Hi,What's Your Name?

Hi,What's Your Name?

Begin from meet and ask Hi,What's your name? Starting with your name? Then there was everything. Our story was born. Everyone has a fire in his heart, and people passing by can only see smoke. But there is always someone who can see the fire and come to me. When I saw his fire in the crowd, I walked quickly, fearing that he would be drowned in the dust of years if he slowed down. With my passion, I

 Reject Subhealth Internet People's Fitness and Muscle Enhancement Illustrations

Reject Subhealth Internet People's Fitness and Muscle Enhancement Illustrations

Most Internet people live irregular lives. They eat three meals a day at random, spend too much time in front of the computer, do not sleep on time, and lack exercise. Objectively speaking, the average physical quality of Internet people is indeed below the average line. They are either thin or fat. The proportion of overweight is higher from the age of 30. The reason for gaining weight is actually not complicated. When we were young, our body metabolism was in a relatively vigorous stage. In addition, when we were young, we generally had good exercise habits. Excess calories were consumed through metabolism and exercise, so there was no excess fat accumulation. After about 25 years old, the proportion of human muscle will gradually decrease, and the basic metabolism will also decrease year by year

 A thrilling moment of island tour in Suzhou Dongshan Scenic Area

A thrilling moment of island tour in Suzhou Dongshan Scenic Area

When people think of Suzhou, their first impression may be Suzhou Gardens, but there is also a good place in Suzhou, that is, the East Mountain Scenic Spot and the West Mountain Scenic Spot in Suzhou. The East Mountain Scenic Spot is a peninsula stretching into the Taihu Lake, surrounded by water on three sides, with a vast expanse of lake, fishing sails and gulls, and Dongting West Mountain 72 peaks such as Guangfu, Deng Wei and others converge to form a beautiful and broad Taihu Lake scenic spot. Xishan Scenic Area is a small island, but it is not within the scope of this plan. I will visit it another day when I have time. Dongshan Scenic Area has the title of Little Kamakura. It has been planted with grass by the little sweet potatoes and has become a holy place for clocking. You can take pictures without filters under the scorching sun and make them into pieces. Today, let's go to practice

 2019 Japan Travel Guide: You need to know everything when you travel to Japan for the first time

2019 Japan Travel Guide: You need to know everything when you travel to Japan for the first time

Japan 🗾 Among all the Asian countries I have traveled to, I think it is a relatively favorite place for me. I see many people on YouTube have high comments on Japan. If you have always dreamed of traveling to Japan and want to start planning your vacation, then this travel guide I want to share contains all the tips and information about my past travel in Japan. From Japanese food to travel equipment to the most interesting places in Japan, as well as budget issues that people pay more attention to, have all been included in this guide. Even I have covered embarrassing questions, such as "How to find toilets in Japan?". The cost in the travel guide I share in this article is my former

 Netease Blog has taken a curtain call, where will the individual independent blog go?

Netease Blog has taken a curtain call, where will the individual independent blog go?

NetEase announced on the 20th that it will officially stop the operation of NetEase blog (blog. 163. com) and shut down the server from 00:00 on November 30, 2018. The original NetEase product was NetEase's 163 mailbox. Although the oldest account has been forgotten, I still registered a new account, which has been used for 10 years. When I used NetEase's mailbox, I got to know NetEase's blog, but I didn't use it very much. I had some fresh ideas after the initial registration. At that time, I didn't know how to operate, Most of the authors are pure short story literary creation, that is, they just moved their daily diaries to the Internet, and daily diaries are all water

 Hand painting: Xiong Man's late night subway and the emotion behind his creation

Hand painting: Xiong Man's late night subway and the emotion behind his creation

I haven't seen or talked to her for a week. See you a week later. She told me that she hasn't talked to you for a long time! The next day we broke up. There was no right or wrong, no reason. Although we were reluctant to give up at that time, we came to an understanding later. They had already backtracked, which was not contradictory to my previous reply of persuading or not persuading. She was the right person, but I was unwilling to change. The girl is an interesting person. Compared with me, who can sit in the room for a week without feeling bored, she has many interesting stories, which I don't have, because I am born to be alone! This article was repaired on April 18, 2018, and the original content was deleted. She saw my answer here, and the circle of friends gave a statement

 Why did I start to discourage Xiaobai from blogging?

Why did I start to discourage Xiaobai from blogging?

Just now, I pulled all the commentator data of my blog out of the database and clicked them one by one. Unfortunately, 80% of the blogs are dead. I hope they can live a happier life in reality, and don't need to think about this one mu of land any more. Friendly replied to several blog comments, and then saw his new article on ECHOO's blog: How many of your friendship links are left?, Fortunately, the number of my friendship links is small, and the only few bloggers are still interacting with each other, and the blog has a long history. They are still there, and they don't feel lost. Under his article, I saw a message: unprofitable operation of a blog for nearly three years, we

May you go away for half your life and return as a teenager

It took two years. Last night, I finally forgot that girl. I don't love her anymore. I want to fall in love again.

 Entrepreneurship misleads the country and real estate promotes the country

Entrepreneurship misleads the country and real estate promotes the country

A few days ago, the time has not been updated. Life as usual has no big waves. It is doomed to be an ordinary year. I am in a trance. After all, I have seen most of the big waves except life and death. At that time, many people showed off the videos of the annual meeting of PO company in the circle of friends. At various heights, the year-end bonus and company benefits were also moved to the circle of friends. Watching them eat, drink and play, I was jealous and closed the circle of friends directly. Out of sight, I was bored. But at that moment, I still wanted to hide in the corner and cry bitterly? When starting a business for the first time, we talked about feelings, which is bullshit. Money is the basic material guarantee. "Starting a business is wrong for the country, and speculating in real estate is good for the country". I went back to my hometown on the 28th of December, originally

 I didn't want to win

I didn't want to win

I don't hold too much hope for life. I know that the higher the expectation, the greater the disappointment! I didn't want to win the first prize at the beginning. They let me