Someone said I was just a puppet, and I smiled coldly. In this extremely real world, how can I be an ordinary puppet? Until that day, I saw the arm exposed when the sleeve slipped in the mirror. The wood grain, like a lightning split into my soul, once the belief, in a moment, completely collapsed.


So I want to pursue the truth. Or, I'm running away; In other words, I want to fly Use my belief to prove that the reality is wrong! Unfortunately, it is a good idea and difficult to do. But no matter how hard it is, I will do it, because I don't believe it!

On the street, everyone seems strange. It seems that since I entered the small dark room, I have been derailed from the world. When I came to the road again, I felt the solid earth, Dream is far away, hope is at your feet I want to shout loudly: "Puppet, can you feel the warm, dark earth full of right and wrong?"

After a few steps, the sky slowly became dark, and raindrops began to fall slowly be raining In the middle, I saw a layer of greasy flowing on the ground and touched it gently with my hands. It turned out to be a layer of paint. Um

I shouted and ran in the street, I didn't believe it, I really didn't believe it! What is the pain of ten years' belief collapsing in a flash, except disbelief?

There is no truth in this street. you 're right. But when I hid in my little dark room, I looked in the mirror, and there was another story in the mirror.

The world in the mirror

"A puppet man shouted disbelief when he saw his robot arm and ran out of the house and into the street. It was raining at this time, and the paint on his body was washed away. Then he was scared to run back to the house and hide on the bed, trembling." A guy said to the guy beside him. At this moment, a sentence came:

"The joke you told is not funny~"

 Control Dream Chenfeng.jpg

He looked back and saw a man come out behind him, a tall and majestic man. The line on his hand led him, and his mouth was wide open, because there was a bigger man behind him

"Puppet World"

I look at all the absurdities in the mirror. Am I in a dream? I pinched my thighs, and the soft texture convinced me that I was human. The reason why I didn't wake up was because it didn't hurt enough! Just like countless dreams, they all give up because of the pain of reality. All the thoughts once disappeared with their surrender.

 The Last Real Dream Chenfeng.jpg

I know that it's hard for me to wake up. When I climbed up a tall building and jumped down, I opened my eyes in the gravity. At the end of endless darkness, I saw a ray of sunshine. I am not a puppet, I am an ordinary person. Countless shouts:“ Who can stop us from flying freely ”Later, he slowly surrendered to the reality.

Say not reconciled, but who is reconciled? On the way to growth, Kill our dreams countless times But in chagrin, hard to ever.

I'm a puppet, I'm at your disposal, but I'm not a puppet, because I'm still pursuing my dream. Even if it was the pain of landing in the end, it was hard for me to let go.

Jiang Chen


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