[Original] The move of the website - 256MB roar

This morning, I was awakened by an email. It's rare that we, an unpopular website, was attacked by DDOS

In order to save the life of the website, I asked the magic conch tactfully, and the miraculous solutions of the pictures emerged one after another. However, the final point is nothing more than two methods - to access the CDN or to switch to a defensive server.

CDN, The full name content distribution network, relying on thousands of server clusters, can send requests back to the source nearby and clean attack traffic. It sounds like a wonderful solution. Take CloudFlare in the United States as an example. They provide a free plan package that allows users to spend the least cost and get very good protection effects. So I excitedly connected the website to CF and thought it was over, but who knows

Hello? How to attack? I'm connected to CF's defense? I made a call to my good friend and found out that the reason was that the IP address had been exposed. I could only mend the situation if I went to CF again. The server is continuously empty routed, and the website cannot be opened now.

At present, there are only two ways before me:
1. Wait for the attack to stop
2. Change the IP address of the server and hide it behind the CF.

When the attack stops... I don't think it's reliable. The only alternative is to change the IP address of the server, and then put it behind the CF.

IP change! End! Yes! But after changing the IP address, CF gave me a blow with his shabby international links. It takes 20 seconds for the website to load and display normally

20 seconds!!!
Forget it. I'd better change to a slightly defensive server
I borrowed one from a friend. This time, the defense is available, but the configuration is a bit hard to explain

Alas... No more words. I squatted aside to wipe away my tears

Attachment: Server configuration of my current site

There are 3 comments on [Original] Website Moving - 256MB Rage

  1. In fact, it's your configuration problem. CF is the lowest cost solution at present. In addition, the first thing is to optimize the local server, making it static as far as possible and separating dynamic from static.

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