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Resume template of doctors and nurses

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Looking for nurse resume template? Nurse resume template? Doctor's resume model? Come to the special column of medical resume, where we have sorted out the complete resume template of nurses, and the resume template of doctors for you to choose and download. The resume template is beautifully designed and has complete content. You can complete a satisfactory resume by simple replacement, and improve your impression in the interviewer.

Doctors should master clinical medical knowledge, provide medical consultation, examination item notification, disease analysis and diagnosis, formulate treatment path, scheme feasibility discussion, issue medical orders, rehabilitation education, combination of medical care and nursing care, academic discussion and other services for patients and wounded, and bear legal and political responsibilities.

Nurses refer to health technicians who are engaged in all clinical operations or single special nursing activities related to medical treatment in accordance with laws, regulations and nursing industry norms, have obtained a nurse practice certificate through practice registration, and are engaged in nursing activities in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations, and perform the duties of protecting human life, alleviating the pain of patients, and promoting health. Nurses are called angels in white. The term "nurse" comes from Zhong Maofang's proposal to translate English Nurse into "nurse" at the first Chinese Nurses Conference in 1914, which was approved by the conference and has been used since then. When working, you must take off your casual clothes and wear nursing clothes.