The melody of life does not stop, so it continues. No matter you like it or dislike it, it will never leave you. And the person who finally gives up all this is himself.
After countless changes, I found that I had forgotten my original self in the end. Turning over the essays and logs, I found that I had broken into endless pieces and disappeared at the end of the darkness. The end of the darkness is not the dawn and dawn, but the more intense and suffocating darkness.
In the darkness, I kept running until I heard a cry. I saw an unyielding soul struggling. The iron chain of reality tied him to the iron walls of reality, and reality turned into countless whips to whip him. Countless blood dyed the sky red, and everything turned clear again in the cry.
This is the truth.
Unconsciously, everything became clean, and the blood had turned into smoke and disappeared - disappeared to leave no trace.
Until a few drops of rain fell, countless thoughts in the dispute to rest, I gasped, hiding in my dream Chen Feng.
Because, the new journey has been starting. This is a game without termination keys.
Jiang Chen

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