district) to summarize the phased work and arrange the key work of the next phase. He Zhong, member of the Party Leadership Group and deputy director of the CPC Committee, and director of the Provincial Energy Administration presided over the meeting and delivered a speech.

2024-06-04 16:03

Shaanxi west coal Industry announcement, May 2024 coal charcoal The output was 15.3271 million tons, up 5.05% year on year; Self-produced coal The sales volume was 15.2 million tons, up 5.08% year on year.

2024-05-24 16:38

Shaanxi Western Energy announced that on May 24, 2024, the company successfully won Qianyang Mountain in Huan County, Gansu Province with 37.35 million yuan coal Mining rights. The mining right is located in Huan County, Qingyang City, Gansu Province, coal charcoal The resource reserves are 1019839800 tons. Subsequent matters of successful bidding include signing the Confirmation of Mining Right Transfer within 5 working days, and signing the Mining Right Transfer Contract with Gansu Provincial Department of Natural Resources after the period of publicity expires without objection. The source of bidding funds is the company's own funds, which is expected to improve the company's operating performance.

2024-05-09 09:44

May 9th Shaanxi Western market power coal Strong operation. Shaanxi Most of the western region coal Normal production and sales of the mine, coal charcoal The overall supply is basically stable. Recently, the port quotation has been continuously raised, overlapping yesterday Shaanxi coal The auction transaction price of large mines has risen, which has a certain supporting effect on market sentiment coal The price continues to rise, mostly at 10 yuan/ton coal The mine is produced and sold on the spot, basically without overstock. This round coal Whether the price rise can be maintained still needs to pay attention to terminal demand and port market conditions.

Shaanxi Coal Institute Related information

  • Shaanxi west coal Business organization coal charcoal Production, transportation and marketing symposium

    On June 28, Shaanxi west coal Business organization coal charcoal Production, transportation and marketing symposium, Shaanxi west coal Zhao Wenge, Deputy Secretary of the Industrial Party Committee and General Manager, Shaanxi west coal Wang Lianhe and Bu Zhiyi, deputy general managers of the industry, heads of the Production Technology Department, the Operation Management Department, the Finance Department and relevant personnel, the Chemical Business Department, the Power Business Department, the Transportation and Marketing Group, the Railway Logistics Group, the Shenwei Pipeline Company, the mining companies, and the directly managed mines coal Deputy general manager of quality and sales and department head, Shaanxi west coal More than 50 people from the industry attended the meeting Shaanxi coal The Group has "eight focuses", fully implemented the "four business concepts", carefully summarized the existing problems in production, transportation and marketing, and further implemented the "safety assurance and improvement" policy guided by problems coal Quality, excellent varieties, structural adjustment, cost reduction, synergy promotion and benefit increase ", and strive to achieve more than half of the double goals.

  • Shaanxi west coal Industry: May coal charcoal The output was 15.3271 million tons, with a year-on-year increase of 5.05%

    Shaanxi west coal Industry announcement, May 2024 coal charcoal The output was 15.3271 million tons, up 5.05% year on year; Self-produced coal The sales volume was 15.2 million tons, up 5.08% year on year

  • [Huaxia Times] coal charcoal Hundred billion bonus feast! Which "red envelope" is the strongest? China Shenhua Shaanxi west coal Industrial and Yankuang Energy exceeded 10 billion yuan, and Suneng's share dividend ratio reached 117.87%

    coal charcoal The industry is throwing "red envelope rain"! Data shows that as of April 26, coal charcoal Among the 27 constituent stocks of the index, 24 enterprises have disclosed the situation in 2023. According to statistics, these 24 enterprises are listed coal The proposed dividend amount of the enterprise is up to 106.227 billion yuan, of which China Shenhua ranks first with a dividend of up to 44.903 billion yuan; Shaanxi west coal Yep and Yankuang Energy ranked second and third, with dividends of 12.749 billion yuan and 11.085 billion yuan respectively, coal charcoal The performance of the industry in the whole year of last year and the first quarter of this year was not good, but coal charcoal The stock price of the sector has risen well.

