At the end of the former student days, it was a carnival, but now the teacher's end of the semester, a quiet night. Heartless can always fall asleep, drunk when the song paralyzed their nerves. At least, don't worry about tomorrow. The invigilation and shift change, however, can not change some teachers' invigilation of their students. Seeing the children scratching their heads, it seems that they are also a group of monkeys jumping in their hearts, and the invigilators can not live in peace. In any case, neither of them can live in peace and torture each other.

The degree of children varies from good to bad. Some people say that it is teachers' ability. Suddenly, for a long time, it may be their own shortcomings. You said that a third grader didn't know everything about the first and second graders, and even the ability to express Chinese was barely enough. So, what should I do?

After invigilating the first grade, I should invigilate the next one in the second grade. Fortunately, there was no open book exam class of morality and society in the second grade, so I stole a little leisure in the office, opened the computer, tapped the characters, and asked myself.

In the afternoon, the time for invigilating the English exam was one and a half hours. It seemed that I had insisted on standing for more than an hour. Now I stand there and look at the bottom from the top, but I find that the group of people scratching their heads and looking around in the sleeping trough is really like my former classmates or my former classmates.

When I vaguely remember the teacher who was called the male god by all girls in college, he often seemed to shrink in one corner to form a unified invigilator, regardless of his spring, summer, autumn and winter, but no one could have the courage to cheat in those two eyes. It seems that with the growth of years and the baptism of time, one pair of eyes is enough to make students awe, let alone two pairs?

Or it is said that he is shrinking into one corner, just to fish out cheating students. However, when I invigilated for the exam at the end of this semester, the school leader didn't seem to say how much to reward for catching cheating, so I put the fishing rod away, and the mobile phone was not allowed to use, so what did I fish with? In a flash, I missed another opportunity to salute the teacher.

Look at the time, the children are scratching their heads. After all, English in the afternoon is a good time to supplement lunch break in my impression. Tomorrow, math, in the regular line inside the pen can always be disobedient to write different traces to intersect one or two.

It doesn't matter. I'm waiting for the time to correct the paper, and I'm waiting for myself to test my results. Before that, I read two Buddhist scriptures to learn how to Big sound, elephant invisible (This is from Taoism.). After all, if you don't put your mind in order, how can you enjoy your life tomorrow?

So far, all the work of this semester is coming to an end.

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