Recently, a large number of sites have been mirrored, and have a good ranking in the search engine rankings. The main goal is basically to build a site for more than one year and Government website Therefore, Jiang Chen adheres to the principle of finding one mirror and shielding one, and actively protects the rights and interests of individual sites. At the same time, he hopes that friends can tell me more about the sites that mirror our site.

Once the mirror site becomes the climate, the consequences are incalculable. What's more, I have been painstakingly writing and being mirrored+regularly replaced by others, which naturally makes me feel uncomfortable. (For example, replace your name with his~)

At present, in addition to the dreamy Chenfeng, there are also Xiaoforget Shuyan, Li Ming's blog, Deed blog, Big Cat will also be cute, emlog official website, Lifeblog, Betty, Blog 112 and other personal sites have been mirrored, please deal with the above bloggers as soon as possible!

Solution to image

1. First obtain the IP address of the image site. For example, the IP address of the root domain name "dewaporn. com" is basically

2. Edit the. htaccess file and enter the following content to screen:

 Options -Indexes order allow,deny deny from allow from all

3. If CDN is enabled, add it directly on the CDN mask IP page.

4. Note that the IP address of some mirror sites is not necessarily the IP address you ping, so you need to store the following code in your root directory and name it ip.php:

 <? php $ip=$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; echo 'ok,ip :'.$ip; ?>

5. Access the image site address/ip.php to obtain the IP address of the image, and then mask it.

6. Note that an error in the. htaccess file will make the website 500 directly inaccessible.

Principle of mirror site

The image is basically a reverse proxy+regular replacement (replacing your domain name with the image domain name). Apache can also be implemented using. htaccess. At present, it seems that there is only direct shielding without preventive measures.

Mirror the site of this site

According to the test, the following sites are basically mirror images, which have been blocked at present. If you have new findings, please contact Jiang Chen as soon as possible~

Waiting for discovery

For the mirror image, Jiang Chen silently presented a picture as its homepage:

 403_Copy. jpg

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