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 Thailand Visa

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Tourists' attention

Product No.: 1

Thailand Visa

Landscape price: ¥280 Market price: ¥300 element Starting price description
Handling time: 3 working days
term of validity: 90 days
Maximum stay: Customs
Visa interview: Not required
Invitation: Not required
Scope of acceptance: nationwide
Package type:
Regional passport and tourist visa
Visa month:
June July August
Date of visa:
one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five twenty-six twenty-seven twenty-eight twenty-nine thirty
Number of visas:

The enterprise providing this visa is an ordinary member, and has no online booking function!

  • Visa details
  • payment method
  • Last updated: December 26, 2019

visa type

working day

Materials required

term of validity

Duration of stay

Expense (yuan)

Travel? sign


Passport, 2 recent photos within half a year

3 months


280 (regional passport)

Passport outside the district: 310

Business sign


Passport, 5 photos

3 months

90 days

one thousand two hundred and fifty




1. The materials and prices required for visa will be adjusted at any time according to the requirements of the Embassy;

2. The working day is the normal time for the consulate to review the issuance of visas. In case of holidays, diplomatic activities and other special reasons, the issuance of visas is delayed, please understand. We will not be responsible for any loss caused by the customer's travel arrangement before obtaining a visa or the customer's inability to enter the country due to his own reasons

3. The passport shall be valid for more than 6 months

4. The above price does not include the invoice, Nanning Outside the city, you must pay the express fee yourself

payment method

——Payment method is not filled——

Publish Consultation

You can consult our staff before purchasing products, and we will reply you in time! The travel agency will change the itinerary, schedule, accommodation and other parameters of some products at any time, so this reply is only valid for the questioner at that time, and only for other tourists' reference! The consultation reply time is from 9:00 to 18:00 from Monday to Friday. Please wait patiently for the staff's reply!
  • contact information:
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Service Centre

Guangxi Kanghui International Travel Agency
Service hotline
Tel.: 13978878296
Consulting telephone 2 15878196114

Booking process