In winter, the cold wind like a knife has scratched my cheek. There is no blood stain, only sadness and cold from the heart.
Just out of school, I only hate that I didn't buy a pair of gloves, and my hands were shrunk and cold. When I came out of the beef noodle shop, I felt that I had become a human, not so cold.
Some people say that my recent words are bleak and sad. I don't know what happened to me recently. I can't even control my temper. Zhang Yan said whether it was an emotional problem. I smiled bitterly and said that my love was already cold. In particular, after feeling a kind of charity, playing, and acting like a clown, I no longer have these things called "feelings".
When I become famous, Xu Qing will marry Hongxia.
But in exchange, the flowing water deliberately falls and is merciless.
I didn't want to write this, but somehow I typed it out on the keyboard.

Walking on the street, I took some photos.


In winter, a stray dog, a cold street,
Leaving home, I can only shrink in the corner. But how many people are there. Want to leave home?
I want to go home, but I don't like going home. Home is warm, but I don't like my parents treating me as a child. I want to have my own sky.

Like a kite, flying in the sky, but if there is no concern, no concern from home, waiting, maybe only like a stray dog, hiding in a corner, hoping to survive the cold winter.


The streets are full of vehicles coming and going, without popularity. It seems that the feeling once was like flowing water, leaving us. We want to pursue and retain them, but we can only look far away.
How many beauties do not let go? But only let it pass through your fingers... hold it tight, and it will drain faster······
The tree, in front of the years, can only slowly fall its own leaves. Only when it comes to spring can it be revitalized. So do people? But what if he died in winter?
Ten years later, can I still remember the words I wrote today? Can you still remember the photos taken today? In front of time, everything is unpredictable.

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