How to improve the advertising revenue of Google Adsense?

👨‍💻 Rogge 💠 Google AdSense Practical Tutorial Four years ago (June 14, 2019) 👁️ 46731 Views 💬 32 comments
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 Adsense Adsense Adsense Adsense Adsense Adsense Adsense Adsense Adsense Adsense Adsense Adsense Adsense Adsense Adsense Adsense Adsense Adsense Adsense Adsense Adsense

If you are interested in Adsense advertising unit price, you can refer to some of our views in this article to learn about the increase of advertising unit price. For the influencing factors of Google Adsense advertising revenue, I am in the article Tips and Q&A for quickly applying for a Google AdSense account on a new website As mentioned in the Q&A section of Adsense, what websites can make more money? These factors are Click through rate, display volume and advertising unit price

Also in another article How to improve Google Adsense advertising revenue to increase the click rate I shared with you the ideas and techniques for adjusting the click through rate of advertisements to increase the click through rate to 2%. If you haven't seen it yet, you can follow us Public account Duosi Duojin Or mine Blogs think more and pay more Check it out. Today's article mainly explains to you how I personally improve the operating skills of Adsense advertising unit price.

Before understanding the advertising unit price, let's know what factors will affect the advertising unit price of Adsense?

What are the influencing factors of Adsense advertising unit price?

The easiest thing to think of is Keywords, advertising form, advertising area In fact, there are Advertising position Visitor quality , and finally Smart Pricing Intelligent pricing is also one of the most easily overlooked parts, because the quality of our national accounts is so dirty that the average unit price of all websites is lowered. However, after optimization, the average price of the website has been greatly improved.

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What is the average cost per click (CPC)?

Cost per click (CPC) It refers to the advertising cost of one click on AdSense advertising. At present, the CPC in the Chinese area is generally low. I learned from several blog friends that the unit price shown in some data is relatively low. Most bloggers give me feedback on their average price per click Approx. $0.02 - $0.60

Maybe because we are all Chinese bloggers, and blogs do not create content around high priced keywords, the average unit price is very low. The CPC unit price of my personal blog Duosi Duojin is currently around $0.3, like yesterday, it reached $0.43. Before optimization, my unit price was $0.03 - $0.15, and I did not study the unit price well at that time.

Influence of keywords on advertising unit price

As for the impact of keywords on unit price, I believe everyone knows the principle. The audience of products with high unit price is also a high-income group, The closer your content is to money, the higher your income will be What keywords are close to money? For example, products under insurance and finance categories usually belong to high CPC keywords, and specific keywords under these categories need to be tested by everyone.

Yang Yang, the god in Adsense group, has built a website for credit card evaluation. Of course, this is not a way for everyone to do credit card evaluation. It's just an idea. It's also very important to choose a niche and keywords that are suitable for you!

Influence of advertising form on advertising unit price

As you probably know, Adsense can choose graphic ads, picture ads, text ads, and the default system recommended graphic ads, which can make your ads look less monotonous. At the same time, graphic ads are more expensive than pure text ads.

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Influence of advertising area on advertising unit price

Generally speaking The larger the size of the advertisement, the higher the unit price As I mentioned in the previous article on click rate improvement, the banner advertising revenue on the sidebar of my blog accounts for 30% of the total revenue.

So when you use Adsense ads, if the web space is large, I suggest you choose a large area of rectangular ads.

The Influence of Advertising Location on Advertising Unit Price

As you may know, usually The unit price of the ads appearing on the first screen will be higher than that of the following ads , so you can find ways to increase the click rate of the first screen ads on your website.

💡 Tips: In the last article on improving click through rate, I mentioned placing an advertising unit at the top of the list, choosing the image text mode for advertising, and modifying the text color and font of the advertising unit to match the image text of your own list, so as to improve the click through rate of the first screen advertising.

The impact of visitor quality on advertising unit price

Recently, we talked about a lot of cookie filling. I also went to the article to study and test the impact of visitor quality on the advertising unit. As we all know, Adsense is based on cookies to record users' search needs. However, in the latest Internet file, it was mentioned that cookie based advertising will be less and less or completely abandoned in the future, The reason is that most products in the mobile Internet era are APP models, and the value of cookies is becoming smaller and smaller, but this does not affect our advertising on Web sites.

