I have some friends, but when I calmed down to think, I found that how many real friends are there?
Friends, brothers, beauties
This is the division of my network
Friends, bosom friends, when you are frustrated, accompany you with melancholy, but there is no hypocrisy. I will not speak coldly behind your back when you are brilliant. This is my division of friends.
Brothers, regardless of each other, are there when needed.
Beauty, together, there is no ambiguity between lovers, only together, plain.
However, many times, just like a crab, one crab tries to climb up, and others, who have good relations with him, will clamp his hind legs.
Many times, many people are not the same? My friend Luo Yongming, he will always be a person, a person to struggle, a person to enjoy the fruits. Occasionally, only when I get up early, especially early, can I stay with him. More often, I met a group of "friends" when I was endorsing. What I got was: "Jiang Chen, don't pretend to force us to be friends..." or, "What are you pretending to be?"
Most of the time, I met him in the shop and said, "Xiao Jiang, come to celebrate your ******, buy something..." Ha ha ha
Here, I can't help thinking of Xiao Zhang, who is not as good at learning as those people. When we form a team, we never talk about learning. A lot of times when I surf the Internet, it is often him who pays for the Internet, and me who pays for snacks... These can be used to play cf together. Relax. Almost everything between him and me is shared. It is a habit to laugh and scold in the face.
Yesterday, a friend said to me, "Now you have several true friends around you. One by one, they are more insightful. They talk about you behind your back when they pass the exam, and pretend to comfort you when they fail the exam..."
In fact, everyone has such so-called "friends". Why should we pay attention to that group of garbage? Make friends with your heart. Let's keep away from that group
At this time, I can't help thinking that how many bosom friends are left after the lights go out?

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