  • Shaanxi Key construction projects in Western Province in 2024: coal charcoal 12 projects

    enclosure: Shaanxi 2024 Key Construction Project Plan of Western Province coal charcoal Project: Yulin Cocoa Cover coal Mine Yulin Balasu coal Mine Yulin Zhaoshipan coal Kuangyulin Haizetan coal Kuangyulin Guojiatan coal Mine Yulin Artemisia scoparia coal Kuanghancheng Wang Feng coal Mine No. 1, Lucun, Yan'an coal Mine Yan'an Lucun No.2 coal Kuangshenmu Shenxin coal charcoal High efficiency transformation based on quality and in the recycling economy of BDO downstream deep processing coal Yulin coal charcoal Deep Processing Base Yulin Longhua coal trade coal charcoal Graded, quality separated, clean, efficient and comprehensive utilization.

  • Inner Mongolia Branch of Sinochem Erjian Group Co., Ltd Shaanxi coal Yulin Yu High tech Materials coal charcoal Announcement on Inquiry and Procurement of Formwork and Timber for the 500000 t/a DMC Phase I Project of the Chemical Industry New Material Demonstration Project

    1. Purchasing conditions: China Chemical Erjian Group Co., Ltd Shaanxi coal Yulin Yu High tech Materials coal charcoal The construction fund for the 500000 t/a DMC Phase I Project of the demonstration project of new materials for chemical industry by quality utilization has been confirmed, and the template timber required for the project has met the requirements for price inquiry and comparison procurement (procurement number: XBJ240734). The purchaser is China Chemical Erjian Group Co., Ltd. Now, the price inquiry and comparison procurement is open.

  • Shaanxi coal Sales in the first two months of the group's transportation and marketing group coal charcoal 44.432 million tons

    Conscientiously implement the overall deployment and requirements of the group company on internal cooperation, and spare no effort to do a good job in internal power and non power enterprises coal charcoal Supply, improve efficiency with high-level internal collaboration Shaanxi coal In addition, the company has improved the efficiency of the collection and distribution system, accelerated the improvement of the large logistics distribution guarantee system, improved the overall storage, distribution, transshipment and regional market radiation capabilities, fostered the potential for digital transformation and upgrading, and created a new engine to ensure the steady growth of revenue coal charcoal High quality development of marketing

  • Shaanxi coal Sales in the first two months of the sales group coal charcoal 44.432 million tons

    Conscientiously implement the overall deployment and requirements of the group company on internal cooperation, and spare no effort to do a good job in internal power and non power enterprises coal charcoal Supply, improve efficiency with high-level internal collaboration Shaanxi coal In addition, the company has improved the efficiency of the collection and distribution system, accelerated the improvement of the large logistics distribution guarantee system, improved the overall storage, distribution, transshipment and regional market radiation capabilities, fostered the potential for digital transformation and upgrading, and created a new engine to ensure the steady growth of revenue coal charcoal High quality development of marketing

  • Shaanxi west coal Industry: February coal charcoal The output decreased by 11.14% year on year

    Shaanxi west coal Industry announcement, February coal charcoal The output was 12.2977 million tons, down 11.14% year on year

  • Spring Festival 8 days Shaanxi coal group coal charcoal Sales volume 4.244 million tons

    The Spring Festival lasts 8 days, Shaanxi coal group coal charcoal The sales volume is 4.244 million tons, including 2.861 million tons of railway traffic; The power generation is 490 million kilowatt hours, and the on grid power is 360 million kilowatt hours, which effectively guarantees the safety and stability of regional energy supply. Affected by the rainy and snowy weather on the eve of the Spring Festival, the demand for heating and power supply will rise during the Spring Festival in 2024. In order to meet the energy demand of regional users and ensure the warmth of the masses during the winter holiday, Shaanxi coal The Group makes every effort to do a good job coal charcoal , electricity and other energy supply During the Spring Festival (February 10-17) coal The production and operation of mining and power generation enterprises are orderly, the distribution and transportation of sales and transportation units are busy, and the production, transportation and marketing are safe and efficient.

  • Shaanxi coal Transportation and Marketing Group coal charcoal Sales and transportation made a good start in the first month

    January, Shaanxi coal Marketing Group Sales coal charcoal 24.636 million tons, an increase of 14.8% month on month, of which 13.776 million tons were sold by railway, an increase of 20.4% month on month, realizing a good start in sales and transportation, making a good start for the business development of the whole year and entering 2024. The Transportation and Marketing Group adheres to the general principle of "supply guarantee first, benefit oriented, sunshine marketing", constantly optimizes the product, transportation and market structure, and continues to consolidate and enhance the core competitive advantage of the market, promote coal charcoal The sales volume and transportation volume will increase to ensure the balance between production and sales and the stable and orderly supply of downstream users' resource demand.

