I vaguely remember standing at the window of the fifth floor, jumping down with the wind. When my lower legs hit the ground, I knelt down and hit my head on the ground. I only felt a sound of cracking in my body, and a breath of scarlet floated on my mouth, but there was no chance to spit it out.

"Jiang Chen fell from a high place and died. Is he reborn?"

I silently closed the interface, turned into a ghost, and wandered around the world for a few minutes, or days, or years.

In the community, I watched the old men and women sitting there, basking in the last sunset. I don't know how they traveled from south to north when they were young, but it's a pity that I, the soul of me, was destined to be able to watch.


Look at a bunch of flowers, each one is unique and unparalleled in the world. But in common, they seem to have the opportunity to blossom. And my soul is doomed to be gone.


When I was bored here, I jumped up and flew to an unknown direction. With the wind rising and clouds rising, rain drops falling, the distant clouds slowly blocked everything, and I sank into it.


After sinking, the moment when I opened my eyes, it seemed as if I had returned to a rainy night.

When the rain fell, a shed was built next to the construction site. The wind blew in the rain, mixed with the sound of falling rain hitting the iron plate. I looked at my backers. They might have drowned me or pushed me down from the upstairs with the power of drowning. But at this moment, they turned everything into rosy clouds in the fleeting years, escorting me to the distance, Pursue your dreams.

It seems that it's not good to die just like this. I smiled bitterly. I thought I could walk towards death freely, but I still owe too much after all.

I always want to enjoy life, but finally I find that I owe a lot of debts.

I silently clicked Rebirth, only to hear Pang Tong's voice, "Rebirth in the fire..."

At this time, the time is good, I am outside the window.

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