It seems that Hong Kong people are particularly angry, not only young people, but also people from all walks of life and ages. Hong Kong people become out of control, as if they suffer from dysaesthesia, turning all the events that have not been confirmed and all the possibilities that have been imagined by themselves into real facts.

Recently, a series of events in Hong Kong show that Hong Kong people are increasingly dissatisfied with the domestic people. Why are Hong Kong people so "unhappy" with the domestic people who bring them economic benefits?

When tens of thousands of domestic tourists come to Hong Kong for tourism and consumption every day to shop in luxury brand stores, tourist spots and even street stalls, Hong Kong people really see the economic benefits that follow; However, they also began to find that their resources, lifestyle, and daily compliance with the laws and regulations are gradually being eroded. The resentment caused by going to Hong Kong to produce children began to be expressed more and more through other channels and ways, and the target has expanded to mainland tourists who come to Hong Kong to "travel freely".

But have Hong Kong people ever thought about the happy days when they went to the mainland, especially Shenzhen, to spend, shop, buy a house, get married and have children, and go to entertainment places every night in the 1980s and 1990s? Aren't you guys? At that time, didn't the inland people welcome each other? Why are there so many complaints? The mainland people will only continue to learn, improve and improve their service quality to entertain Hong Kong people. Now that the mainland is rich, some Hong Kong people treat Hong Kong tourists and shopping in this way. Have Hong Kong people wake up.

I think Hong Kong people live too fast, and unconsciously have multiple pressures on themselves. When faced with difficulties, they always think in a negative way, often expressing "boring" and "gray" as an outlet. I hope Hong Kong people can relax more.

Hong Kong people like to use the topic to express themselves in small matters. Whenever they have the opportunity, they will exhaust their rights and freedom of expression in their mind to express themselves in the topic and give full play to their spirit of complaint.

Hong Kong people have a lot of complaints and great pressure in life. You are no longer Hong Kong people of the past. You are optimistic in the face of adversity and can strive for self-improvement, seek common ground while reserving differences, and be tolerant and considerate. You no longer have the courage to work silently. What are Hong Kong's core values, such as not afraid of difficulties, facing difficulties, having confidence in the future, unity without differentiation, and harmonious coexistence.

Hong Kong needs your rationality and tolerance to face all difficulties. You have enough wisdom to face all adversity. You can no longer engage in internal friction. You should learn to accept other people's opinions and discuss problems rationally!

I hope that Hong Kong people in the future will become rational and intelligent, rather than anti intellectual and arrogant today, picking bones from the eggs of mainland people.

The above is just a personal opinion. The Hong Kong people in the article only represent a small part, not all. Don't you often say that there is freedom of speech? If you feel offended, please do not take your seat according to your number. You are welcome to express your personal opinions.

What do you think of what has happened in Hong Kong since September 26, 2014?

This article is written by“ Li Ming's Blog ”You are welcome to submit your articles to Fantasy Chenfeng!

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