  • Shaanxi coal Binchang Mining: January coal charcoal Production and sales increased by 167500 tons year on year

    Shaanxi coal Binchang Mining Group January coal charcoal The production and sales exceeded the planned targets, increasing by 167500 tons over the same period last year, creating the best level in the same period in history, and achieving a "good start" in the first month. It is reported that Binchang Mining takes "strong safety, intensive disaster management, excellent continuity, quality improvement, energy efficiency, and development promotion" as its main work line, and promotes the high-quality development of Binchang Mining by building "safe Binchang", "excellent production Binchang", and "excellent performance Binchang".

  • Shaanxi coal Transportation and Marketing Group coal charcoal Container shipment volume doubled year-on-year

    According to statistics, as of November 30, Shaanxi coal Transportation and Marketing Group coal charcoal The container traffic volume totaled 22.94 million tons, 11.702 million tons more than the same period last year, 1.04 times more than the same period last year Shaanxi coal The group has laid a solid foundation for optimizing the sales structure and increasing the volume and efficiency. Since this year, the company has actively built a new track for low-carbon and environmentally friendly transportation in accordance with the idea of "professional operation, regional security, and customized routes", enabling high-quality transportation coal charcoal Extend the chain, strengthen the chain, and further expand Shaanxi coal The influence of self provided boxes has enhanced regional market competitiveness. In daily operation, the company takes optimizing the transportation structure as the support, gives full play to the advantages of "branch+office", "specialization+regionalization" management mode, links up and down with internal and external coordination, gives play to the complementary advantages of special line, logistics park and port transportation in mining areas, improves the shipping capacity of large mining areas, and explores new measures for collection and distribution transportation, Strengthen quality and cleanness coal charcoal Cross regional supply assurance capability.

  • Intelligent boost Shaanxi West Yulin coal charcoal High quality development of industry

    Shaanxi North Yulin City coal charcoal Rich in resources, there are various kinds of coal 233 mines with a total capacity of 674.4 million tons per year coal The cumulative output is 499 million tons. According to the reporter's interview, as the energy industry practices the low-carbon goal and accelerates transformation and upgrading, many coal The environmental protection, safety and intelligence level of the mine have changed people's traditional impression Shaanxi coal Caojiatan Mining Co., Ltd., the vast mining area is almost invisible coal charcoal Traces: blue sky, white clouds, green grass, clear water quality in the mine drainage regulating pool, and smart canteen to tailor the best recipes for employees... At the train loading station“ coal charcoal ”The train can only leave after dust suppression agent "shower" and dust prevention treatment.

  • Shaanxi coal The Group held 2024 coal charcoal Order work kick-off meeting

    In order to further implement the Group's development strategy, Shaanxi coal Group's contribution to 2024 coal charcoal Ordering work was uniformly deployed. On November 21, Zhao Futang, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Director and General Manager of the Group, and Wang Haifan, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervisor of the Group, held the 2024 Annual Meeting in the Transportation and Marketing Group coal charcoal Zhao Futang stressed at the order work kick-off meeting that energy supply is still the primary "political task" at present, and the Group attaches great importance to 2024 coal charcoal Ordering work, and held a special meeting to study and determine the next year coal charcoal Order in the principle of "supply guarantee priority, benefit orientation and sunshine sales", and coal Chemical coal , building materials and metallurgy coal , road and local marketing and other different customer groups have formulated a policy of sub ordering, and the transportation and marketing group will resolutely implement the group company's decision-making and deployment without discount or flexibility.

  • Shaanxi west coal Industry: October coal charcoal The output was 14.5094 million tons, up 4.54% year on year

    Shaanxi west coal Industry announcement, October coal charcoal The output was 14.5094 million tons, up 4.54% year on year; Accumulated this year coal charcoal The output was 138.7762 million tons, a year-on-year increase of 6.86%. It was self produced in October coal The sales volume was 14.4347 million tons, up 6.68% year on year; Accumulative self production this year coal The sales volume was 137.488 million tons, up 8.41% year on year

  • Shaanxi coal Transportation and Marketing Group coal charcoal Container shipment volume exceeded 20 million tons

    As of October 18, Shaanxi coal Transportation and Marketing Group coal charcoal The container shipment volume reached 20.1 million tons, an increase of 122% over the same period last year, enhancing the quality coal charcoal The ability to guarantee supply across regions has promoted the Group coal charcoal Further optimization of the market and transportation structure Since this year, the company has continued to promote green marketing transportation. While tapping the potential of key routes to increase transportation, it has actively explored new ways of multimodal transportation, accelerated the construction of a safe, convenient, efficient, green and economic modern supply guarantee system, created a new low-carbon and environmentally friendly transportation pattern, and improved the core market area coal charcoal In the operation of supply guarantee capacity and competitiveness, the Transportation and Marketing Group has accelerated the expansion of container business, coordinated with production mines to speed up the upgrading of loading systems and the guarantee of loading resources, increased publicity and promotion efforts, expanded user groups, integrated high-quality social resources, and expanded outsourcing coal Container shipment volume.

