Xia Tu Wen Kai GB

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Xia Tu Wen Kai GB

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Font Introduction

In December 2020, FONTWORKS, a famous Japanese font manufacturer, released seven open source Japanese fonts on GitHub, of which Klee One has the largest number of characters and Imitating Song Dynasty and Regular script With elegant appearance and high readability, it is very suitable for text typesetting. Compared with the general textbook style, Klee One retains the tradition printing Some characteristics of fonts. In 2021, Haze duck lxgw On the basis of it, add and modify the font to make " Xia Tu Wen Kai "/LXGW WenKai font is widely welcomed. In addition, some font lovers have also produced other derivative versions, such as " Coriander /Iansui, etc.

Although Xiapai regular script has modified the Chinese characters within the scope of GB/T 2312-80 and the General Specification of Chinese Characters Table to make it close to the new Chinese characters introduced in mainland China, it still retains the features of Klee One printing, such as the straight point of "亠亠亠亠亠亠亠亠亠㇜㇜㇜" and the broken pen design at the corners of strokes, etc. Therefore, some people believe that Xiapai regular script is not standardized, It is not "G source font" and does not conform to the writing habit of regular script. In view of this, on the basis of Xia Tu Wen Kai, I further modified the font and pen shape as strictly as possible in accordance with the Chinese mainland font standard (G source font), continued to use the name of "Xia Tu Wen Kai", and added the suffix "GB" to indicate that the font follows the national standard.

At present, the font contains 8105 Chinese characters included in the General Standard Chinese Character List (2013), 7000 Chinese characters included in the General Modern Chinese Character List (1988), and Chinese characters included in GB/T 2312-80, basically meeting the requirements of modern Chinese( simplified Chinese character Chinese characters) are required for use and suitable for educational purposes (such as compulsory education books, children's books, copybooks, etc.). Since the regular weight of Klee font is too thin, the SemiBold weight of the original font is selected as the regular weight of this font.

 Xia Tu Wen Kai GB
 Xia Tu Wen Kai GB
 Xia Tu Wen Kai GB
 Xia Tu Wen Kai GB
 Xia Tu Wen Kai GB
 Xia Tu Wen Kai GB
 Xia Tu Wen Kai GB
 Xia Tu Wen Kai GB

Font Style

 Xia Tu Wen Kai GB
 Xia Tu Wen Kai GB
 Xia Tu Wen Kai GB
 Xia Tu Wen Kai GB

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matters needing attention

For the adjustment of this font, refer to the General Standard Chinese Character Table, GF 0023-2020 General Standard Chinese Character Stroke Order Specification, and other regular script and imitation Song script (such as "Standard Regular Script for Teaching Materials") that follow the national standard. Try to eliminate Klee One's "straight point", "broken pen" and other traditional print features, and conform to the writing habit of regular script. However, a few of the differences between the standard Kaishu characters and the standard Kaishu characters are regarded as unchanged styles. For example, because of the large number of characters involved in the surrounding word box "mouth" and other parts, the original style of Klee is retained without modification; In addition, it is limited to the original style of Klee font, and does not distinguish between "hanging needle vertical" and "hanging exposed vertical". If there is any omission in the font standard, please click https://github.com/lxgw/LxgwWenkaiGB/issues/1 Feedback.

Included in GB/T 2312-80 traditional Chinese character The character "Qu" U+9EB4 is not included in this font. It is replaced by the analogy simplified character "Zi" U+9EB9 included in the General Specification Chinese Character List. Therefore, the font counting software will display that the number of Chinese characters within the scope of GB/T 2312-80 of this font is 6762.

At present, this font does not plan to include traditional characters and rare characters out of the table. If there are missing characters, it can be considered to be the same as the original "Xia Tu Wen Kai"( https://github.com/lxgw/LxgwWenKai )And other Klee One derived fonts (but cannot be guaranteed to be standard fonts), or continue to use other Klee One derived fonts such as the original "Xia Tu Wen Kai".

Copyright License

This font is a Klee open source project developed and released by FONTWORKS based on SIL Open Font License 1.1. Klee is a trademark of FONTWORKS.

This font can be freely used by individuals or enterprises without paying, informing or identifying the original author. (But I would appreciate it if you told me.)

This font can be freely spread, shared, or installed in the system, software or APP. It can be bundled with any software for redistribution and/or sold together.

This font can be freely modified, transformed and derived. The font after modification or transformation must also be disclosed as SIL OFL.

When creating a derived font, the font name cannot use the "reserved name" of the original font. The font retains the name "Xia Ya" and "LXGW". Based on the font derived from this font, the name cannot contain the words "Xia Ya" or "LXGW"; Without modifying the font source code, the font recompiled can continue to use the reserved names of the font, "Xia Ya" and "LXGW".

According to SIL Open Font License 1.1, it is prohibited to sell font files (OTF/TTF files) separately.

This font cannot be distributed under a license other than SIL Open Font License 1.1.

reference material

Source of font: https://github.com/lxgw/LxgwWenkaiGB

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Article Title: Xia Tu Wen Kai GB

Article link: https://www.mfonts.cn/8703.html

Updated on: June 7, 2024

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