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Assistant Resume

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Looking for assistant resume, looking for assistant resume template? Come to the special column of Assistant Mike's resume, which has sorted out a large number of templates for your assistant's resume, such as product manager assistant, administrative assistant, secretary assistant, project manager assistant, etc. for you to download. Come and find the template you are satisfied with.

Generally speaking, the birth of assistants is the product of the main leaders' self expansion of power. Although there is no basis in the system for the chief leader to appoint several assistants, the biggest advantage of doing so is to erode the authority of deputy leaders to the maximum extent and make his hands extended longer. However, if the main person in charge in some places asks the businessman to be his assistant, it may not be so simple.

The assistant of domestic enterprises is different from that of foreign enterprises. The foreign enterprise assistant simply means "helping to manage". As the above said, the state-owned enterprise assistant has a lower position than the deputy, but its real power is higher than the deputy in matters authorized by the first leader.