Schools and training institutions

Provider of educational technology solutions and online live educational courses: Class Over Inc

Class Over Inc., founded in 2020 and headquartered in New York City, New York, USA, Classover specializes in providing interactive online live streaming courses for K-12 students at home and abroad, providing diversified courses and technical solutions suitable for different learning levels and ages
China Concept Shares in the US

China Comprehensive Education Support Service Company: Sichuan Curriculum Standard Technology Jiade Ltd. (JDZG)

Sichuan Curriculum Standards Technology Co., Ltd. Jiade Ltd. (NASDAQ: JDZG) was founded in 2019, headquartered in Chengdu, China, with 22 full-time employees. The Chinese subsidiary of JIADE is a company specialized in providing one-stop comprehensive education support services for adult education institutions
Private companies and companies to be listed

University and college academic course scheduling and course management service company: Coursedog, Inc

Founded in 2018, Coursedog, Inc., headquartered in New York City, New York, is an Internet company that provides curriculum and schedule planning solutions for higher education - the platform provides integrated curriculum scheduling and curriculum management for higher education, and sends survey questions to teachers