New Youtube Profitability Rules: If the broadcast duration and subscription volume are not up to the standard within one year, you will not be able to obtain the profit function

👨‍💻 Rogge 💠 Google AdSense Practical Tutorial Four years ago (2018-02-08) 👁️ 12167 Views 💬 0 comment
! This article may No update for more than 2 years In the future, the content may not be maintained or supported. Some of the content may be timely, involving technical details or software use. This article does not guarantee the corresponding technical updates and practical operability.

My first YouTube channel was opened in 2013, and it was idle in the early days without reasonable use. When I wanted to make a profit from YouTube, I found that the profit requirements of YouTube had reached 4000 hours of cumulative viewing time in the past 12 months and had 1000 subscribers before applying. This was still a bit difficult for me, Of course, those who already have the profit making function of Youtube should not be too proud.

This website sells YouTube channel accounts. The number of subscribers to the account is about 1500-10000. The age of the channel is more than 2 years. The video viewing time in the channel has already exceeded 4k hours. The number of accounts is limited. Please buy them as soon as possible. The account price is at least $180. The higher the number of subscribers, the higher the price!
Youtube account purchase consultation

 Channels where bloggers have not yet reached the standard

On January 16, 2018, YouTube announced the new qualification requirements for applying to join the YouTube Partner Program. If a channel has 4000 hours of cumulative viewing time and 1000 subscribers in the past 12 months, YouTube will review whether to allow it to join the program. You can visit the YouTube creator blog to learn more.

The YouTube Partner Program (YPP) allows creators to profit from their content published on YouTube. Creators can earn money through advertisements placed in their videos and YouTube Red subscribers who watch their content. You can apply to join the YouTube Partner Program with your own account in the Creator Studio.

Qualifications for using trailer pictures and cards

Please note that your channel currently needs to join the YouTube Partner Program to use certain features, such as video clips and cards linked to related websites, crowdfunding websites or commodity websites. The channel does not need to profit from any video. Joining the YouTube Partner Program helps assess the effectiveness of the channel and determine whether the channel meets YouTube's community guidelines.

After the YouTube Partner Program eligibility requirements were updated in February 2018, channels that currently have access to these features can continue to use these features even if they have exited the YouTube Partner Program at that time. If the qualification conditions change, the YouTube official will share the updated content.

How to apply for joining this program

Updated on January 9, 2018: The application for joining the YouTube Partner Program takes longer than usual to process. If you have applied in the past month, you may need 2 to 3 weeks to receive new information. Wait slowly!

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