Many people like to say goodbye. They think that if they say goodbye, they will really see each other again. But for some people, after saying goodbye, they will never see each other again.

 Coffee cat, farewell

Wen He and Han Xin are just like this. They left in a hurry in those years, but it has been a hundred years since they looked back.

Wen Tong, male, 30 years old, is an orphan of a martyr. At the age of five, Wen He applied to the state and was formally adopted by Wen He.

When Han Xin found Wen Tong, Wen Tong was in the studio of a painting boat, with a paintbrush in one hand and a painting plate in the other, and he was painting something with concentration.

When I got closer, I found that the person in the picture was Wen He's young appearance. Wearing a printed dress, sitting on the sofa, looking out of the window.

This painting only painted Wen He's side face and upper body, but Han Xin still wet his eyes.

At this time, Han Xin no longer had the handsome face when he was young and energetic. Years of climbing in the market made this man in his early fifties look more mature and stable.

The face polished by years is now covered with desolation, red eyes, and trembling lips, which seems to be venting something.

"Hello, Mr. Han" When the waiting party finally arrived, Wen Tong put down his paintbrush, turned to the inner room, took out a large box, and walked to Han Xin.

Close your eyes, take back all your emotions, and then open your eyes again, you have recovered to the cold image in the mall that keeps people away from thousands of miles.

Han Xin didn't know what it was like to look at the young man who was one end higher than himself.

"Hello, it was you who called my assistant this morning and said that Wenhe wanted to give me something, right?"

"Yes, this is my mother's last wish. I have the obligation to complete it for her."

"Well, I have come, can you give me something?"

"This is my mother's most precious thing. I hope you can take good care of it."

"Don't worry, I will. I will take good care of everything Wen He cherishes."

"Mr. Han, since I have fulfilled my mother's will, can I ask you one more thing? Can you tell me the story between you and your mother?"

Hearing Wen Tong's question, Han Xin trembled all over. His story with Wen He had ended more than 20 years ago, but it did not seem to have ended.

Wenhe never came back after she left with her suitcase that day. In the first few months, Han Xin has been living a depressed and decadent life.

He knew that no one would hug him and comfort him again. And all this is self inflicted.

Later, he and his friends started a business to develop software design. Later, he opened a company. He became a boss, bought a house and a car. The company's performance continued to rise. In just a few years, the company grew larger and larger.

In the fourth year after the separation from Wenhe, the company was rated as an excellent model, and Han Xin himself became the business darling of various financial magazines and media.

Han Xin met Wen He when talking with the newspaper about the interview content. She is the main person in charge of this interview.

When they met, Han Xin saw the placidity in Wen He's eyes, and forced his heart to jump down. The normal interview started.

Everything went well. Only when Wen He was about to leave at the end, Han Xin grabbed Wen He's hand, and his excitement was all on his face.

"President Han, please let go."
"Xiaohe......" Han Xin seemed bored when he heard Wen He calling a strange name in his mouth.
"President Han, please call me Wen He. Can you let me go first?"

I don't know what they said at the end. I only know that Wenhe went out of the office building and hid in the public toilet crying. Han Xin's back in the corridor was also so sad and lonely.

In the next few days, Han Xin always went to Wen He's newspaper office for various reasons. Ask her for forgiveness. Wen He didn't know what to say about Han Xin's behavior.

Can not hide, can only face the reality.

One Saturday morning, Wen He struggled for a long time, and finally got through to Han Xin.
"Han Xin, do you have time? Let's talk about it."
"Yes, yes, if you want to see me, I have time"
"I'll wait for you at the milk tea shop next to the school." Before Han Xin could answer, Wen He hung up the phone.

After simple cleaning up, Wenhe took a taxi to the milk tea shop that she could no longer be familiar with. Standing outside the store and looking at the familiar scenery through the French window, I felt a twinge in my heart.

The sudden voice broke Wen He's memory.
"After graduation, it seems that we have never been here again."
"Let's go, let's go in" tried to resist the impulse of looking back at Han Xin, Wen He took the lead in opening the door and walked in.

Everything was still familiar in college. Han Xin went to the window and sat down. Han Xin ordered two cups of milk tea with Wen He's favorite flavor and looked at Wen He obsessively.

