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Updated on: July 3rd, 2024

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CCTD Coal Price news flash

2024-07-02 17:34

July 2, Mongolia coal Short order freight Price The index reported 110.0 yuan/ton, up 5.0 yuan/ton from the last customs clearance day, and the average price in July was 107.5 yuan/ton.

2024-07-02 11:56

According to the latest data of South Africa Customs, in May 2024, South Africa coal The export volume was 5.8897 million tons, down 4.22% month on month and 3.61% year on year; Accumulated exports of South Africa from January to May 2024 coal 29319700 tons, down 3.88% year on year.

2024-07-02 10:01

According to China coal According to the Transport and Marketing Association, key monitoring will be carried out in the first half of June coal The output of the enterprise reached 108.85 million tons, unchanged from the first half of May, down 2.6% year on year.

2024-07-02 09:55

Mongolia in the morning of July 2 coal Short order freight Price The index reported 105.0 yuan/ton, unchanged from the previous customs clearance day.

2024-07-02 09:03

On July 2, the steam coal in Ordos market ran weakly and stably. Most of the coal mines in the region maintained normal production and sales, and the coal mines that stopped production due to the completion of production tasks at the end of the month also resumed production, as a whole coal The supply level is stable. Yesterday, the port quotation continued to fall by 5 yuan/ton, and the terminal demand was still weak. Most of the coal washing plants and traders delayed operation and kept a wait-and-see situation. The pit mouth was basically just in need of transportation, and some coal types were reduced by a narrow margin according to their own sales Price It is expected that the current coal price will remain in the short term.

CCTD Coal Price Related information

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    however, CCTD According to the analysis, the recent coal mine accidents in the main production area have occurred frequently, and the security inspection in the production area has been strengthened coal The capacity release will be affected to a certain extent and the recent large-scale and high-intensity cold wave will cool down, and the demand for power plant procurement will further increase, coal The relationship between supply and demand has improved, coal Price Support is gradually strengthened. Analysts of Kaiyuan Securities pointed out that steam coal Price yes coal Plate wind vane, heating season start, steam coal Price In terms of stabilizing the coal price, Qin Tsunami, a thermal coal analyst from the Coal and Coke Business Department of Shanghai Ganglian, told the reporter of the Huaxia Times that thermal coal Price In the near future, it has maintained a narrow range of shocks. As of November 24, the port had 5500 cards Price Reported 945 yuan/ton, an increase of 10 yuan/ton compared with last week Price It fluctuated slightly at 940 yuan/ton, compared with that since the third quarter of this year Price The high point has dropped by 100 yuan/ton.

  • Xinji Energy: domestic in the fourth quarter coal The basic situation of tight balance between supply and demand will continue

    Xinji Energy also introduced the pricing model of the company's long-term cooperative selling price, and the monthly mining of 5000 calories of thermal coal Price =The National Development and Reform Commission determined the benchmark price of electricity coal at 675 yuan/ton+[(the last phase of the last month nationwide coal Trading Center Price Index NCEI+Bohai Rim Steam Coal last month Price Index BSPI+last month CCTD Qinhuangdao Comprehensive 5500 Large Card Transaction Price )/3-675]/2 The benchmark of Changxie coal is 5000 cal/g, and the actual settlement is based on the actual shipping calorific value. In the first three quarters, Changxie coal accounts for about 85% of the company's resource reserves and future industrial development planning. Xinji Energy said that according to the Reply of the National Development and Reform Commission on the Overall Planning of Huainan Xinji Mining Area (FGNY [2005] 2633), the company's total mining area is about 1092 square kilometers, The coal bearing area is 684 square kilometers, and the resource reserves are 10.16 billion tons, accounting for about four largest reserves in Anhui Province coal 40% of the total resources of the enterprise.

