Several times, I turned on Typora in front of my computer. Facing the empty screen, I didn't know what I wanted to write. Life seems to be repeating itself. If you want to break it, it seems that you have only done one thing to break the bottom line of yesterday's delay—— Only by constantly breaking the bottom line will there be no bottom line.

On January 27, I went to work. It seems that I am a language teacher, so I started a week of intensive Mandarin training for students in winter vacation under the arrangement of my superiors. I was alone in the fifth and sixth grades. I was also thinking about how I should strengthen the so-called "Mandarin" for the two classes.

A man is typing on the keyboard in the office, writing a life he doesn't know how to talk about. I want to be a slash youth, but I find that even the work of the people's teacher is a bit awkward. On Qifu Online, I seem to write that I hope 2019 will not be embarrassed. Unfortunately, the confusion is still there.

Every day I set three things for myself: going to bed early, reading books and writing blogs. However, in this hurry, I seem to have nothing to do well. Said to go to bed early, but found it was late at night. When talking about reading, I found myself lost in the fragmented information flow. When I write a blog, I find that I can't even write a title. Decadence and mediocrity seem to start from such a day. I tried to curb my life countless times, but found that my life was so painful. In the days of tits, mediocrity is no longer a kind of incompetence, but a kind of normality. The sun and moon, aloof, watched everything pass by.

I thought that in the days when teaching and learning grew together, in the final analysis, I was too young.

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