It seems that I haven't updated my blog for a long time, and I forget myself every day. Wasting away life in mediocrity. Smile, then go back to the dormitory, turn on the computer, log in to the backstage, but don't know what to do. The Three Kingdoms Massacre started silently, and it was a series of battles, while I was abandoned on the side.

In these days, after passing the exam, I had to do the PPT. After all, the final PPT exhibition will also start this Friday. It seems that I am in a hurry, but I am forcing myself to move forward. I always believe that only by forcing myself can I do better. It seems that laziness has become a killer, and it slowly wears me out.

Every day when I stopped writing, I said I would write, but there was nothing. I once said that no input or output was disrespectful to readers. Therefore, I could share my daily reading with e-books. My book list and reading volume have already completed 1/2 of the original flag. However, it seems that I haven't written anything to cheer myself for a long time—— People need constant encouragement, otherwise, how can they know where they have gone and whether they have gone right.

As I mentioned earlier, learning a driver's license was a temporary initiative, but it made me pay a lot for choosing a famous and real automobile city, but I ignored the distance. It takes nearly an hour and a half to go back and forth by bike, while it takes two stops for buses. If you take a taxi, 15 yuan will disappear. As a result, riding has become the most convenient way. Riding along the ring road, there is nothing except bad air.

I haven't paid attention to my surroundings for a long time, but it was this forced trip that made me slowly remember something. For example, when I walked into the Xinhua Bookstore, I found that there were more people there than in the library. It seems that people who keep their wealth often do not want to make progress, but only struggle with nothing.

Riding a bike on the road, my thoughts fly freely, while I concentrate on my journey. Along the way, I have never been so frightened, never looked back so step by step, and the road will slowly come to an end, from drawing money to collecting money, from passive to active. If I had always faced everything in the past, I would have become a foolish lamb to be slaughtered.

My days in the network center are a bit leisurely. If there is no call from the phone, I can quietly play with my mobile phone, or take my computer to study how to play the virtual machine. With the guidance of Brother Li Yang, it saves a lot of things to install a shadow system on a virtual machine than to install a snapshot. However, Win7 Enterprise Edition, which was installed in VM by mistake, was unable to log in to the campus network due to NetKeeper's detection of the virtual machine, which caught me unprepared.

Simply do not use the Internet. So it has become a working environment, including office, PHP environment and Notepad++. I am not a programmer all the time. I am just a troublesome person. From USB flash drive to computer, from mobile phone to network, I like DIY, and I like that everything has my own mark. That, the mark of Jiang Chen.

The weather in Jiangnan beyond the Great Wall is changeable. You can wear short sleeves if it is hot on weekends for two days. Then it's cloudy at night. It seems that it will rain again tomorrow. But no matter what happens today, when the sun rises again, it is a new beginning.

——March, let's just waste it. In April, let me try to freehand my journey from the beginning of fools.

There is a dreamy wind and a misty Jiang Chen. Written on March 27, 2017 00:03

thank Shuimu Yi'an Point out the errors in the text. "Silently opened the Three Kingdoms Killing. The 'de' before the verb should be 'di'."

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