  • [Shanghai Securities News] Bulk energy commodities dominated by supply and demand factors Price Dance

    From China coal Marketplace CCTD According to the data of, at present, the inventory of major power plants is still high and at a safe level, but some insiders said that, coal The reduction of production in the production area is obviously more than expected. The reduction of production in Inner Mongolia, Shaanxi and other places is even more than 15%. According to the current supply and demand situation, steam coal Price The upward space of is gradually opening up, and the oil price has insufficient upward momentum in the later period coal The supply guarantee has been brewing that "the oil price will rise, OPEC's oil policy may be adjusted accordingly, and the United States may also adopt corresponding policies, because high oil prices will trigger inflation risks.

  • Guoxin Futures: mainly due to the fluctuation of coking coal range

    In terms of fundamentals, the overall production of domestic coal mines is stable this year, CCTD The capacity utilization rate of the sample coal mine is 84%, which is better than that of imports in the same period last year. Overseas demand is weak, and imported coal Price At the same time, a large number of stocks poured into the Chinese market. At present, the inventory of North Jiugang has exceeded 30 million tons, which is at a historical high and in terms of demand. The summer peak stock has not been fulfilled yet. With the full support of supply, the power plant coal The inventory is also high, the stock is sufficient, and the purchasing enthusiasm is weak rather than the power industry coal It is also difficult to rely on consumption pull. With the general trend of supply and demand easing unchanged, the following behaviors of thermal coal are mainly summarized. On the supply side, domestic coking coal has increased steadily. Although imports have fallen in the short term, policy constraints are no longer. It is expected that there will still be growth year on year.

  • [Securities Times] The coal price is weak this year, and the loose supply pattern may continue

    Pei Yamei, a coke analyst, also analyzed that in early March, coke enterprises initiated an increase, but due to the contraction of profits of steel enterprises, the increase of coke enterprises was stranded, and coke in mainstream areas left the factory Price Stable, outbound from the port Price Weakening with futures Price Decline Recently, Australia coal resumed customs clearance, superimposed Mongolia coal customs clearance high, import coal is expected to increase, raw coal Price In terms of the mobile coal market under the center of gravity, the off-season trend is obvious CCTD China coal According to the market network data, the high inventory pattern of northern ports has not changed. At present, the inventory of ports around the Bohai Sea is approaching the 27 million ton threshold again, including Qinhuangdao Port coal The warehouse even exceeded 6.2 million tons upward, and the ports had sufficient inventory before overhaul.

  • whole country coal Trading center: do a good job in signing and performing the medium and long-term contracts for power coal in 2023

    For those sold on the vehicle board and at the factory coal After deducting the reasonable cost of circulation, the converted ore price and port price should also be within a reasonable range coal The enterprise shall not increase the logistics cost in a disguised way by unreasonably increasing or charging other fees coal sale Price 1. Benchmark price, the benchmark price of water coal contract is RMB 675/ton for 5500 kcal steam coal 2. Floating price, which is adjusted monthly, is based on the national floating price coal Transaction Center Comprehensive Price Index, Bohai Rim Steam Coal Comprehensive Price Index CCTD Comprehensive transaction of Qinhuangdao steam coal Price Index is determined comprehensively.

  • About doing well in Shaanxi Province in 2022 coal Notice on Supervision of Medium and Long term Contracts

    If both parties can reach an agreement through consultation, the agreement shall be implemented; If both parties cannot reach an agreement, the "benchmark price+floating price" shall be applied Price Mechanism implementation: benchmark price, the benchmark price of water coal contract is RMB 675/ton of 5500 kcal steam coal; The base price of non water coal contract is the pit mouth after deducting freight and miscellaneous charges from the base price of water coal Price The floating price shall be determined and adjusted monthly coal market Price The comprehensive determination of index temporarily adopts the national coal Transaction Center Comprehensive Price Index, Bohai Rim steam coal Price Index CCTD Comprehensive transaction of Qinhuangdao steam coal Price 3 indexes, the last period of each month Price , determine the index synthesis according to the same weight Price

  • [Yingda Futures] Predict the spot market of thermal coal in 2022 from the pricing mechanism of the long-term thermal coal association Price Trend range

