Today is destined to be a busy day. There are many trivial things. The reasons for some things can be traced back to several years ago. Let's not talk about them here.
There is no water at home (the water pipe is supposed to be frozen), and it is helpless to shovel a pile of snow to feed the sheep. Fortunately, the sheep still make a sound of cheering (b ù), fast (m ǎ n) when eating snow. I'm too lazy to bother. After all, the instinct for survival is common to every animal, including human beings.
It was not easy to go online in the afternoon and found that Academic History Blog My elder sister urged me to update my blog. I don't think she knows that Fantasy Chenfeng is a weekly blog, right? (Although it is one article a day this week) Jiang Chen is still very moved. After all, if he doesn't like your blog, he won't come directly, will he?
Remember staying up late last night“ Blog Home ”For a new skin, thank you very much for the skin designed by @ Autumn Diary. Have you changed into a tall one?
Later, when chatting with @ 5258, he asked me if I had spare space to sponsor others. At this time, I am quite speechless. After all, @ 5258 is also my good brother, so I asked why.
Later I learned that someone asked him for space.
I felt a little speechless. I remembered that in the "WAP webmaster's home", countless primary school students posted posts shouting "for sponsorship space", but they didn't provide anything. Even after the sponsorship space, they scolded XXX on the forum that the space provided by XXX was so damn bad. Who would sponsor me
After watching, I can only say that the WAP circle is on the verge of extinction, and can only be destroyed under the influx of primary school students. But WAP will not die
It's too far. Looking back on the year when Jiang Chen turned one year old on February 10, @ Bad, @ Dou Xiong, @ Li Ming, @ Tiger Club Swimming sponsored space for Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen didn't have much financial resources to express his gratitude. When @ Bad and @ Douxiong sponsored, because those two were also bloggers, he hung a link at the bottom "This site space is sponsored by * *". When he arrived at Li Ming, because Li Ming had a special sale of famous products, Jiang Chen hung an advertisement about the special sale of famous products just like Li Ming to thank him, and hoped that he would make more money.:)
When @ Tiger can swim, Jiang Chen can't think of a good way to thank him. After all, the tiger temporarily handed over his tiger forest to Jiang Chen for management... Jiang Chen thought for a while and could only hang a link at the bottom.
You must repay your kindness. Now, Tiger Green Forest is swarming in. When someone else's work has been sprayed out, Jiang Chen, as the webmaster, wants to close the registration function of Tiger Green Forest. Then clear the account
Pupils, sprayers, the rubbish that disrupts the network, I think it can't be prohibited. After all, it is related to quality.

The last paragraph is for 5258:
If someone needs your help, and you think it is worthwhile to help him, go all out to help. If it's not worth it, you can ignore it. The current Hu60 is no longer like what it used to be, with the influx of a large number of primary school students. Please be careful to help, so as not to be sad after being sprayed.

Jiang Chen

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