Guizhou pe corrugated pipe manufacturer _ Guizhou pe corrugated pipe manufacturer today's price, market trend and latest quotation
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Updated on: June 30, 2024

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2024-05-31 17:19

Dynamics of silicon manganese market on May 31: silicon manganese futures fluctuated today, and silicon manganese futures 2409 closed at 9384, down 214 from the previous day. Recently, the market fluctuates greatly. The price of manganese ore at the end of silicon manganese raw material continues to be strong, and the overall cost support is strong. production End, main production area Inner Mongolia manufactor , Other manufactor production High enthusiasm; Factories in Ningxia have resumed production and output has increased; Due to high electricity charges in Guangxi, manufactor Lack of confidence, production The mentality is still cautious; Guizhou The construction in the region is relatively stable, because some factories have low price ore stocks and other minerals to replace, production The profit is fair. The manganese rich slag market is operating at a high level, production The shipment operation is normal. In terms of price, the market quotation rises with the market, and the average price rises by 4-6 yuan/ton degree manufactor Mainly for delivery of the current order or self use, no quotation will be made temporarily. The manganese ore market in Tianjin Port fluctuated at a high level, the oxide ore kept rising, and South Africa remained stable. The price of semi carbonate was about 54-55 yuan/ton, Gabon was about 70 yuan/ton, and Australia was about 72 yuan/ton. The transaction price of Qinzhou Port manganese ore rose, and the inventory continued to decline. The price of Australia is 67 yuan/ton, Gabon is 66-68 yuan/ton, Australian seed is about 62 yuan/ton, and semi carbonate is 53-54 yuan/ton. At the steel plant end, a new round of steel bidding has been carried out in succession, mainly by batch purchase, and the price of steel bidding fluctuates with the change of the panel. A steel plant in Guangxi bidding for silicon manganese 6517 priced 8400 yuan/ton, with a quantity of 13000 tons. Cash arrived at the plant with tax included, and there was a discount basis.

2024-03-25 08:50

Zunyi Titanium Industry applied for a sponge titanium production The invention device is carried out under the condition of high temperature and high vacuum, and the central riser for the large cover has corrugated pipe The compensation function of the production Normal operation, reducing labor intensity and saving of operators production Cost and guarantee the quality of titanium sponge products.

2024-03-22 10:43

Recently, Guiyang Market Supervision and Administration Bureau released ten typical cases of consumer rights protection in Guiyang. Including: Guizhou Batu Saiao Waterproof Building Materials Co., Ltd. passed off unqualified products as qualified products. Guizhou Batu Saiao Waterproof Building Materials Co., Ltd production Self adhesive polymer modified asphalt waterproof coiled material (specification and model: N I PE 2.0 15, with a width of 1m) 3000 ㎡, which is unqualified through sampling inspection. The party concerned has violated the provisions of Article 32 of the Product Quality Law of the People's Republic of China, which constitutes an illegal act of passing unqualified products off as qualified products. In accordance with Article 50 of the Product Quality Law of the People's Republic of China, Qingzhen Municipal Market Supervision Administration imposed a fine of 20000 yuan on the party concerned, and confiscated 2994 ㎡ of unqualified self-adhesive polymer modified asphalt waterproofing membrane. (Centennial architecture)

2024-03-22 08:39

Guizhou Kaijin New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. said that more than 300 employees of the company have been on duty, and the company has fully realized the resumption of work and production. As a major cooperation project between the East and the West, Guizhou The Dalong High end Lithium Battery Materials Industrial Park Project is the largest base of Guangdong Kaijin New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. in the country. It was signed in September 2021, started construction in December of the same year, and was successfully put into operation in May 2022. With a total investment of 3 billion yuan and an area of 650 mu, it is mainly to build 100000 tons of high-performance lithium ion battery anode materials annually production Line and supporting facilities, with front-end milling, coating granulation, graphitization, high-temperature carbonization, back-end finished products and other processes production Workshop, yes Guizhou Negative electrode materials with integrated whole industry chain production manufactor one of.

2024-03-08 16:32

On March 8, the dynamics of the silicon manganese market: the silicon manganese futures were weak today, and the silicon manganese futures 2405 closed at 6274. Recently, the external quotation of manganese ore at the cost end rose, and there was room for manganese ore spot to rise manufactor There is a plan to adjust the proportion of manganese ore, Inner Mongolia production Most at present manufactor At full load production Status, minority manufactor Load reduction and peak avoidance production , other individual manufactor Furnace maintenance exists, most manufactor It said that there was no production reduction plan for the time being, and there was a decline in construction in Ningxia, but the inventory was still high. Under the pressure of high costs, manufactor The mentality of being reluctant to sell at low prices still exists in Guangxi and Guizhou Commencement is still low, most manufactor It indicates that there is no expectation of production resumption. The manganese rich slag market is generally flat, the spot price is relatively stable, the commencement and output in Liaoning and Ningxia production areas remain stable, and Ningxia manufactor The demand for manganese rich slag fed back is not affected by the reduction of local silicon and manganese production, and there is a big difference between the north and the south. The manganese ore market in Tianjin Port operated in a weak way, with a slight decline in transactions, manufactor Continue to keep the price down, the purchase intention is general, and the manganese ore transaction is not unified temporarily. There are some low price transactions in the market. The prices of semi carbonate in Tianjin Port are 34-34.5 yuan/ton, Australia 36-36.5 yuan/ton, and Gabon 35.5-36 yuan/ton. The Qinzhou Hong Kong manganese ore market was consolidated, and the transaction was slightly improved. The price of semi carbonic acid was about 34 yuan/ton, the price of Australian block was 36.5-37 yuan/ton, and the price of Australian seed was 33.5-34.5 yuan/ton. At the steel plant end, the final price of mainstream steel plants is 6300 yuan/ton, down 150 yuan/ton month on month. In the short term, the silicon manganese market is expected to operate in shock.

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