where `id`='36739' limit 1 Food, clothing, accommodation and travel in outbound travel are all in our notes _ Travel Guide to Beijing, Australia, Australia _ Yellow Pages of Landscape Tourism
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Food, clothing, housing and transportation in outbound travel are all in our attention

Skytour2013 | Published on August 29, 2013 11:01:00 | Source: reprinted | Destination: Australia
What should I pay attention to in food, clothing, housing and transportation? This problem has always puzzled me. First of all, taking outbound travel to Australia as an example, I often get confused because of the long-term distance. After all, I am not familiar with the local natural climate and cultural environment, which will greatly affect my smooth travel, There are many friends who have put forward suggestions to me on these issues. For example, Tianyue Travel Agency, which has many friends participating in it, has a very formal overall planning of professionals in the industry.
Although I can't master everything during the tour, I should at least have a general understanding of the local life customs, so I also need the guidance of professionals, and then introduce the most unique and beautiful scenery of the local to me in detail.
1. Time difference: Australia is divided into three time zones: eastern western and central time zones. New South Wales, where Sydney is located, is in the eastern time zone. The non summer time is 2 hours faster than Beijing, and the summer time is 3 hours faster than Beijing; New Zealand time is 4 hours faster than Beijing time.
2. Climate: Australia and New Zealand are located in the southern hemisphere. The climate is pleasant all the year round and there is no extreme temperature difference. The season is opposite to China. Please bring clothes according to the local temperature.
3. Currency: The unit of Australian currency is Australian dollar and decimal system. A hundred Australian cents equals one Australian dollar. The monetary unit of New Zealand is the New Zealand dollar. The US dollar is the common currency. You can freely exchange at local hotels, banks and duty-free shops.
4. Insurance: according to the regulations of the National Tourism Administration travel agency Tourists who have purchased travel agency liability insurance are still recommended to purchase individual outbound travel insurance by themselves. (RMB 30/person)
5. Accommodation: It's comfortable to stay in the tourist hotel in Australia and New Zealand. However, toothbrushes, toothpaste, slippers and other personal items are generally not available. Please bring the above items by yourself. The hotel socket is a three item flat socket with a voltage of 240V/250V
Accommodation, jet lag and the most important insurance can be said that these aspects must be paid attention to when traveling abroad. Due to the different living customs in each region, they also affect our travel methods. Tianyue Travel Agency has made a comprehensive analysis and summary of these aspects for us, so as to successfully guarantee our travel.
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