Hello, everyone. My name is Black Pepper. It was originally an ordinary spice that could not be more ordinary. It was settled in India, but I saw many people started their own businesses. So I followed my envy and went to start my own business, hoping to become the first in the spice industry.

One of my friends said he would go to Egypt for development. I said take me with me, so we came to Egypt from a muddle headed land route. However, that guy was brainwashed by mummy. He did not know what kind of pyramid marketing industry he entered. Finally, he went to sleep with the Egyptian pharaoh. I had no recourse in Egypt, so I had to go to Greece.

I tried hard to sell fake goods and put up small advertisements. Finally, I gradually developed and even became famous in Rome.

But then, I found that one of my distant relatives, Piper Piper, had already taken root in Greece and was well known.

But now, Piper Baer often shamelessly pretends to be me for the sake of the evil money. This made the Roman people confused—— But of course, I often impersonate him.

Piper Piper boasted that his fragrance could charm 10 elephants, and it was as convenient to get himself as stepping on an ant. When others asked about the scientific basis, Piper said: This is what Hippocrates, the founder of medicine, said.

Why don't you say it was Lu Xun?

The spotlight of Piper Piper almost covered me. I hated Pi Pei's gnashing of teeth, and even thought of going to the Roman capital to talk to the emperor Octavian. However, in view of the inconvenience of land transportation, I wrote an email to Octavian: hot black pepper, please take it away online.

Unexpectedly, it succeeded. Rome sent an army to protect me! You are cold!

Alas, I'm on land! What are you sailing for? You have gone astray, not to Egypt, come back quickly! Hey, I said to take me away. What are you doing with Cleopatra?

It seems that I am cold now. Alas, in nine out of ten cases, spice was not satisfactory in its life. It was not enough to be overcharged by middlemen, but was bullied by the Roman army. I think we'd better go back home.

But my turn came. The Roman army opened the waterway of Egypt, and then my brother could come from a very convenient waterway. My brother and I intimidated and seduced Piper finally, and Piper never recovered.

My fame is growing, and my career is also growing. So after I took care of my brothers and industries in Europe, I went back to India, the country of origin, to sit at my desk. He talked nonsense with the nobles all day long, and the life was still leisurely. Bishop Shebourne also sent a dynamic special praise to me.

Zheng He also came to see me in person. I thought he wanted to cooperate with me, but he said he was not here to do business, so I had to give up.

But later, I found that in order to raise my price, the middlemen said something like "the saying goes," Thinness is the most valuable thing. "They made up some nonsense to hype me, saying that black pepper is actually protected by a giant snake in the forest. People must set fire to drive away the giant snake, so that they can obtain black pepper refined by the fire.

The higher the price is, the fewer people will buy it, and I will be further away from becoming the king of spices. Hum, the more I think about it, the more angry I am. I'm afraid he forgot another saying, "setting fire to the mountain, you can sit through the prison."

In order to succeed, I have to find another middleman to open up a new sea route. I looked at the information of great navigators in this era and called them one by one.

Hello? Columbus? Black pepper unsalable help us? No, on the way to America to see the alpaca? Why don't you come to see me?

Yo, Caribbean pirates? I've heard so much. Neither? Are you busy making movies for Captain Jack? I wish you an early capsize.

Hey, Magellan? Are you free, ready to sail around the world? How nice is that? Also interested in Spice Islands? That's better. Welcome to come? What, the blind fortune teller said you could not live in the Spice Islands? Why do you hang up on me for this reason? Who is this?

There is only Da Gama left. Well, you should see the dead before you die.

I was thinking about the phone number of Da Gama, but he came to me and said, "For Christ and spices". I thought that Christ had red wine and bread for his last dinner, and there was no black pepper? Whatever, God is the one who gives the money. I soon reached an agreement with Da Gama happily.

Since then, my career has not been blocked, and has been thriving, and has received widespread praise. During this period, I met a beautiful girl named White Pepper. Later, I went to prepare for marriage, and the physical examination found that White Pepper was my own sister! What is the story of dog blood?

However, on the whole, I have become the first spice in the world.

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This article is written by @clatterrr If you have a good manuscript, please send it to us.

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