Privacy Statement

Your trust is very important to us. We know the importance of user information security, and we will take security measures to protect your user information in accordance with laws and regulations. This privacy statement describes how Magic Mirror market intelligence collects information privacy practices through the software provided and the website operated, including the information we collect through this website, the information we collect through our social media pages, other services we provide online and offline, and the information we collect through the email we send to you.

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions on this statement and policy, you can call( 010-84785451 )Contact us.

What types of information do we collect

one Personal data: refers to information that directly or indirectly identifies you or other individuals, which may include: name, professional title, company name, job function, professional knowledge, postal address, telephone number, e-mail address, browser and device information (including IP )Address), and via cookie And other similar technologies. If you submit any personal data related to others to us or the service provider related to this website, it means that you have the right to do so and allow us to use this information according to this privacy statement.

two Communication information: In order to provide you with products or services of magic mirror market intelligence, we may save your communication when you contact magic mirror market intelligence or we contact you / Call records and contents, so as to record the solutions and results of related problems and help you better solve problems.

three Other information: refers to any information that will not and cannot be used to disclose your identity or other personal identity, such as information that has been completely permanently anonymous and summarized. We use this information to promote the operation of our website and other purposes described below.

How we collect information

We and our service providers collect personal data and other information in various ways, including:

one Through the website: We collect information through the website, for example, when you apply for a free trial or demonstration, contact us, subscribe to our email newsletter, download product content (such as product white papers) or register to try our software services.

two Offline: We collect your information offline, such as when you participate in one of our activities or call a sales representative.

three Through you: When you voluntarily provide information, we will collect information such as your location or your preferred communication method. Unless used in combination with personal data, this information will not identify you or any other user of this website.

four Information from other sources: In order to enhance our ability to provide you with relevant marketing, discounts and services, we obtain information about you from other sources, such as public databases, joint marketing partners, social media platforms and other third parties.

five Through browser or device: Most browsers or through your device automatically collect some information, such as your media access control( MAC )Address, computer type( Windows or Macintosh ), screen resolution, operating system name and version, device manufacturer and model, language, Internet The browser type and version, and the name and version of the site you are using, such as an application. Your“ IP Address is an automatically assigned Internet Service Provider( ISP )The number of the computer you are using. Whenever you visit the site, it can be automatically identified and recorded in our server log file IP Address, as well as access time and the page you visit. collect IP Addresses are standard practice and are automated by many websites, applications and other services. We use IP Address to calculate the usage level of the site, help diagnose problems with its servers, and manage the site.

six adopt Cookie And other similar technologies:“ Cookie ”It includes common information in the form of small files, which are placed on personal devices to make it easier for individuals to communicate and interact with websites. When you visit our website, we may send one or more Cookie They enable us to store information about your device, which helps us provide a good experience when you browse our website, and improve the services and functions you provide. We recognize the automatic browser signals related to the tracking mechanism, which may include the "do not track" command.

seven By summarizing information: The summarized personal data will not identify you or any other users of the website (for example, we may summarize personal data to calculate the percentage of users with a specific phone area code).

How we use personal information

We use personal data:

one Reply to your inquiry and meet your requirements, such as sending you the required materials and newsletters, as well as information and materials about our products and services.

two Send you management information, such as information about the site and changes to our terms, conditions and policies.

three Send you marketing information according to applicable laws and your preferences, including emails and SMS messages that we think you may be interested in.

four Personalize your experience on the website by displaying customized products and offers.

five For our business purposes, such as data analysis, audit, fraud monitoring and prevention, developing new products, enhancing, improving or modifying our sites and services, identifying usage trends, determining the effectiveness of promotional activities, and operating and expanding our business activities.

six We will:

The legal basis for our collection and use of the above personal data will depend on the relevant personal data and the specific circumstances we collect. We will collect and use your personal data, which is processed in accordance with our legitimate business interests. In some cases, the legal basis for processing personal data will also be based on your consent or we need personal data to sign a contract with you or a contract with you. In some cases, we may have a legal obligation to collect personal data from you.

