Day 13 # Difficult to be a Chinese teacher

Perhaps because I am a liberal arts student, I always feel that liberal arts is the most difficult to learn and also the most difficult to teach—— I mean, there are times of independent thinking, not rote memorization.

Every time we speak Chinese, it always involves history and other aspects. In the sixth grade people's edition of the language book, there is a "Seven Step Poem" behind the ancient poem, so we roughly explained the background, such as Cao Zhi, Cao Pi, and then expanded to the ranking of their brothers, the father Cao Cao, the boss Cao Ang, and so on. When I got back to the office, a classmate held a notebook and asked me, "Teacher, what is the next sentence after experiencing difficulties?"

It is difficult to be a water once experienced the sea, but it is not a cloud except Wushan.

It seems that the poetry that can't reach the boundary with primary school is unknown where the children found it, and Adina asked before class, "Teacher, where does it come from?"

Fortunately, I carefully recorded demerits when I studied.

When will the moon be bright. I don't know what season it would be in the heavens on this night? I want to go back by the wind, but I'm afraid that the Qionglouyuyu will be too cold at high places. Dancing to clear the shadows, it seems that you are in the world.

The moon rounds the red mansion Stoops to silk-pad doors, Shines upon the sleepless Bearing no grudge. Why does the moon tend to be full when people are apart? People have joys and sorrows of separation and reunion, and the moon has its ups and downs. This hatred of the past is hard to complete. May we all be blessed with longevity. Though far apart, we are still able to share the beauty of the moon together..

The quality of courseware downloaded from the Internet worries me. Looking at the multimedia equipment, I am too lazy to do courseware because of handwritten teaching plans, but it is troublesome to pick up chalk. After several twists and turns, the courseware was made several times, but the time was not enough.

 Jiang Chen's courseware

——After all, there is administrative work. Before this Friday, the archives must be sorted out again. Because there is no handover of work, we are passive and helpless.

Plan, to be written; SMS, to be written; Resident manual, to be written; Teaching plan should be written; Political learning notes should be written; Summarize and write; The system should include

I have no skills but I can't do it. stay @Love Seal Dust I saw a picture in the QQ group of

Recruit the front end, let him be responsible for the back end, maintain the Haha server, help with sales, and cook a few dishes for the company's employees, and then shout bitterness there.

In fact, not only Chinese teachers, but also any teacher is hard to do now. Even though you have great ability, it is still difficult for one person to solve the problem. However, if you work together, there may not be someone who will cooperate with you honestly.

Unfortunately, the lone wolf is too tired after all. In my short teaching career, I feel that all the administrative work has a clear conscience, but in education, I still owe some children. After all, I seldom have the opportunity and energy to prepare a complete and complete Chinese class for them, which is in line with my heart.

——The real language is not just books, it contains everything, and can even extend to astronomy, geography, and history.

Unfortunately, it's not easy to be a Chinese teacher nowadays.

I just hope that after the work at this stage is completed, I can have time to complete the teaching work. After all, this semester is not the last semester, two classes span too much, but only one sixth grade. A group of lively bear children.

It's not easy to be a Chinese teacher. But when there is no choice, we can only hope to do better slowly.

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