”Xuanzang raised his head, looked at the changing clouds in the sky, and said, 'If I want this day, I can no longer cover my eyes, if I want this place, I can no longer bury my heart, if all living beings understand my meaning, if all Buddhas disappear!' "
This is an excerpt from the sixth chapter of Wukong Biography. It took me three hours to finish reading Wukong Biography, which is known as "the first book on the Internet". When I finished reading the ending, I read it again.
The beginning is the end. The end is also the beginning. Under the postmodern writing method, Tang Seng's four masters and disciples were subverted, and the color of tragic heroes was dyed into the sky. The affection between Monkey King and Zixia, the attachment between Pig Bajie and the moon, the love between White Dragon Horse and Tang Monk, Sha Wujing's obsession with returning to heaven, and the ugliness and selfishness of the gods and Buddhas all over the sky... When these are intertwined, a short twenty chapters and about 80000 words describe the sadness, but people are suffocated.
When Monkey King slowly regained his memory, He Zai wrote as follows:
"Pain, such a pain. It cuts into your skull and your soul. Chains! It goes through the pipa bone. So what, so what, I can still stand hahaha. Thunder, breaking the flesh and blood, so what, so what, I can still laugh. But it hurts like this. It goes through my body. It holds my blood. I can't smile. I can't stand up. I lost my body. I can't have it myself. " (Chapter VIII)
So, when he went to the heaven again, Sun Wukong fought with "himself" (the six eared monkey). Under the post-modern technique, he and the six eared monkey returned to the past and went to visit Subhuti, who turned into a wine pot. When the wine pot laughed, he sang a song: "What's the use of heaven and earth? What's the use of the wind and the moon? Can't eat and drink.
What's the use of fine dust? Among all things, what's the use of change? The Tao and the Dharma are self formed.
What's the use of facing the wall? What's the use of a stick when you can't see the torrent? A big bag.
The more the kettle sang, the faster it sang, the happier it became. When it bounced from the ground, it turned into a fat bear with a big belly in the air, slapping its belly and making music, singing: "What's the use of living me? What's the use of not laughing, killing me, and not reducing arrogance.
For a moment, the heaven and the earth responded to his beating of drums. For a moment, the birds in the sky, the trees and grass on the ground, and even the stones were bouncing in response: "Where did they come from? In the same world, you can sing together and walk all over the road. You can't find them for thousands of miles. It's better to meet me with a smile. The shoes and bamboo hats have been walking for thousands of years, and you can travel in the sky for thousands of years, and you can forget everything when you sing. Hi! Hi! Hi! Free and carefree... "(Chapter 16)
At the end, Monkey King killed the six eared Monkey. The Buddha said that Monkey King was the six eared Monkey, and killed Monkey King. Zixia planted a stone on Huaguo Mountain
Everything starts again

The cycle of destiny begins again. Tragedy, once again exaggerated.
Are we doomed not to break free from reincarnation? Always in the hands of those in power? Can't escape from the Wuzhi Mountain?
Just like Sha Wujing, he tried to atone for his sins by putting together all the glazed lamps, but in the end it was just the Queen Mother's mockery?

not reconciled to.
500 years later, I will still fight from Huaguo Mountain to heaven. When will I break away from my fate and when will I stop.

This is my impression of reading Wukong Biography. It's possible. I hope you go and have a look.

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