Fifteen nights, one bright moon; Drink together with the moon and enjoy the full moon. Light wind blows, dreams fly; Who is dancing in the clouds and charming?
The bright moon is in the sky, thousands of miles away, close to each other, the bright moon is dancing in the breeze.
——The preface, written on September 8, 2014, will be used again today.

When I mentioned the pen, it was still a few days before the Mid Autumn Festival this year, and I, as a wanderer outside the Great Wall, had not returned home for more than a month. I am only a few hundred kilometers away from home. In Xinjiang, it is just a county and a city. When I think back to last semester, I didn't go home for a whole semester. Compared with it, everything is really insignificant now. Suddenly, I want to write something to commemorate something.

Always want to fly when young and frivolous
A man dressed in anger, a horse wielding a sword
When I turned back, I found that my family was full of worries
It turns out that my heart is not so carefree

I was in the dormitory, tapping the computer. At this moment, the power had been cut off. I don't know why. In the dark environment, I felt groping on the keyboard. It seemed that I saw a movie in the night light on Win10. It was me, my transformation in less than 20 years, and I remembered Fantastic Chenfeng Once @Roughly 's comments: "... I'm looking forward to seeing your article after you work and have a family..."

Now, I'm just doing an internship, and I've been doing it for a while. In this internship day, I think of my childhood frivolity. I also understand that, in more than a month, I didn't want to go to work for more than 30 days, but I had to go to work on time every day. Such days really make people crazy. I went to the window and looked out. The sky was still dark and the street lights were dotted“ My dear man, it's about dancing ”, and now? Already lying in bed, waiting for the start of tomorrow, and then continue to work.

Or, during my internship, I just muddle along and do what I can. I get good reviews and bad reviews. I don't feel surprised when I face everything. But once, it was just a matter of a little things, and now what? It seems that they are used to it.

Seeing that all the teachers in the Academic Affairs Office had gone to the meeting, I left the office silently, got on my bike and returned to the dormitory. I found that there was a missed phone. It was my mother. She dialed the phone and heard her familiar voice. In a moment, she just wanted to go home.

No matter what the grievances are, they are carried on by one person. Since junior high school rented a house in Nixian County, they have gradually become accustomed to the life of one person. One person cooks, one person sleeps, one person learns, and one person travels in his own world.

Every time I got home, everything was fine. Yes, learning is OK, life is OK, and cooking by myself is OK. All very well, but ah, I really don't want to go out. I just want to lie at home. I'd rather waste my time than leave home.

After the college entrance examination, when I fill in my volunteer, I want to travel far away. With my courage, I can find my dream and travel far away. However, at that moment, I saw my mother break the so-called wings at that time, and let me fall in the Jiangnan beyond the Great Wall hundreds of kilometers away, and I could reach home within three hours.

When I first arrived at school, I chose to face all things I had never tried before, such as managing class affairs; For example, participate in the student union. To be honest, I'm not very interested in all this. I just don't like being controlled by others. So I choose to control myself.

Then, every time I talked with my family, everything changed.

Fortunately, everything is going well. I will study hard. I have enough money.

There is nothing else.

In a trance, it's time for the internship now. The chat content has changed to "work well, not tired."

However, everything is like that. I haven't gone far. My parents are still there, but my family has changed from Su Township to 71, two places. In the past, the Mid Autumn Festival was just a time for a family to eat a mooncake, and they were busy making money. They never came back to manage it. And now? It seems that there are moon cakes and the whole family get together, but there is something missing.

I don't know when to start, chatting with my family has changed a lot.

At first, I said everything. Later, I didn't say anything. Now, I only said good things. It seems that when people are outside, they always report good news but not bad news. But they all want to throw themselves into their parents' arms and avoid everything like a child, but in the end, they are brave to face the situation outside.

I went back to the table, opened WeChat, and watched my brother ask me, reply to the message, and walk out of the door. Now, in Jiangnan beyond the Great Wall, the feeling of autumn is strong, especially when I don't wear pants, which really makes me shiver. I simply got on my bike, walked around the campus, rode out of the shadow, and entered a new shadow. In the twinkling, I looked up, as if to see something bright and shining. Is that the moon? No, the moon is not the same as it used to be. In particular, it is just a street lamp hanging on the top of the dormitory.

At this moment, I felt a cold. It was the wind blowing through my windbreaker that made me feel a bit bleak and cold. At that moment, I returned to the cold winter I had felt in the rented house. I returned to the tension of a person when facing all the problems he had never touched. I returned to the cowardice of a person when facing the accusations of thousands of people

But nothing happened. Everything was the same as yesterday. So I tightened my clothes, pulled it, rode on my bike, and left everything behind. The bright and shining things brought me a little warmth, just like home, but it is no longer home. The place where I was born in Suxiang has been full of weeds and tears, but it has been cold for so many years, It has always been like this. This is a setback from the world, and there are many doubts. But every time, when I think of home, or the warmth, I am full of courage to face everything.

Eight days before the Mid Autumn Festival, I am hesitating to bring something home. It seems that there should be no shortage of moon cakes at home. Besides these, what else is needed at home? I looked up at the sky and asked it. It looked down at me coldly and let the cold wind blow across my face. I took out my mobile phone and dialed my father's mobile number

Home is the best gift. Or, reunion.

The bright moon is still the bright moon. It seems that it will never change, and I am no longer the person I used to be, but I hope everything is fine.

Jiang Chen wrote it on September 26, 2017. It's a magic article, which is not respected.

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