    In 2021, the steam coal futures and spot market experienced great fluctuations in history, which is specifically reflected in the futures and spot market Price It has created a historic high, reaching 1982 yuan/ton and 2592.5 yuan/ton respectively. Under the intervention of a series of combined regulatory policies of the state, steam coal is on hand in the future Price Since late October, it has gradually returned to a reasonable range and gradually formed coal market Price The core of the long-term mechanism is represented by the improvement of the annual long-term cooperation mechanism in 2022. I. The characteristics of the pricing mechanism of the long-term cooperation of thermal coal in 2022 coal Work Plan for Signing and Performing Medium and Long term Contracts (Draft for Comments) has been issued in 2022 on December 3 coal The details are as follows: 1. The pricing mechanism remains unchanged. The "benchmark price+floating price" pricing mechanism is clearly put forward in the "Exposure Draft", and the "floating price" pricing mechanism is further improved, that is, the floating price is set by the "Bohai Rim" coal Price Index CCTD Qinhuangdao Port coal Price Index, China Coastal Power Coal Purchase Price Three indexes Price The index is determined and adjusted to "increase the national coal Transaction Center Comprehensive Price Index ", select the last monthly issue of four major indexes Price Index synthesis is determined by 25% weight Price , index synthesis Price For every increase or decrease of 1 yuan/ton compared to the base price, the medium and long-term contract of the next month Price Corresponding upward and downward floating 0.5 yuan/ton.

  • Shaanxi's plan to do a good job in 2022 coal Supplementary Notice on Signing and Performing Medium and Long term Contracts

    Floating price, nationwide coal Transaction Center Comprehensive Price Index, Bohai Rim Steam Coal Comprehensive Price Index CCTD Qinhuangdao steam coal comprehensive Price Transaction index, China coastal power coal procurement Price 4 comprehensive indexes, the last period of each month Price Index synthesis is determined by 25% weight Price , index synthesis Price For every increase or decrease of 1 yuan/ton compared to the base price, the next medium and long-term contract will fluctuate upward or downward by 0.5 yuan/ton per month Price After being confirmed by the National Development and Reform Commission, it is released on the last working day of each month coal Medium and long term contract capacity allocation coal The medium and long term contract shall specify the transportation mode, transportation enterprise and transportation plan. The supplier and the demander shall negotiate with the transportation enterprise in advance.

  • GF Futures: There is a strong bearish expectation in the steam coal market, and the overall situation is stable and weak

    according to CCTD From the perspective of caliber, the inventory of the power plant has been made up to the historical high after the supply guarantee and the long-term cooperation of coal transportation. Although the daily consumption has increased compared with last week, due to the high number of available days of inventory, the purchase pace of the power plant has slowed down significantly in the near future, and the market has declined, the power plant is also waiting and watching Price Further decline [Viewpoint] The news that some coal mines were found to be overproducted led to an upward trend in the market, but the current fundamentals have not fundamentally changed. Downstream procurement is mainly based on demand, and most power plants cut prices to slow down procurement. There is a strong wait-and-see mood coal The supply is sufficient, and there is still room for the spot to decline in the future. The market will remain stable and weak. It is recommended to wait and see.

  • Issued by Shaanxi Provincial Development and Reform Commission in 2022 coal Notice on signing of medium and long-term contracts

    Floating price The floating price is adjusted monthly in combination with the national coal Trading Center Price Index, Shaanxi coal Price Index, Bohai Rim coal Price Index CCTD Qinhuangdao Port coal Price Index, China Coastal Power Coal Purchase Price Comprehensive determination of indexes (III) coal The supply and demand parties are signing the medium and long-term contract for transport capacity guarantee coal In the case of medium and long-term contracts, it is necessary to actively connect with transportation enterprises. In the contract, it is necessary to specify the mode of transportation, the carrier and the transportation plan. For those that need to be transported by railway, the supplier and the demander should negotiate the transportation plan in advance with the carrier with shipping conditions and shipping qualifications, and sign a contract according to the actual loading and unloading capacity of the coal mine and the platform, Avoid the congestion at the departure and arrival stations caused by signing contracts beyond the capacity.

