Today, I went directly to MSDN to download the latest version of 1703 Creator Update of Windows 10 while the Internet was good. After a simple experience and combined with the experience of the last preview, you may want to check the latest creator update of Windows 10 with Jiang Chen first.

The total size of this set of images is 4.27G. After my 64G MINI solid-state installation, after cleaning up the files to be cleaned, 38.6G remains idle, while the original version of Windows 1607 only has 34.4G left. It seems that the system has become a little smaller.

First, look at the system.

The version number is 1703. Presumably, at this moment, everyone, like me, has noticed the difference in settings. First, the application comes out alone and forms a world of its own. It seems that the control panel has gradually disappeared. Although it can be opened, I believe that after Windows 10, there will be no control panel.?

I used to hear about the game mode when I heard about the update of the creator. After I opened it, although there was no introduction, I could experience something. Jiang Chen's computer has no game, so there is no way to experience it. If your computer has it, you can try it.

With all that said, I'd better give you two ways to upgrade. The first is to check for updates in Settings>>Update. If you receive a push, update directly! Jiang Chen was not so lucky to wait for the update, so he went to MSDN to download. Jiang Chen directly sorted out the download link here, and everyone can use it directly.

Windows 10 multi version (x64) address:



Windows 10 multi version (x86) address:



After the file is downloaded, you can run the Get FileHash - Path command through Power Shell ISE to calculate the file SHA1 value, After all, some immoral guys will hijack the network and replace the downloaded files.

Finally, as Microsoft's own fan, I recommend Windows 10 to everyone. Maybe you are sticking to Windows 7 or XP, but after experiencing Windows 10, you may feel that Windows 10 is very good as a personal computer system.

Jiang Chen


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