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heat Grasping grass, it's 2024

Author: Mr. Jiang Chen Classification: Capriccio two thousand and twenty-four year 01 month thirteen day
 Grasping grass, it's 2024 Time is really terrible. When I opened the draft box again, I started to create a new folder in 2024. When I opened the folder in 2023, I found that there was nothing in the folder for two months. I don't know when I began to write less and less about life. Often looking at the dreamy Chenfeng, I don't know what to say or write. It seems that as the days go by, I am intoxicated with stories, short videos or tours in other people's homes
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heat Random thoughts about Kindle leaving the mainland market

Author: Mr. Jiang Chen Classification: Capriccio two thousand and twenty-two year 02 month 08 day
 Random thoughts about Kindle leaving the mainland market preface On January 4, 2022, the Kindle suddenly appeared on Weibo. It is reported that the Chinese hardware team of the Kindle was abolished last year, and the massive shortage of Kindle now may indicate that Amazon's e-book business will withdraw from the Chinese market. But soon the official customer service of the Kindle self run store gave a response, saying that the Kindle was simply out of stock, not off the shelf. Kindle China's official microblog is
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heat Time goes by, old friends haven't seen each other for a long time

Author: Mr. Jiang Chen Classification: Capriccio two thousand and seventeen year eleven month thirty day
 Time goes by, old friends haven't seen each other for a long time Today, I saw that teacher Wang Yushuang left a comment in Micro Life (42) - Living Hard, which seems to be an instant back to a year ago, or more ago. Wys: my brother still insists on writing blog. It is estimated that the articles in recent years can be published after sorting them out. (^ω^) By virtue of memory, I visited his domain name and finally found a blog site, but the new Emlog site was empty. Teacher Wang from Ningxia
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heat Give hope to time and pray for the fragrance of time

Author: Mr. Jiang Chen Classification: Capriccio two thousand and seventeen year eleven month 02 day
 Give hope to time and pray for the fragrance of time From the end of my internship on October 27, 2017, my life will return to the right track, or the track of students. On the track of students, I faced two problems. One was that I didn't finish writing the internship teaching plan and log, and the other was that something went wrong in my body. On October 30, 2017, Monday, after I went to take a bath, I probably caught a little wind, so I caught a cold, which has not yet recovered today. One sick person on campus
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heat Time will give you everything, just see if you can catch it

Author: Mr. Jiang Chen Classification: Capriccio two thousand and seventeen year ten month twenty-five day
 Time will give you everything, just see if you can catch it "Time will give you everything, just see if you can catch it." After I wrote this sentence, I went out and shook my head. My ears have recovered. A few weeks ago, something came out of my right ear, which may be a so-called acne. It grew in my ears, so that I could hardly hear the sound in that week, or I could hear nothing in one ear. And every day, it hurts more than yesterday. In that week, I didn't choose to go to the hospital
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heat Memory of dreams - May 16, 2015

Author: Mr. Jiang Chen Classification: Capriccio two thousand and fifteen year 05 month sixteen day
 Memory of dreams - May 16, 2015 Time passes quickly. Unconsciously, the sun has set. And mobile phones, with a wonderful world, let you sink in the flooded and useless information world, just like a boat lost in the ocean, but when you wake up, it is already white and grey.
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