For a long time, I haven't written anything specifically to commemorate my life. along with @Teacher Wang Yushuang After setting the blog as password access, my interest in writing seems to be getting less and less. At 0:27 on January 12, when the Internet was cut off at that moment, the fear hidden in my heart could always be awakened. Although there is no perception, there are lingering fears. In addition to love and work, there seems to be nothing worth writing about in life. And love? The short love words written to the pillow person every day are not easy to share on the Internet. Therefore, Jiang Chen didn't stop writing. He kept writing, but he didn't send it out. In addition to work and love, there are also family members. I have been wandering outside for more than half a year. My concern and yearning for home has become a daily video of my parents taking pictures of my nieces in the family group, and then a familiar greeting from my brother: "What are you doing bald?" Everything is enough.

Last January, I purchased iPhone SE2 for myself, and this January, I purchased iPad 2021 for myself. The experience of copying on the phone and pasting on the tablet is really good. In addition, the housing loan will finally be pressed on me in January to buy this tablet, which may be the last unbridled for me. At this point, all dreams will be integrated with reality. While down-to-earth, look up at the bright stars, fly your thoughts and fantasies, and tell yourself that everything is going on. On the other hand, buying a tablet is also because the weight of Shenzhou Zhanshen is really not flattering. Nearly three kilograms of things are only suitable for playing games. If you put them on your legs, it is really cruel for you. If you go to other places to play games behind your back, you may lose interest in everything when you are loaded all the way. I didn't seem to have any special needs for writing on the tablet except for code words, but I bought everything I wanted, so I bought an apple pencil. Although I don't write much, I should at least write a little. Especially when looking at the wonderful books and trying to copy them, it is easier to find them than the books that cannot be found every time———— After all, a fifty cent book is always inconspicuous.

So they began to code words on the iPad. I bought One Markdown, which may be a little bad, but I should start with good tools. With the help of iCloud, I started to write this page of wordless words during the synchronization between iPad and computer, and during the experience of copying and pasting tablets on my mobile phone.

In January, I watched everything eating ash, but I didn't know what to shoot when I put the cloud head on it, and there was a layer of grease and dust in my own nest. I felt the pot and bowl, and then I felt the dense of life. When the swallow invited her to have a hot pot at her house, she looked at the same face, felt different fatigue, felt and felt the same but different life, and I just felt that the so-called happiness of life was only wonderful in the ups and downs. As Saite invited him to eat the Kazakh winter meat, he saw the long lost headmaster of Bayi Master. In the close warm embrace, it turned out that everything did not change with distance and time, but was the same as yesterday.

I walked on the street of the county seat, and people came and went in a hurry, but if I looked carefully, I felt a kind of senility again. Growing up here and returning to work, I felt that the water in the pool was drying up. Looking around, in the playback of slow motion, everything was fast and slow, rolling and lying.

In January 2018, life as a migratory bird kicked off the year. Living in the midst of migration, I have a cold, but I am still strong; In January 2019, in the choice of where to go, I chose milk tea and horse meat, and continued to cook youth in the deep mountains with time as the tripod; In January 2020, we will extricate ourselves from the siege of the besieged university and seek peace of mind with passionate words. In the rumors and rumors, we do not distinguish between true and false, but we are still strong to continue; In January 2021, please give yourself a smile and face up bravely to the mediocrity and loss, bit by bit and introspection

In January 2022, trivial, life, be vigorous and forge ahead.

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