Every time my thoughts are intermittent, I try my best to splice them together. I'm going to move along, but I find they are broken. Like many things, they have ended before they started, which makes me feel overwhelmed. Standing in it is not where it starts, not where it ends.

In recent days, I took out the enthusiasm of four years ago to mix in WAP and Blog and wander in Steemit. As I wrote and revised my signature, "Laughing and swearing become articles, and gagging and writing absurd.//The youth in 1997 likes to write their own stories, and is good at writing beating hearts. He is a blogger of stream of consciousness writing from Dream Chenfeng."

So I can visit the posts in the whole Steemit Chinese area in a flash, but after reading them, I feel my enthusiasm has halved. This is not four years ago. When the site was built four years ago, everyone carefully carved the site as the most precious thing, or slowly accumulated it as something to learn. Four years later, I found the Headline Party and the fake original works in Steemit.

When you see the porters on the website, they will write, the original author is XX, and the link is XX. And in this place where it is said that writing will never eliminate the mark, we are unbridled. Or, the Internet makes it hard for all visitors to see whether you are a person or a dog, so we wear masks and do everything we want to do.

And these days, I don't know why, I bought some digital currency subconsciously. On January 16, 2018, I looked at a piece of green and felt a little bit in my heart. Maybe this is not a game suitable for me, but Jiang Chen, a Buddhist, treats everything as a game.

Perhaps digital currency, when you invest, should be sent to the future as a gift. It is not a short-term argument, and I am at a loss.

I am in a county town in the south of the Yangtze River beyond the Great Wall. Recently, I bought a lot of things. I check the logistics every day and see that the goods start from Guangzhou, slowly arrive in Urumqi, and then go to Jiangnan beyond the Great Wall. When it is one step away from my small county, it returns to Guangzhou.

Contacted the shopkeeper. It turned out that Yunda Express did not go to the county town for some reasons.

Return has become the main task recently. I returned all the things I had never met but loved in my heart one by one, and the money I wanted to spend eventually returned to my pocket in this way, leaving me a little ready to cry.

However, the money was spent. I bought something online and offline after all. For example, a 15 inch portable keyboard, such as a large capacity square cup, and a book on computer level II Web Programming. Maybe for my major, taking the computer certificate is useless, so I applied for two items and took the last exam I wanted to meet in the last day.

Someone asked me why I had never experienced it at my computer level.

In fact, I finished in 20 minutes at the level where I needed to get my graduation certificate, and then drifted by. The rest is what I can't but I never try.

On the road of life, we have never worked hard for many times. We have imagined our future countless times, but how many times have we tried to run for it? I don't know. I looked at myself in the mirror silently, and his beard appeared. In his eyes, his drowsiness and fatigue gradually increased. It seems that I am more tired at home than at school.

I came out of the mirror, took out my broom, swept the scattered silk threads together, and opened MarkdownPad 2. Pour it in. I poured it out in constant stirring. I don't know what my last life was like, but at this moment my life was full of boredom and powerlessness. I want to leave to change, just like watching some students enviously who are constantly taking part-time jobs, and then go out to travel, or set out early.

However, when we arrive at a distant place, we have a heart that is not shocked by everything. What's so impressive? I don't know.

After thinking about it, can I slowly describe the story that always springs up in my mind when I leave home every day? However, at the present time, I don't know if I can try to create a different self?

Just like wearing the mask of the Internet, do you know who I am? What can I do?

 <? php Echo 'Let's keep thinking and inspiration, and let me continue to write my story.'; echo "\n"; Echo 'PHP is the best language in the world!'; ?>

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