Suddenly I want to calm down and write about myself. One, 17 year old self.

Born in Xinjiang, grew up in Xinjiang, but inexplicably has a Jiangnan scholar Fan, is it not from their ancestors?

I once returned to Hunan, but found that I was not suitable there. When I arrived in Guangdong, the daily heat was just a kind of suffering. It seemed that there was only endless sweat and sun in the primary school that year. And, of course, computers.

The primary school in Suxiang seems to be mine In the past 17 years, when there is no trouble, homework is always a little bit. Playing and frolicking every day will make the sun of tomorrow more beautiful.

Five years passed quickly, and the primary school ended. The best friend of primary school has left since junior high school, but now, he seems to wander in the world of mortals, but he is also at ease.

In the sixth grade, we took the so-called "Primary Entrance Examination" for the purpose of that "Mainland Junior High School Class". Unfortunately, poor 13 points. So he went to the county alone and started a new journey.

The junior high school finally has the so-called freedom, because a person rents a house in the county, and the food is naturally done by himself. After three years of cooking, I didn't make any progress, but I had a good stomach. At the weekend, I went to Xinhua Bookstore and read a famous book. The money in my pocket has gradually become a book. So when I came home from junior high school, there was a box, my book. The so-called "extracurricular books".

Unfortunately, I changed a mobile phone that can access the Internet in the second day of junior high, ZJ398, The so-called shanzhai machine. In an accident, I arrived at a self-help website building platform called "Situ". Because I always like to pursue the so-called "network technology", I started the journey of website building. I may not think that this is just the beginning, the beginning of building a website.

Later, I also liked online novels. Under the leadership of Brother Jian, I read the first online novel "Proud Sword Leaving Cloud". This is also the beginning of reading online novels. Later, under the influence of the Legend of Evil Gods, I wanted to write a novel by myself. So I started to write with Brother Jian. At that time, there was no cost to build a self-service website, so we each built a novel website to upload our own novels. I still remember the name of his novel, "The Way of Heaven", while mine seems to be "Nine Days". Of course, these have already become disk fragments.

Unconsciously, the three years of junior high school ended like this. Before I knew it, everything was over. I walked into the middle school entrance examination room vaguely, and came out with the graduation certificate given by Qu Ge (the head teacher of junior high school). It's all over.

I deleted everyone for no reason, because I want to leave a blank. It's a pity that I underestimated my memory. Up to now, I can still recall scenes of so many years, and even the pictures of an innocent child smashing his brother's back with a lock. If possible, I want to say sorry to my brother at that time.

There is no blank in my memory. The result of the high school entrance examination leaves a blank in my mind. 25 points in the middle school entrance examination (full score 30), they can't go to Xinyuan No. 2 Middle School, and the requirements are 26 points.

I went to Xinyuan to take the freshman exam, because I didn't enroll directly, but went according to the exam results 20, then I am the first 21. Of course, they also "mercifully" said: pay high fees can go in.

So I went back to the county. The No. 1 Middle School in the county is free of tuition. Just the so-called "name" is not as good as Xinyuan No. 2 Middle School.

The shadow of the famous tree of man, when he came back, was unwilling. Looking at Uncle, he felt that it was also crooked. But I didn't know it was me.

In the three years of senior high school, I seem to have seen my growth in both the online world and the real world. This kind of growth, however, is accompanied by perseverance and bitterness.

When I came to high school, I chose to live on campus. The map was not changed, only people were changed. Some junior high school students still met in No. 1 Middle School, but they had a feeling of ignorance. I just feel that the emotion I want to write in my heart, under the processing of words and expressions, has a kind of magic power that makes me obsessed. So, crazy writing began.

I have written a lot, and I am constantly growing, because I see more and more, and when I want to write, it will appear in my mind like a fountain.

At this time, I like playing CF, What I like about this shooting game is to see your own bullets and kill enemies when others are stunned. Yes, it's a sneak attack. Together with my best friend Xiao Zhang, under the cover of his sniper, I have been successful in sneaking attacks. Unfortunately, at the beginning of senior three, he chose the military route. Now I'm afraid he's fighting every day CF, It's just a little less fun.

With the establishment and transformation of Fantasy Chenfeng, I began to slowly think about why I was moving forward.

Until that day, I saw a sentence in Maureen's Glasses: Believe that you have the ability, then you really have it.

Therefore, my dream has become my motivation.

Someone asked, this What do you think is the most important thing in 17 years. I think it should be a strong and mature heart. Just like in chess, when playing chess to the extreme, even if you are about to lose, you still face it calmly. Moreover, I am no longer afraid of darkness and loneliness. For three years, countless nights I embraced the darkness, countless nights I lay alone in an empty bed, remembering little by little. Then, record it into a diary. When the diary is full, see the dance of the flame, but find that everything is still starting.

2015 June 5. We drove to Xinyuan to take the college entrance examination. In the Dynasty Hotel, I silently recalled the past, and recalled my countless times. I was afraid that history would repeat itself.

The most sincere prayer, but also the fate of the tease, fortunately, everything is early. How can you control my life? along with June In the afternoon, I walked out of the examination room and drove back to the county. I didn't know what to say about me at that time, because it was coming to an end again.

At the evening party, Ma Chao and I were basically overwhelmed. They helped him to his house. It's good to be drunk.

The next afternoon, the students got together.

It's a pity, Four of the six teachers came. The head teacher is said to have been in Huocheng for unknown reasons. So he was absent. But in fact, there were more absences, because only came 16.

For the rest, I organized a party the next day. I don't think I need to say anything. although 2015 June 9 The weather in the afternoon is really not good, but the cold wind and light rain are more emotional?

On the 10th, go home. wait for On the 24th, the day of performance.

24th At 18:00, the Xinjiang Enrollment Network had more than 30000 candidates CC is successfully inaccessible. So I waited 19:00 30. I opened the Tianshan website and found my own achievements. Not good, not bad.

On the 26th, the score line came out, which was inferior to the second line 13 points.

History really repeats itself again, a little angry, a little unwilling, it's a big deal to reread for one year! But in the end, I chose a gamble.

Two books will always be added, July 31am At 8 o'clock, the second edition began to be supplemented. I'm gambling on the decline of the score line and the number of students enrolled.

I don't know how the gamble ends. I'll empty all three books. It's a big deal, junior college.

I don't know how to choose, but I know that as long as there are dreams, pursuits, love, and people who want to see, there is paradise everywhere. Even if it is hell, I think it is heaven, that is the heaven in my heart.

It's a bit wild, so I can't see myself clearly in the mirror.

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Seventeen years seems to have passed like this. Looking back on the fleeting years, I am worthy of being young. At least, I have grown up.

Jiang Chen


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