I am always annoyed in a muddle, so it is better to do something down-to-earth. Someone read it the other day "How can we not write about the fleeting years when the sun is shining in winter?" Then, ask me what my ideal is. I thought for a moment and replied, "Freedom".

Every time I talk about being alive, it is a journey for me to pursue my dream. Even if you don't, you also yearn for the distance and pursue poetry. On the way of life, if you don't write freely, you will lose the world of mortals.

Poetic life, freehand brushwork, I pursue freedom on the road, step by step, slowly. I am looking for my own dream, a dream of freedom. It is my family's exhortation, ordinary and valuable.

broaden sources of income and reduce expenditure

Due to some unexpected reasons, I passed my living expenses on to December 18th through time. In other words, only on that day can I get my living expenses.

So, before that, I will think of ways to deal with some of the crises that have arisen.

Telecom broadband is 49 yuan a month, and I paid 50 yuan for it in November after finishing the "high-quality" package of 300 yuan a year. The telecom card has 6 gigabytes of traffic a month. However, after the mobile phone is connected to the data, the speed of 2 gigabytes is not commendable.

I didn't want to change the package at first, but on the 25th, I was in the mood to check some things, so I went to the customer service of China Unicom and finally changed the package to a RMB 1 daily rental card (rice noodle card version of China Unicom) on the 28th. In December and in the future, this is a very good package. After all, the whole holiday is only 5 yuan, which is very worthwhile—— As for customer service, it may be the kick cat effect.

At the same time, some meaningless projects will be suspended one by one, waiting for the opportunity to start again.

Digital currency

With the further outbreak of digital currency, Bitcoin leapt to the top with its popularity and hesitated to break the 70000 mark, which was breathtaking.

It makes people scratching their heads—— After all, what I once held was sold in October, because there was a small crisis in October.

And Steem also has a little upward momentum.

Although the Steemit Chinese area is still in the cold winter, the world of digital currency is full of excitement—— Although it's nothing to do with me.

Live free

It has always been said that freedom is alive. What is freedom?

Freedom to eat, live, learn, work, live, and be a citizen.

Some people say that it is not easy to eat freely? Maybe, it's not easy.

It is impossible to stop hairy crabs. It is impossible to stop hairy crabs at any time.

Live freely, who can roam freely?

The freedom to learn, ask yourself, what you have learned is really what you want?

Freedom of work, is your work really what you want most from the bottom of your heart?

Can you live in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou today and in the northwest tomorrow? (Maybe)

Freedom of nationality, can you change your nationality at will?

I just want to be free for the rest of my life.

Final afterword

I look forward to freedom, I would like to run for freedom.

Far away, I would like to fly with it.

Even if you are alone, you should spread your wings.

After all, life, not afraid of mediocrity, but afraid to comfort themselves, ordinary and valuable.

At any time will become a warm frog, as, jump out, and strive to live.

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