[Original] Python 3 Crater Record - PIP that can't be upgraded

After processing the disconnected MySQL, I came across a PIP that could not be upgraded, and the process was very strange. Prompt that the upgrade failed, but when you click the compiler again, it shows the latest version. The pip list still shows the old version. What's wrong with PyCharm

Read on [Original] Python 3 Crater Record - PIP that can't be upgraded

[Original] Python 3: Cradling in MySQL

This week, the company assigned a new project. After intense discussion with the tutor, they finally agreed to adopt Python 3.8.2+Django 3.0.4+MySQL to implement the full system.

But the good times didn't last long. I fell down when I started to build the environment

Read on [Original] Python 3: Cradling in MySQL

[Original] Server survival guide - SWAP virtual memory one click configuration script

This is Small Memory Server Survival Guide - SWAP Virtual Memory A continuation of. After the last tutorial of setting virtual memory was launched, it was too troublesome to set virtual memory manually every time. Alas, it was too lazy~
But laziness is not an excuse. Since you are lazy, why not write a script to set up the server in the future? Don't talk too much, get down to business

Read on [Original] Server survival guide - SWAP virtual memory one click configuration script

[Original] Server network optimization tool -- One click installation script of Net Speeder

Net Speeder is a "violent" tool to solve packet loss. His working principle is to send data packets in double quantity. Since you lost it, I would like to send more bags.
Another advantage of Net Speeder is that it supports OpenVZ (OVZ) virtualization architecture, and many super cheap small servers can run.

Note: Because Net Speeder is a network with low packet loss and high availability through multiple packets, it may violate the terms of service (TOS) of some service providers (IDC). Please be careful.

Read on [Original] Server network optimization tool -- One click installation script of Net Speeder

[Original] Server network optimization tool -- A concise tutorial for installing Net Speeder

I wrote a sharp installation tutorial before, but sometimes, in case of a high latency and unstable link, I still need some auxiliary tools to optimize it. Net Speeder is a software that optimizes the download speed of a single thread on high latency unstable links.

Read on [Original] Server network optimization tool -- A concise tutorial for installing Net Speeder

[Original] SHELL optimization under unstable network - MOSH installation details

Mosh, It is a shell connection mode based on UDP transmission. He supports creating a temporary key on the server for the client to connect at one time, which will become invalid after exiting. The original intention of the software design is to provide an optimal solution for mobile networks, or high latency and high packet loss environments.

Read on [Original] SHELL optimization under unstable network - MOSH installation details

[Original] Linux desktop practice - GUI graphical interface installation tutorial

An operating system is a computer program that manages computer hardware and software resources. According to the application field, there are three kinds of operating systems: desktop operating system, server operating system and embedded operating system. The Windows operating system we often contact is one of the desktop operating systems.

However, based on Linux server There are so few desktop environments under the system, plus IDC's simplification of the system, that the Linux desktop is indeed a threshold for users who are new to the server/VPS.

This article is based on Ubuntu's next gorgeous desktop system, K ubuntu -Take Desktop as an example to explain how to deploy the desktop environment under the server system.

Read on [Original] Linux desktop practice - GUI graphical interface installation tutorial

[Original] TCP test tool under Linux - A concise tutorial of TCPING installation

PING is a network tool used to test whether a packet can reach the target host through ICMP protocol. The program will estimate the rate of lost packets according to the time and the number of successful responses. But compared with ICMP protocol, TCP is more widely known and used. Now let's introduce a new network testing tool - TCPING.

Read on [Original] TCP test tool under Linux - A concise tutorial of TCPING installation

[Original] Cleverly solve WGET/URL failure - CA certificate is not trusted

There are three treasures under the Linux operating system: WGET, CURL, Aria2, all of which are magic tools for downloading files. However, there is such a fault that we are stuck in the throat—— ERROR: The certificate of is not trusted

Read on [Original] Cleverly solve WGET/URL failure - CA certificate is not trusted