  • GF Futures: There is a strong bearish expectation in the steam coal market, and the overall situation is stable and weak

    The demand of some coal mines improved, Price Slight adjustment within the price limit [demand and inventory] As of December 5, the daily consumption of six major power plants was 788400 tons/day, an increase of 20900 tons on a weekly basis, the inventory was 11.534 million tons, and an increase of 825000 tons on a month on month basis CCTD From the perspective of caliber, the inventory of the power plant has been made up to the historical high after the supply guarantee and the long-term cooperation of coal transportation. Although the daily consumption has increased compared with last week, due to the high number of days available for inventory, the purchase pace of the power plant has slowed down significantly in the near future, and the market has declined, the power plant is also waiting and watching Price Further decline [Viewpoint] Affected by the decline of ports and the high level of power plant inventory, most power plants lowered prices and slowed down procurement, which combined with poor market expectations and a strong wait-and-see mood. At present coal The supply is sufficient, and there is still room for the spot to decline in the future. The market will remain stable and weak. It is recommended to wait and see.

  • China coal Industry association: the first three quarters of 2021 coal Economic operation

    Coking Coal Association Price In September, some Grade 12 main coking coal contracts in Luliang, Shanxi Province were generally stable Price 1590 yuan/ton, the same as that in August, with a year-on-year increase of 210 yuan/ton and 15.2% in coking coal market Price It rose significantly on September 28, CCTD Shanxi Jiaofei Clean Coal Comprehensive Price 4055 yuan/ton, an increase of 685 yuan/ton or 20.3% over the end of August, 2825 yuan/ton or 230% over the same period of last year, and the international coal price has risen sharply. Since this year, the macro-economy of major economies in the world has gradually recovered, and international energy and coal Strong demand and tight market supply, international coal Price Substantial increase.

  • China coal Marketing Association: coal Supply and demand continue to improve, Price Will fall back

    Coking coal market Price It continued to rise in August. Due to the impact of safety, environmental protection and other factors on some coal mines in the main producing areas, coking coal production has not yet fully recovered. In order to ensure the supply of power coal, some regions have restricted the import, washing or export of coking coal, while the customs clearance of imported coking coal in Mongolia is limited, and domestic coking coal supply continues to be tight; On the other hand, the demand for coking coal in the downstream steel and coke industries is still strong, and the supply and demand of coking coal market is tight Price Continue to rise at the end of August CCTD Shanxi Jiaofei Clean Coal Comprehensive Price 3370 yuan/ton, up 960 yuan/ton from the end of July, up 39.8% coal Prediction of market trend (I) coal Supply is expected to keep growing coal We will steadily increase production and supply.

  • Both quantity and price rise, coal High industry prosperity

    According to the latest research report of Zhongtai Securities, coal The performance of the semi annual report of the sector is better than expected, and the performance of the third quarter is expected to be better. In the medium and long term, insiders believe that under the background of "carbon neutrality", coal The willingness of enterprises to spend capital is reduced, and the reduction of supply is expected to drive the coal price to remain high in China coal The first half of 2021 issued by the Industry Association recently coal Economic Operation Report shows that in the first half of the year coal Price High level operation from January to July, medium and long-term contract Price The average value was 601 yuan/ton, up 62 yuan/ton year on year. At the end of June, 5500 large calorie steam coal comprehensive transactions were conducted in Qinhuangdao Port Price 819 yuan/ton, up 274 yuan/ton year on year; CCTD The comprehensive price of Shanxi Jiaofei clean coal is 2125 yuan/ton, up 890 yuan/ton year on year.

