where `id`='14285' limit 1 How to choose a travel route in Guilin _ Travel Guide to Nanjing, Jiangsu _ Yellow Pages of Landscape Tourism
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How to choose Guilin tourist routes

Nanjing China Travel Agency |Published on April 28, 2008 11:32:00 | Source: reprint | Destination: Nanjing
choice Tourist routes There should be sufficient information sources, and hearsay is strictly prohibited. The right choice Guilin Tourist Routes First, there should be sufficient information sources to understand Guilin To learn about Guilin's landscape, this information includes: newspaper and magazine reports, literature book descriptions, especially articles such as tourists' travel notes, and some books about Guilin's geography, history and culture, which can be used as reference materials for choosing Guilin's tourism routes. It is the most convenient way of information source to make full use of network resources to search and query Guilin's scenic spot information, pictures and text materials. Guilin is rich in tourism resources. If hearsay information is used, it is often easy to get into the wrong zone. Especially some "Mustang guides" at the station and dock and some taxi drivers may deliberately mislead tourists for their own interests. Grasp the core key scenic spots and scenic spots of Guilin tourism Guilin tourism circle includes Guilin City and 12 surrounding counties, including Lipu County, Longsheng County, Xing'an County, Ziyuan County, Linchuan County, Lingui County, Guanyang County, Gongcheng County, Quanzhou County, Yongfu County and Pingle County of Yangshuo County.
Guilin tourism should focus on Yangshuo of Lijiang River in Guilin. The local regular tourist route is the best route. When traveling in Guilin, you must understand the distribution of Guilin tourist attractions and the classification of scenic spots. Don't take it for granted that your own inherent ideas are the basis for choosing Guilin tourist routes. For example, many tourists think that Guilin is a city and there is no place worth visiting in the city, which is actually a wrong idea. The city is in the scenery, and the scenery is in the city. Guilin is full of beautiful scenery, which is one of the characteristics of Guilin's tourist landscape. "Guilin's landscape is the best in the world", which is almost a household name. Some tourists even think it is a slogan, but the author of this "slogan" is an ancient person. The catchy poem "Guilin's landscape is the best in the world" has a history of nearly a thousand years. Could the ancients be wrong? Another example is that many people don't think much of Guilin's parks. They take Guilin's parks for granted as amusement parks within the walls. They don't have any opinions. This is also a mistake. The biggest feature of Guilin's landscape is that everything is a natural landscape, not an artificial garden landscape. Guilin's parks are the essence scenic spots of Guilin, and Guilin's riverside parks (Elephant Trunk Hill Fubo Mountain Piled Silk Hill )Seven Star Park and Reed Flute Cave Scenic Spot are both national AAAA scenic spots Xishan Park Chuanshan Park Nanxishan Park and Yushan Park are also famous scenic spots. Each county around Guilin has its own characteristics. Considering the traffic factors, the best choice is to travel around Guilin and stay in Guilin. Generally speaking, the tourist price is composed of the following factors: scenic spots, project tickets, meal fees, accommodation and transportation fees Scenic spots, tourist projects Generally, the prices of scenic spots and various tourist projects in Guilin are fixed and transparent, Basically, there is no increase or decrease in price due to peak season or off season. The price of tickets to visit the Lijiang River will be lowered during the dry season, and the price changes will be timely reported in various media, including television, newspapers, the Internet and other media. The price is open and transparent, and can be seen almost everywhere in the travel price list of stations, docks, hotels and hotels. In short, the cost of scenic spots is fixed and transparent. The way to save money is to choose representative and elite scenic spots as far as possible and avoid similar projects. Meals and meal expenses Meals have little impact on travel expenses. There are usually two ways to pay for meals: group meal and individual meal. The cost of group meals is fixed, so there is no need to say more; In fact, it is very easy to pay for meals by yourself. There are restaurants and restaurants of different sizes and grades everywhere in Guilin for guests to choose from. Whether in the streets or around the scenic spots, there are all kinds of high, medium and low-end Chinese and Western restaurants with different flavors from north to south, and many local snacks with reasonable prices. The overall consumption level in Guilin is not high. For example, the price of Guilin rice noodles for breakfast is usually 1.7-1.8 yuan/2 liang, and the price of a hot pot chicken in a small restaurant is only about 30 yuan. If two people travel together, find an ordinary restaurant to order a hot pot chicken. Such consumption is actually far better than the group meal of 15 yuan/person. The meal of individual guests in groups has many benefits for the guests to take care of themselves, because the guests come from different places with different tastes and habits, and it is difficult to unify the hygiene standards and consumption grades. The practice of taking care of themselves at meals is more personalized. Dining is at the tourists' discretion and is generally welcomed by tourists. Accommodation costs account for a large proportion of tourism costs, and their changing factors are also large. On the one hand, hotels are of different grades. Star rated hotels and non star rated hotels themselves have huge differences in price. Even hotels of the same grade have different prices due to different degrees of novelty and geographical locations; On the other hand, the accommodation prices in the off season and the peak season are also different. During the golden week, some accommodation increases even more than 100-200%. Controlling accommodation expenses is the key to saving tourism expenses. The best way to save money is to travel away from the golden week. By booking on behalf of travel agencies, the price will be much lower than the normal store price. Transportation costs The impact of transportation costs on the overall tourism costs is also small. The individual tour groups organized by our agency are usually free of transportation fees in the city. As a discount to tourists, they give away profits to tourists. Therefore, the best way to travel is to join the individual tour organized by our agency. Where is the most economical place to join the delegation? Is it more cost-effective to join a group tour at the place of departure or to join a local organized tour in Guilin? This problem seems simple, but many tourists are puzzled. The reason is the same as asking whether it is cost-effective to buy goods directly at the factory price, or whether it is cheaper to find a middleman or shop. However, many consulting tourists still often ask: why is it cheaper to participate in the N-day tour in our local group than in Guilin after deducting the transportation costs? The reason is very simple. Please learn to analyze the content of scenic spots in the itinerary provided by the travel agency outside the city. Such as "overlooking XX Mountain", "touring XX landscape by car", "visiting Guilin Rong and Fir Lake Scenic Area" or "walking on Zhengyang Pedestrian Street", etc., are actually free of charge.
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