A hasty flick of fingers can't match the fleeting looking back cover picture

I haven't written an article for a long time, so I will forget that I once had a pen dipped in ink. However, as time goes by, when everything in my heart returns to calm, I can be calm in the face of the floating dust, and then I understand that time will gradually erase everything, so that everything will be calm. When I watch the wind and clouds rise, I just sigh: "Oh, not so."

In the days when I was silent on the Internet, I wandered around with my work and saw the scenery of other schools, but I felt more meaningful that this is not my own land. When he came back, he would change the work of the past two months from nothing to real paper in two days, and then put it into the archives. Although I don't know how the scheme of nearly 20 short messages came out this morning, I finally realized that I had never lost my life after all I had learned.

Today is a day for me to watch the wind blowing and the clouds relaxing. I bypassed all the monitoring and wanted to hide myself in a corner that nobody knew. In today's fleeting years, all our traces are recorded one by one in time and network, and it is difficult for anyone to escape. I thought I could hide like a knight in the Internet world by standing on my feet, but I didn't know that when my feet came out, everything was already there. However, people's words are small and have never been noticeable; It is just the thin silk that blocks the light, but in the growing wind, there will be a day when the silk will be broken. I looked at silk, but it was still last year. Although it obscures the light, it feels as if you have tasted a honeypot.

Looking up at the sky, the winter snow has not fallen for a long time. The wind and snow in autumn are like an amazing dance. After this peerless dance, there is no follow-up. It seems that the dancing movements of beauty draw people's heart and soul in a moment, but the climax after that has never been felt for a long time.

In these recent days, I tried to get up early and went to bed early. I just want to overcome the ravine of desire in the bottom of my heart again, and want to stand up again and become my own master. In the days of walking corpses, I don't know what I have gained. In the rush of mediocrity, I looked at everything like a gray shadow, lost the color of life. The color of life, either in the endless climax of the fleeting dance dotted with colorful, or in the quiet years of mountain torrents burst out of pride. It is nothing but your choice.

When I walked behind the plaque at the school gate, the most real thing would always be reflected behind the glittering front. And I, looking at myself in the background, thought about it and smiled bitterly. Recently, I paid my salary, returned my credit card, renewed my domain name and server, and spent several dollars so that Industrial Bank came to ask if it was stolen. The insistence of $10 a year and the continuation of $35 a month only beg for no regrets. At the beginning of regretless, it seems that I want to be my own master. So I want to learn from a librarian and a teacher. I bought his books in the Amazon Kindle store. It seems that they are not very expensive, only half a hundred.

Shortly after buying books and preparing to eat ashes, I looked at the crowd and said that I would pay for food. I looked at my wallet and balance, and sighed that the so-called romantic years, the so-called romantic years, after all, there will be some fireworks flavor of the world of mortals. I always thought I could live without the smoke and fire of the world of mortals, but I found that everyone could not escape from it, leaving the taste of firewood, salt, soy, vinegar and tea.

With a sigh, he returned to his dark corner under the lamp. It seems that only here, with no one's eyes watching, and in the darkness of the light alone, can I feel a bit secure and can weave my own web and write my own words.

There is a story in Genius on the Left and Madman on the Right that a "psychopath" sees everyone as an animal, with the same characteristics as an animal. If it were me, it might be this spider who wants to hide in the warmest and darkest corner and weave a web quietly. Don't ask for big wind and big waves, just ask for warmth and cold.

In November, everything was unexpected. With the rapid pace of time and fleeting time, we can say goodbye to October in a hurry.

Hello, I'm Jiang Chen.

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