  • Shaanxi coal The Group took multiple measures during the "double festival" period to ensure coal charcoal supply

    During the Mid Autumn Festival and National Day, Shaanxi coal Group sales coal charcoal 6.65 million tons, including 3.5164 million tons shipped by railway, effectively guaranteeing the coal charcoal The sales branches of the Demand Transportation and Marketing Group actively connect with the mining companies and production mines in the region to understand the production plans, maintenance arrangements coal Quality inventory, etc., and work with the railway transportation companies in each mining area to prepare emergency supply plans for flood control during festivals. Each regional office will assign special personnel to be responsible for downstream users within the scope, and timely feed back the production and coal charcoal Consumption, mobilization, inventory, etc coal charcoal It can produce, transport and unload quickly; At the same time, organize the coal charcoal Resources, loading and shipping, etc., strengthen railway vehicle request and dispatching management, and ensure coal charcoal All sales businesses ran smoothly and orderly.

  • Shaanxi coal Sales in the first eight months of Yulin Sales Company coal charcoal 57.863 million tons

    As of the end of August, Shaanxi coal Accumulated sales of Yulin Sales Company of Transportation and Marketing Group coal charcoal 57.863 million tons, up 5.9% year on year, of which, railway coal charcoal The transportation volume reached 26.42 million tons, up 16.8% year on year coal charcoal The transportation volume reached 4.894 million tons, with a year-on-year growth of 227.05% coal The sales volume reached 3.392 million tons, with a year-on-year growth of 199.33%, fully guaranteeing coal charcoal Supply to help stabilize growth This year, facing domestic coal charcoal The current situation of the market downturn, the company actively implements the work deployment of the group company, focuses on the task objectives of the whole year, goes deep into the front line of the market to fully investigate, strengthen the connection between production, transportation and marketing, strengthen the resource organization and the efficiency of transportation capacity allocation, maximize the advantages of resources and transportation capacity, and promote the quality and efficiency of operation.

  • Shaanxi coal Yuzhong Sales Company of Transportation and Marketing Group completed the whole year 106 days in advance coal charcoal Container shipping target

    As of September 16, Shaanxi coal Yuzhong Sales Company of Transportation and Marketing Group coal charcoal The annual cumulative volume of containers is 6016100 tons, 2.8866 million tons more than the same period last year, 92.24% more than the same period last year, 106 days ahead of schedule coal charcoal This year, Yuzhong Sales Company actively practiced the new development concept of railway transportation, seized the opportunity of container increment of China Railway Group, actively promoted multimodal transportation, and continued to build a green marketing transportation system. Focusing on the target of container transportation, it refined and optimized the shipping scheme, relying on Shaanxi coal Advantages and Shaanxi North High Quality coal charcoal Resource advantages, constantly develop and tap potential users of containers, steadily improve the scale of container shipping, take container transportation as a new starting point for railway expansion and increment, spare no effort to expand the base of railway transportation, and effectively guarantee the use of downstream users coal Demand.

  • Northwest Energy Regulatory Bureau organized and carried out Shaanxi Key points of Western Province coal charcoal Special supervision on production increase and supply guarantee of enterprises

    In order to implement the National Energy Administration's coal charcoal Work deployment and supervision of production increase and supply guarantee Shaanxi Western focus coal charcoal Enterprises implement the responsibility of increasing production and ensuring supply, and fully guarantee coal charcoal Safe and stable supply Recently, Northwest Energy Regulatory Bureau organized Shaanxi west coal The on-site supervision work of Chemical Industry Group to implement the responsibility of increasing production and ensuring supply focuses on Shaanxi west coal Chemical Industry Group implements the national coal charcoal Deployment of production increase and supply guarantee, implementation of high-quality development working mechanism and operation of internal working mechanism of the enterprise, and submission of key points coal charcoal Production scheduling data, submission of production, supply and marketing scheduling data, scientific development of summer peak production plan, advanced coal Deeply supervise the continuity of mineral energy.

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