where `id`='39089' limit 1 Top Ten Scenic Spots in Western China Pick up the Camera and Set Out _ Travel Notes in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan _ Yellow Pages of Landscape Tourism
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Top Ten Scenic Spots in Western China Pick up your camera and set out

|Published on June 25, 2014 16:56:47 | Source: Network | Destination: Xishuangbanna



The western part of China is a tourist destination that tourists yearn for, a fairyland on earth jiuzhaigou , Plateau Pearl Shangri-La Oasis in desert belt Xishuangbanna ... Each place has its own charm and is worth appreciating carefully. Let's take a look at the top ten scenic spots in western China and get ready for the next small holiday~

   Sichuan Langzhong - Fengshui Ancient City



Langzhong and Yunnan Lijiang Shanxi Pingyao and Shexian County in Anhui Province are called four ancient cities in China. Located in the northeast of Sichuan, in the middle reaches of the Jialing River, surrounded by mountains and surrounded by water, it is a famous ancient city of geomancy, also a hometown of Chinese Spring Festival culture, and has the reputation of "Langyuan Wonderland".

   Anshun, Guizhou the most beautiful place in China


Anshun is known as "the most beautiful place in China". There are five national key scenic spots in Anshun, including Huangguoshu, Longgong, Yelang Cave, Getu River and Hongfeng Lake. There are also rich cultural resources, such as Yunfeng Tunpu, a complete collection of Ming Tunpu villages.

   Jiuzhaigou Valley - a fairyland on earth


Jiuzhaigou is famous for "fairy tale world" and "fairyland on earth". "Jiuzhaigou returns without looking at the water" is a true interpretation of the scenery of Jiuzhaigou. 108 Haizi, including springs, waterfalls, rivers and beaches, form a colorful jade basin in the Yaochi Lake, which combines flying and tranquility, and combines hardness and gentleness. In 1992, it was officially listed in the World Natural Heritage List. Since then, it has become the throne of world tourism and the magical "dream world" that Chinese and foreign tourists yearn for.

   Daocheng Yading the Last Shangri La

Daocheng Yading is known as "the last Shangri La" because of its unique original natural environment and beautiful scenery. In addition to the Pearl Sea, Milk Sea and other glaciers and lakes, the most desirable thing in Daocheng is the famous snow peak in Tibet - Daocheng Peak, which is also a holy place for Tibetan pilgrims.

   Yining Xinjiang is the most beautiful


Yining City, located in the northwest of Xinjiang, is a national historic and cultural city. There is a good line in Chen Yunhe's poem "The Most Beautiful Place in Yining": "The most beautiful place in Xinjiang is Yining, and the most beautiful place in Yining is Sayram Lake and Guozigou".

   Chifeng Inner Mongolia in miniature




Chifeng City, located in the southeast of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, is a famous Hongshan cultural center at home and abroad. There are grasslands, forests, mountains, deserts, lakes, hot springs, stone forests, ice mortar, ice and snow and other landscapes in the territory, known as the "epitome of Inner Mongolia".

   Shangri La - Paradise on Earth




Whether you like natural scenery or cultural history, you will gain something in Shangri La. The extremely diversified original natural scenery - a vast area of spruce and fir virgin forest, glaciers with thousands of years of memory, the ancient rare species Yunnan golden monkey, the original mountain azalea with flowers, remember the thousands of years of time memory that Hengduan Mountain once passed through; Rich cultural and historical landscape - Dukezong, a thousand year old city on the Tea Horse Ancient Road, and Songzanlin Temple, the "Little Potala Palace" with nearly 400 years of history

   Tengchong - Mystery




Tengchong, a small town, is quiet and serene, simple and leisurely. Located at the border between Yunnan and Myanmar, it is a trade port connecting Yunnan to Southeast Asian countries such as Myanmar, India, Pakistan, etc. It is not only a key border town since the Yuan and Ming Dynasties, but also full of mystery because of its unique geographical location and the residence of 23 ethnic minorities.

   Xishuangbanna - Magic Land




Xishuangbanna is located in the southernmost part of Yunnan Province. In ancient Dai language, it is called "Mengbalanasi", which means "ideal and magical paradise". It is famous for its magical tropical rainforest natural landscape and ethnic customs. The annual Water Splashing Festival is held from April 13 to 15, attracting many tourists at home and abroad, known as the "Oriental Carnival".

   Three Gorges - spectacular scenery



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