"Ah Xin, congratulations on your achievements." Wen He took a sip of milk tea. The milk tea tasted sweet and a little greasy. She shook her head in silence. I don't know why she liked it so much at that time.
"Xiaohe, you know, everything I do now is because of you. Without you, there would be no Han Xin today."
"Ah Xin, don't say that. Your success is your own effort and sweat."
"Xiaohe, come back. Now I have the ability to give you the future."
"Thanks, no need. I will bear my own future"
"Xiaohe, are you blaming me? I know I hurt you by doing that, but please believe me. My love for you has never changed."
"Ah Xin, don't say that you hurt me. I really hated you during the initial separation, but after so many years, I was relieved. We were all right, maybe we just loved in the wrong way."
"Xiaohe, come back, let's get back together, OK?"
"Ah Xin can't go back. From the moment you decided to push me out, we can't go back."
"Xiaohe, I..."
"Come back to school with me, just like we used to, and go to school again."
"... OK"

After coming out of the milk tea shop, Han Xin took Wen He by the hand and walked on the campus of the university as before. Because it is Saturday, there are lovers everywhere in the school.

Looking at a pair of glued college students, Wen He and Han Xin smiled at each other and stood on the campus of the university, as if they were back several years ago before they graduated.

Han Xin didn't know where to find a bicycle. Wen He smiled and sat in the back seat, holding Han Xin in her arms and leaning her head against Han Xin's back. Shuttle through the campus as before.

At noon, I lined up in the school canteen to have a meal, and both of them were very happy. After dinner, Wenhe ran to the classroom. As before, Wenhe fell asleep on the table.

After waking up, they went to the playground together. The figure at dusk was so touching but so far away.

Finally, they stood in front of the library. Wen He said to Han Xin, "Ah Xin, let's play a game."
Han Xin felt a little abnormal, but he didn't think much about "OK, what game do you want to play?"
"If you stand here and count 20 numbers, I will run to the library and hide them to see if you can find me. How about that?"

Looking at the smile on Wen He's face and imagining Wen He's abnormal day today, Han Xin knew that everything was about to end.
"Well, go hide, I will find you"

After saying that, Han Xin turned around and began to count "1, 2, 3, 4..." Hearing Han Xin's voice, Wen He wanted to rush to hold him as before.

But in the end, Wen He did nothing, covered his mouth and ran to the library.

"...... 18, 19, 20" Although Han Xin knew there was no result, he still counted to 20 and walked towards the library.

He looked all over the first floor. I've searched the second floor, but nothing. I searched the third floor, but still didn't find it. In the end, Han Xin just looked at the back door of the library and cried.

Later, Han Xin never went to the newspaper office to find Wen He again. After the whole interview, the president of Wen He's newspaper invited Han Xin to participate in their newspaper's thank-you banquet, and they were able to meet again.

At the dinner table, Wen He was the main person in charge of the interview, so he had to toast Han Xin. Before that, Wenhe had drunk a lot of wine on his own.

So when it came time to propose a toast to Han Xin, Wen He had already drifted.
"President Han, I salute you for this first cup of wine, and thank you for the laughter and emotion you have brought to my world."
"The second cup of wine is for you. May you have a bright future and live a carefree life in the years to come."
"The third cup of wine is for you, for the past that we love but can't go back"
"After drinking these three glasses of wine, we will never talk about love again"

At the end of the day, Wen He was drunk and sent home by Han Xin. At Wen He's home, Han Xin met Wen Tong, 5, for the first time. And the head of the dormitory in Wenhe University.

That night, Han Xin talked with the dormitory head of Wenhe University for a long time. From her mouth, Han Xin learned about Wenhe's life in recent years.

Half a year after separating from Han Xin, Wen He applied to the newspaper office for the position of war reporter and went to the front of the battlefield alone. I stayed there for two years.

One year ago, Wenhe decided to leave the front line, adopted the martyr's orphan, and renamed him Wentong because he was orphaned by a soldier.

At that moment, Han Xin had mixed feelings. For the first time, he began to question whether it was right to push Wen He away when he was poor and white.

No one can give him an accurate answer. Only know that after that night, Wen He and Han Xin never met again. Goodbye is also the separation of yin and yang.

"Over the years, my mother has been sitting on the sofa when she is free and looking out of the window. I know she has been thinking about you."
"You haven't married for years. Are you waiting for my mother?"
"... Xiaohe, she is the woman I love deeply in my life and the person I owe the most"

I'll tell you what's the saddest thing
You met someone
Made a mistake
You want to make up and pay off
Only found out in the end
You have no power
The sins committed can never be remedied


Written on January 28, 2018

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