It seems that I haven't written about my home life. In other words, the day of residence is pale and powerless, and there is no way to write. However, December, which was originally planned to be one wen a day, cannot end inexplicably on the seventh day, which is really not conducive to the formation of habits—— After all, you should always do what you preach, or else, who will believe you? In addition, I would like to conclude proudly on December 31st: write down the days of one wen a day in December.

Since the end of the internship, there has been one class every day for a week, except Wednesday and Sunday. Except for Thursday's class, we had breakfast on the first two days of the day, and the rest of the classes were held on March 4 or May 6, basically missing the opportunity to eat. On Wednesday, there was no class all day.

It was eleven or two o'clock when the dead alien woke up. WeChat messages from Lu Lushaojun were floating on the mobile phone, and then went online.

It took a while to help him write a little code about website verification. Later, I wanted to go out for dinner, but it was already 1 o'clock. Open your box and find that there are still some leftovers - instant noodles+compressed biscuits.

I simply went to wash and gargle, soaked instant noodles and ate biscuits. When the computer is turned on, the broadband of the campus network has already stopped. The network card used by the mobile phone is the 1-yuan daily rental card of Unicom. The 800M traffic per day is a long time in the days without 4G. So, turn on the hotspot to connect the computer.

Later, he finally became active in blog and Steemit, like, visit each other, leave messages, comment, reply to comments, all in one go.

Open the class group, take out the trumpet and shout to collect the financial aid materials. Although he is already a college student, the office operation is really eye-catching. The shared word is actually saved in. wps format. The middle and right are marked with blank spaces, and the title is in boldface No. 3, which is Microsoft's simple boldface

So, call back.

Open the "Three Kingdoms Killing". The new mode of the Guandu battle is four people forming a team versus the computer. The physical strength is 5 points. After the consumption is completed, it is found that the time is up to the afternoon.

After thinking about it, I packed my bags and finally walked out of the dormitory.

Off campus, bathhouse. After taking a bath, I found that the head teacher was calling me.

School work office, draw up plans, eat, return to dormitory, wash clothes, and distribute documents. Surprisingly, a day has passed.

However, the daily rent card still has a 200M traffic balance.

It's past the time limit to bear the pain, wash and tidy up, pick up the pen and write, and it's 1 o'clock in the morning.

And dream, tomorrow at 10 o'clock, logic.

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