starry sky

Looking up at the stars, what would you think of?

I will think of which star will become in the sky after death.

It is said that every person who dies in the world will have a star in the sky.

Looking at the twinkling stars at the moment, I guess those who lived before must be very gorgeous people.

So those stars will still be so bright after death.

The dim stars are always easy to ignore. They are so far away from people. I guess there must be some people in the stars who want to be isolated from the world.

Those small and lusterless stars may have lost to the moon and the big stars in the darkness, but there is also a possibility that they never had the heart to compete.

Keep your original intention, hang in a corner where no one cares, silently shine.

"Life is also what I want; righteousness is also what I want. Neither of them can be achieved at the same time. Those who give up their lives to get righteousness are also what I want. What I want is more than life, so I don't want to get it; death is also what I hate, and what I hate is more than the dead, so there is nothing wrong with suffering. If people want nothing more than life, why not let anyone who can get life? It makes people worse than the dead, so why not treat the patients? From what is right, there is no need to be born, and from what is right, there is no need to act. So what we want is more than the living, and what we hate is more than the dead. It is not only the virtuous who have their own heart, but also everyone. The virtuous can not lose their ears. "

I don't want to be a sage, and villains are also good.

There is no ideological and moral shackles. Half of them grow up in the dark and become demons that people can't avoid, and half of them grow up in the shadow and become hypocrites that everyone spurns.

Half human and half ghost walk on the earth, waiting for the arrival of death, and then hold me in my arms.

Looking at the place where I was born, grew up, and will be buried in this place, I may feel sad when I die: taking a pile of loess is the world's last farewell to me.

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