If we require you to provide personal data to comply with legal requirements or sign a contract with you, we will clearly state whether you must provide your personal data (and the possible consequences if you do not provide your personal data) at the relevant time.

How we share your user information

Subsidiaries and affiliated companies:

We disclose personal data to our subsidiaries and affiliates for the purposes described in this privacy statement.

Other organizations and individuals:

We will not share your user information with other organizations and individuals, except for the following situations:

one Share with explicit consent: after obtaining your explicit consent, we will share your user information with other parties;

two Sharing under legal circumstances: we may share your user information according to laws and regulations, litigation, arbitration settlement needs, or the requirements of administrative and judicial authorities according to law;

three In order to facilitate transactions or assist in resolving disputes, in some cases, only by sharing your user information can you facilitate transactions or handle disputes or disputes between you and others;

four Share with authorized partners: We may entrust trusted partners to provide services, so we may share some of your user information with partners to provide better customer service and optimize user experience. We will only share your user information for legal, legitimate, necessary, specific and clear purposes, and only share user information necessary for providing services. Our partners have no right to use the shared user information for any other purpose.

How we use and disclose other information

We can use and disclose other non personal information, unless we provide it otherwise according to the requirements of applicable laws. If we are required to treat other information as personal data according to applicable laws, we will use or disclose it in the same way as we use and disclose personal data. In some cases, we may combine other information with personal data (such as combining your name with the name of your organization). If the combination allows you to identify, we will treat the combined information as personal data, as long as it is combined.

How we protect your personal information

We have implemented appropriate organizational, technical and management measures to protect personal data within the organization, including security controls, to prevent unauthorized access to our systems. Although we take reasonable measures to protect your personal data from loss, misuse, interference and unauthorized access, modification and disclosure, you should know that no security program or agreement can guarantee one hundred %It is free from intrusion or hacker attack, so it always shares personal data online to take certain risks. If you have reason to believe that your interaction with us is no longer secure (for example, if you think your account security has been damaged), please call the customer service hotline immediately( 010-84785451 )Let us know.

How do you access, change, or delete your information

If you want to access, change, delete or restrict the use or disclosure of any personal data collected and stored by Magic Mirror Market Intelligence, or transfer it to other organizations, please call the customer service hotline( 010-84785451 )Let us know. So that we can consider and respond to your request in accordance with applicable laws. Please note that we need to retain certain information for recording purposes and / Or complete any transactions you started before requesting access, changes, or deletions.

How long will we keep your personal information

We will keep your personal data for a period of time to meet the original collection purposes, including pursuing our legitimate business interests, complying with our legal obligations, resolving disputes and implementing applicable agreements.

Special agreement on minor user information

We mainly provide products and services for adults. If you are a minor, we ask you to ask your parents or guardians to read this privacy policy carefully, and use our services or provide information to us with the consent of your parents or guardians.

In the case of collecting personal information of minors by using our products or services with the consent of parents or guardians, we will only use, share, transfer or disclose this information when laws and regulations permit, parents or guardians explicitly agree or it is necessary to protect minors.

Changes to this privacy statement

We will update this privacy statement from time to time. If our information management practices change materially, we will This page We will notify you of such changes, and in some cases, we will send a change notice via email.

This statement was last updated on two thousand and twenty-two year eleven month ten Day.

Internet Information Service Provider / Users shall not produce, copy, publish or disseminate information containing the following contents:

(1) Opposing the basic principles set forth in the Constitution;

(2) Endangering national security, divulging state secrets, subverting state power and undermining national unity;

(3) Damage to national honor and interests;

(4) Inciting national hatred and discrimination, and undermining national unity;

(5) Those who undermine the state's religious policy and promote heresy and feudal superstition;

(6) Spreading rumors, disturbing social order and undermining social stability;

(7) Spreading obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, murder, terror or abetting crime;

(8) Insult or slander others, and infringe upon their legitimate rights and interests;

(9) Containing other contents prohibited by laws and administrative regulations.

Questions and concerns

Your privacy is very important to us. If you have any questions or concerns about the way we collect and process your information as the data controller, please call the customer service hotline( 010-84785451 )Contact us.