  • The first half of 2021 coal Economic operation report

    Second, comprehensive transaction of 5500 large calorie steam coal in Qinhuangdao Port at the end of June Price 819 yuan/ton, up 274 yuan/ton year on year CCTD The comprehensive price of Shanxi Jiaofei clean coal was 2125 yuan/ton, up 890 yuan/ton year on year. (V) Fixed asset investment grew rapidly from January to June, coal Investment in fixed assets of mining and washing industry increased by 10.6% year on year (VI) coal The industrial efficiency continued to recover from January to June, above the national scale coal The total profit of the enterprise was 206.88 billion yuan, up 113.8% year on year coal Performance of medium - and long-term contracts 1. Overall situation In the first half of the year coal The total volume of medium and long-term contracts is 466 million tons, coal The actual shipment volume of the enterprise's medium and long-term contracts was 451 million tons, with a fulfillment rate of 96.9%, meeting the requirement that the fulfillment rate should not be less than 90% in half a year.

  • Marketization of steam coal Price Function and innovative application of mechanism

    The floating price pricing principle is "the floating price of water coal contract and railway direct coal contract can be combined with the Bohai Rim coal Price Index CCTD Qinhuangdao Port coal Price Index, China Coastal Power Coal Purchase Price Index comprehensive determination of contracts in the region Price It should refer to the previous year Price Negotiate and determine, encourage both the supplier and the demander to refer to relevant Price Index negotiation to determine specific Price ”The promotion period is now combined with the sales pricing model to develop. In 2021, the contracted sales of thermal coal long-term association will account for 80% - 85%.

  • Mysteel reference《 coal The revised draft of the Law of the People's Republic of China was issued coal Impact of pricing mechanism

    I《 coal Law and coal Market standards and specifications are inconsistent, and five revisions have been made before and after《 coal The Law was promulgated and implemented in 1996, when coal During the planned economy period, it has experienced four revisions in 2009, 2011, 2013 and 2016. This revision is the fifth revision since its promulgation in 1998 coal After the revocation of the Ministry coal The market reform continues to advance, and some standards, norms and《 coal The provisions of the Law are increasingly inconsistent. In 2005, the former National Energy Office organized《 coal Some provisions in the Law were slightly adjusted, but were not disclosed.

  • Steam coal futures Price Increased volatility

    Affected by the COVID-19 epidemic this year, the destocking time of port steam coal has been prolonged CCTD As of February 13, the thermal coal inventory of the four ports around the Bohai Sea (Qinhuangdao Port, Caofeidian Port, Jingtang Port and Huanghua Port) has decreased by more than 5 million tons compared with the same period last year, falling to the low point since the beginning of 2017. The inventory has been continuously reduced before the holiday, plus the ports after the holiday coal The import volume is far less than expected, and the ports around Bohai Sea coal Inventory dropped sharply, which just became the thermal coal of Bohai Rim ports Price The direct trigger for the rise is the number of anchor ships around the four ports of the Bohai Sea and the number of ships expected to arrive D Rational view of downstream demand As mentioned above, the overall recovery progress of the downstream of the steam coal industry chain is slower than that of the upstream coal mines, which may be the recent steam coal futures Price The main reasons for the rise and fall.

  • Medium and long-term weakness of steam coal is difficult to change

    Meanwhile, since November, Fenwei Energy has released CCI5500 large calorie steam coal Price Index, Bohai Rim steam coal Price Index and CCTD The quotation also dropped significantly from the end of last month. If nothing unexpected happens, the Long term Association in December Price The fourth quarter will continue to be lowered. This is the negotiation period of the benchmark price of the Long term Association for the New Year, which has a great impact on the procurement costs of medium and long-term coal power enterprises. The market expects that the benchmark price will be lowered. On the one hand, power enterprises have not enjoyed the results of the tax reform and profit concession in 2019, and some power enterprises have previously reported to the state their demands for reducing the benchmark price of the Long term Association for the New Year; On the other hand, the power market transaction has become the future development trend. In 2020, the electricity price will not rise temporarily, and the general industrial and commercial electricity price will only fall but not rise. The intention of reducing the electricity price is very obvious. In order to improve the operation of coal power enterprises, the upstream coal The benchmark price of the long-term cooperation is basically fixed.

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