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Impact of intelligent pricing on advertising unit price

Intelligent pricing can be quantified after users click on advertisements "How did you perform?" And increase or decrease the unit price according to the conversion rate. So even though we have increased the click through rate as mentioned in the previous article "Google will still reduce the advertising unit price if the final conversion is not achieved"

How to prevent the decrease of advertising unit price?

"Smart pricing" will lead to a decrease in unit price. The solution is Improve the content quality and visitor quality of your website Or directly Remove your low-quality website advertisements In addition, if the unit price is obviously low, it may There are a lot of wrong clicks , when many users immediately return or close after clicking, the cost of each click will be greatly reduced.

So I forgot to remind you in the last article, While increasing the click through rate, pay attention to reducing the delay rate of your web advertising

How to find high priced keywords?

You can use Google Adwords keyword planner to determine Which keywords are more expensive

If your niche keyword bid is high, your cost per click will increase proportionally. So if you want to do Adsense to earn more revenue, you must study the keywords carefully, and find the most expensive keywords in your industry or your niche to build a website.

Summary on improving Adsense advertising unit price

The article is not long, but the influencing factors of Adsense advertising unit price are basically mentioned, just from High priced keywords, advertising form, advertising size, advertising location, visitor quality and intelligent pricing We will optimize it from several aspects, among which visitor quality and keyword research are the key test objects. Adsense revenue needs to be continuously tested by A/B test to find the optimal matching scheme to earn more.

If you are interested in Adsense, you can follow the public account or collect my blog!

Think more and be the best Google Adsense preacher!

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  • Editor of this article: Rogge
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    1.  hhb

      have a look

    2.  Pi'er bread

      My advertising volume is more than 1000, and my daily income is only a few cents

      1.  Rogge
        Rogge administrators Collection

        @Pi'er bread The income of the Chinese website is low, so stick to it with a lot of content

    3.  Fast Information

      Thanks for sharing~

    4.  Bozheng Blog


    5.  Kaiwei Liu

      Well said! But now the situation has changed a lot!

    6.  Love laughing

      The blogger uses his own experience to analyze, but it may be different for each webmaster

      1.  Rogge
        Rogge administrators Collection

        @Love laughing Yes, just provide a way of thinking, not recommended to copy

    7.  Essay website

      There is an article about dry goods. My unit price is very low. The single click is around 0.1. Unfortunately, the articles with high price keywords can't be written. Many websites can't find articles that are worth writing soon after they are hot headed. The main reason is that there is no argument

      1.  Rogge
        Rogge administrators Collection

        @Essay website The original cycle can be 1-2 articles a week. Although we may do many websites, we can only focus on one of our own interests, and others can create articles in a pseudo original way.

    8.  Nicholas Zhao Si

      Well written

    9.  Li Er

      Daily learning

    10.  Summer Blog

      Adsense is good, but localization is not so good.

    11.  Xi Beijun

      Well written

    12.  Kere earns blog online

      Good idea, Google advertising is still difficult

    13.  Given

      Big guy adds a friend chain instead of a domain name Name Ok Yes blog logo IntroductionAlways remember, there must be an echo

      1.  Rogge
        Rogge administrators Collection

        @Given Sorry, your website can't be accessed

        1.  Given

          @Rogge Can't you access it? My side is ok. Is AliCloud DNS taking a wind again? Try another dns?

    14.  hao

      Boss, I want to ask why it is normal to display WeChat ads and Pinyou ads when Google ads are displayed

      1.  Rogge
        Rogge administrators Collection

        @hao Normally, there are many other alliances under the Google Advertising Alliance that also buy traffic there

    15.  Cai Cai

      Use Google to analyze high priced keywords

    16.  Liufang net

      What if the domestic mobile phone number cannot be verified when logging in?

      1.  Rogge
        Rogge administrators Collection

        @Liufang net Some newly registered accounts will have this problem. If there are still suggestions, we can get a GV account to verify, or re register the account

    17.  zsong

      Thank you Thank you

    18.  Wai Gor Investment Blog

      Check the visible content of the reply and see what suggestions you have

    19.  613 earned by hand

      Can Google Adsense still be played in China?

    20.  zizdog

      So you can make money playing the website.

    21.  Collection website

      The big guy asked about the lack of ads.txt in the background of ggad recently. I added it, but will it affect my website if I add ssl?

      1.  Rogge
        Rogge administrators Collection

        @Collection website Visit your website domain name/ads.txt and you can access it normally

    22.  refuse to realize one's error

      The traffic is large, and all advertisements make money, ha ha, but there is no traffic