
This is my 200th original article published on the public account (computer course for college students).

The past 2021 is a relatively bad year. The epidemic is only a small one, and more of it is the depression brought by life.

Yes, I choose one word to describe it: Repression

If the general trend is internal

Last year, Inner scroll The hot wave of job competition swept the whole country.

A lot of people told me that the volume is too powerful now, and I also echoed them: Ah, yes, yes.

However, on reflection, it is far from the climax of the Inner Scroll.

The source of the introversion is that under the situation that the group interests are constantly divided and the individual interests are constantly weakened, in order to protect their own interests, they promote their own semi coercive progress.

It's like a large group of people running in a race. If you run with your strength, you may count down. If you don't run hard, you will definitely be at the end of the crane.

You try hard to surpass one person in front of you, but you are overtaken by two people who work harder behind you.

Well, on the contrary, you are one position behind.

The reason for falling behind is that some people run too fast and too ahead.

Why run too far, because I don't want to be the one behind.

What will you do? Only forced forward.

After the match, the feelings of this group are still a group.

Influenced by slow runners, fast runners only achieved lower than expected results; The slow runner did not contribute his own strength, but achieved better results than the individual.

At this time, the contradiction appeared. The group's achievements were pulled down by the influence of individuals. The fast runner and the slow runner would inevitably face opposition.

This contradiction is the cause of internal conflict. Group interests are affected by individuals when they are differentiated into individuals. When the contradiction deepens, it turns into individual opposition.

In the next step, it is bound to be that fast runners gather into new small groups, which will start a new round of introspection and weaken the sense of existence and participation of those who have left behind.

We are currently at this stage, and many people are actively or passively involved in the so-called inner volume.

What's really scary about this stage is that you can't stop fast runners in any way, because there are differences between individuals, and there will always be several runners who run relatively fast.

This can be seen as an inevitable process of social development. Due to the poor quality of capital, the cost paid by the capital side has not increased, and the problem of labor surplus cannot be solved in the jobs provided with limited costs.

This is not a problem of an industry or a region, but a common social problem: The cake is so big. What should I do if I don't have enough to eat? I have to rob others.

So in the long run, when the real inner scroll comes, it will inevitably lead to various Vicious competition

We will be forced to fall behind before we see the tide.

What else can I do? Roll!

If reality is shackles

I know that in 2021, many people will have a hard time.

Under the dual pressure of the epidemic and the inner roll, a large number of young people shouted that they could not move and asked to lie down.

Of course, what I see in reality is more about the King of Roll who yells to lie flat and roll up more ruthlessly than anyone else.

volume still lie , this is a multiple choice question.

Like me, I once wanted to lie down. After all, I have a serious job. Although I can't save a few money, I can still be satisfied.

Living well, eating slowly and loving deeply may be a good choice for most people.

As the Fish Manual of Zishan said: Although it is not a bad thing to live as a rising crane, it is meaningful to choose to be like Zishan even if it is contaminated with dirt. It looks sad but energetic and free!

Years ago, we hosted several students who went home for the Spring Festival. Some of them were directly engaged in doctoral research, some stayed in school to teach, and some went abroad to study.

I told them half jokingly that, look at our table, except me, we are all masters.

Everyone laughed, and I followed suit.

Are I inferior to my peers?

I don't think it's bad.

I'm only 17 years old and a few months old.

If I am 20, 30, 40 years old and have a bachelor's degree, can I make a move?

Don't forget, the people competing with us are not only the post-80s and post-90s generation.

After 00, I also graduated this year.

Some people think that the post-00s are a spoiled generation. They grew up with a golden spoon and fired their boss if they were not happy with their work.

When I saw the news, I almost screamed that the wolf was coming.

I have communicated with many post-00s, who are called Generation Z0 Our young people have stronger acceptance ability, more agile thinking ability and more efficient execution ability than us.

Their work is not driven by the anxiety of lack of money, but by interest and meaning.

This makes it easier for them to pick the fruits of success.

They are the pioneers in the future.

Our crisis is really coming.

It's hard to work, hard to work, and there are still 00 people waiting for it.

The reality is such a shackle, but we have no ability to break it.

Sometimes I think, the pressure really makes me unable to breathe.

What else can we do? Roll!

If the break is a move

Luo Zhenyu, the founder of APP, mentioned Vacillation I think this word is very good.

Teng Nuo is originally a term of Go. What should you do when you are surrounded by your opponents when the enemy is strong and we are weak in the local fight of Go?

A good chess player will move to another place and this chess piece can turn the situation around.


Are you following or not following my chess piece?

If you don't play with me, I will play this game of chess; If you follow me, I will become passive and active.

The master opened up a new battlefield by moving, and the death chess became a living chess game.

This is the way to break the game.

To move is not to be rigid, but to find another place to start a new situation.

In the existing environment, if there is no way out of the inner volume, it is nothing more than an increase in sunk costs.

At this time, you may wish to change your perspective and open up a new environment suitable for your play, which may open up a better situation.

As the old saying goes: trees die, people live.

I have a friend. After graduating from technical secondary school, my family arranged to enter the factory. After a period of work, my body and mind were exhausted.

He often complains with me that if he has a choice, he must study hard.

So he insisted for three years. One day, he told me that he wanted to be a programmer with a monthly salary of tens of thousands.

He asked me repeatedly about the advantages and disadvantages of various IT training institutions and the employment prospects of various development languages.

Then he disappeared with 10000 yuan from his family.

Well, the registration fee of the organization he chose is 9.5k, and he requires to pay the tuition fee in one time.

Two years later, he contacted me again. Instead of becoming a programmer, he became a lecturer of that organization.

Tending is a change in thinking. At the appropriate time, we should put down decisively, abandon the existing achievements, get out, and then look for new outlets to bring the doomed situation back to life.

It's not easy to put it down.

What's more, it's nothing more than getting out of one inner vortex and reaching another inner vortex.

What else can I do? Roll!

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